
.GUID 1d7d9b3f-14d0-4155-8136-86d04662af0f

ShowTcpConnection.ps1 - script for getting the TCP connections and print information to the screen
ShowTcpConnection.ps1 - script for getting the TCP connections and print information to the screen. Used for checking and monitoring of TCP connections.
With 'OutGridView' parameter script will present information using the Out-GridView commandlet
With 'Monitor' parameter scritp will update connection information periodically and show new and closed connections
.PARAMETER -CheckInterval
'CheckInterval' parameters defines the time in secconds between getting the TCP connections in the 'Monitor' mode. Default value - 60 sec.
.PARAMETER -LocalAddress
Specifies an array of local IP addresses. This parameter is correspond '-LocalAddress' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
Specifies an array of local ports. This parameter is correspond '-LocalPort' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
.PARAMETER -RemoteAddress.
Specifies an array of remote IP addresses. This parameter is correspond '-RemoteAddress' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
.PARAMETER -RemotePort
Specifies an array of remote ports. This parameter is correspond '-RemotePort' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
Specifies an array of TCP states. This parameter is correspond '-State' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
.PARAMETER -AppliedSettings
Specifies an array of values of applied settings. This parameter is correspond '-AppliedSetting' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
Specifies the PID of the owning process of a TCP connection. This parameter is correspond '-OwningProcess' parameter of Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet
.PARAMETER -ProcessName
Specifies the names of the owning processes of a TCP connection. In this case script will show only TCP connections of correspond processes.
.PARAMETER -ExcludeProcessName
Specifies the names of the owning processes which will be excluded from report.
When this parameter is specified, script will write output information to file $PsScriptRoot\ShowTcpConnection_log.txt
PS> .\ShowTcpConnections.ps1
In this case script will dump all TCP connections to the screen.
PS> .\ShowTcpConnections.ps1 -OutGridView
In this case script will show all TCP connections using Out-GridView cmdlet.
PS> .\ShowTcpConnections.ps1 -Monitor
Script will monitor TCP connections and renew connections data in default checking interval 60 sec.
PS .\ShowTcpConnections.ps1 -Monitor -CheckInterval 120
Script will monitor TCP connections and renew connections data in checking interval 120 sec.
PS .\ShowTcpConnections.ps1 -ProcessName Skype
Script will show TCP connections of Skype processes.
PS .\ShowTcpConnection.ps1 -ProcessName Skype, outlook, MicrosoftEdgeCP
Script will show TCP connections of Skype, outlook, MicrosoftEdgeCP processes.
PS .\ShowTcpConnection.ps1 -ExcludeProcessName Skype, outlook, MicrosoftEdgeCP
Script will show TCP connections of all porocesses except of Skype, outlook, MicrosoftEdgeCP processes.
PS .\ShowTcpConnection.ps1 -Monitor -CheckInterval 10 -ProcessName Skype, outlook, MicrosoftEdgeCP
Script will monitor TCP connections and renew connections data in checking interval 10 sec for Skype, outlook, MicrosoftEdgeCP processes only.

    [Parameter()][int]$CheckInterval = 60,

function Get-TcpConnectionInfo

    Out-Debug "Function [Get-TcpConnectionInfo]";
    $CimTcpConnections = Get-NetTcpConnection @GetNetTcpConnectionParams;

    if($ProcessName) { $CurrentPrNames = $ProcessName; }
    elseif($ExcludeProcessName)    { $CurrentPrNames = $ExcludeProcessName; }
        $Ids = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[int];
        foreach($CurrentPrName in $CurrentPrNames)
            Get-Process -Name $CurrentPrName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id | ForEach-Object { $Ids.Add($_) };
        if($ProcessName) { $CimTcpConnections = $CimTcpConnections | Where-Object {$_.OwningProcess -in $Ids } }
        elseif($ExcludeProcessName) { $CimTcpConnections = $CimTcpConnections | Where-Object {$_.OwningProcess -notin $Ids } }
    $TotalConnections = $CimTcpConnections.Count;
    Out-Debug "Total connections: [$TotalConnections]";

    $Connections = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PsObject];
    $Svcs = @{};

    $CimTcpConnections | ForEach-Object {
        $Connection = New-Object PSObject;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty LocalAddress $_.LocalAddress;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty LocalPort $_.LocalPort;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty RemoteAdderss $_.RemoteAddress;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty RemotePort $_.RemotePort;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty State $_.State;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty AppliedSetting $_.AppliedSetting;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty PID $_.OwningProcess;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty CreationTime $_.CreationTime;

        $PsId = $_.OwningProcess;
            $Process = Get-Process -Id $PsId -ErrorAction Stop;
            $PsName = $Process.Name;
            $PsPath = $Process.Path;
            Write-Error "[!] Process with ID [$PsId] is not found";
            Out-Debug "[!] Process with ID [$PsId] is not found";
                $PsConnection = Get-NetTCPConnection -OwningProcess $PsId -ErrorAction Stop;
                Out-Debug "Connection with [$PsId] is not found";
                $PsConnection = $null;
                Write-Warning "[!] Connection without running process:";
                $Info = $PsConnection | Format-Table -AutoSize;
                Out-Info -Info $Info;
            $PsName = 'Undefined';
            $PsPath = 'Undefined';

        if($PsName -eq 'svchost')
            $WmiSvcs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_service | Where-Object { $_.ProcessId -eq $PsId };
            foreach($WmiSvc in $WmiSvcs)
                $SvcName = $WmiSvc.Name;
                $DisplayName = (Get-Service -Name $SvcName).DisplayName;
                $Names += "$SvcName, $DisplayName`n";
            if(-not ($Svcs.ContainsKey($PsId)))
                $Svcs.Add($PsId,$Names) > $null;
            $Names = $null;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty ProcessName $PsName;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty ProcessPath $PsPath;
        $Connection | Add-Member Noteproperty Services $Names;
        Out-Debug $Connection;

        $Connections.Add($Connection) > $null;

function Show-CompareResult
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][ValidateSet('<=','=>')][string]$SideIndicator

        Out-Debug "Function [Show-CompareResult]. BEGIN section.";
        $DiffArrList =     New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[PsObject];
        $Diffs = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Script:RefConnections -DifferenceObject $Script:DiffConnections -Property PID -PassThru;
        Out-Debug "Function [Show-CompareResult]. PROCESS section.";
        Out-Debug "SideIndicator variable: [$SideIndicator]";
        $Diffs | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq $SideIndicator} | ForEach-Object {
            $DiffArrList.Add($_) > $null;
        if($SideIndicator -eq '<=') { Out-Info -Info "Closed connections:"; }
        elseif($SideIndicator -eq '=>') { Out-Info -Info "New connections:"; }
        if($DiffArrList.Count -gt 0)
            $Info = $DiffArrList | Format-Table -AutoSize;
            Out-Info -Info $Info;
            Out-Info -Info "No connections";

function Out-Info

    Out-Debug "Function [Out-Info].";
    Write-Output $Info;
        $Info | Out-File -FilePath "$PsScriptRoot\ShowTcpConnections_log.txt" -Append;

    if($DebugPreference -eq "Continue")
        "Result:" | Out-File -FilePath "$PsScriptRoot\ShowTcpConnections_debug.txt" -Append;
        $Info | Out-File -FilePath "$PsScriptRoot\ShowTcpConnections_debug.txt" -Append;

function Out-Debug

    Write-Debug $Info
    if($DebugPreference -eq "Continue")
        $Info | Out-File -FilePath "$PsScriptRoot\ShowTcpConnections_debug.txt" -Append;

function Write-TimeStamp
    Out-Debug "Function [Write-TimeStamp].";
    $Timestamp = Get-Date;
    Out-Info "`n---------------------------------";
    Out-Info "Time stamp: [$Timestamp]";

#$DebugPreference = 'Continue';
$GetNetTcpConnectionParams = @{};

if($LocalAddress) { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('LocalAddress', $LocalAddress); }
if($LocalPort)  { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('LocalPort', $LocalPort); }
if($RemoteAddress) { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('RemoteAddress', $RemoteAddress); }
if($RemotePort) { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('RemoteAddress', $RemotePort); }
if($State) { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('State', $State); }
if($AppliedSettings) { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('AppliedSetting', $AppliedSettings); }
if($ProcessId) { $GetNetTcpConnectionParams.Add('OwningProcess', $ProcessId); }

$GetTcpConnectionInfoParams = @{
    'GetNetTcpConnectionParams' = $GetNetTcpConnectionParams;
if($ProcessName) { $GetTcpConnectionInfoParams.Add('ProcessName', $ProcessName) }
if($ExcludeProcessName) { $GetTcpConnectionInfoParams.Add('ExcludeProcessName', $ExcludeProcessName) }

    $TcpConnections = Get-TcpConnectionInfo @GetTcpConnectionInfoParams;
    $TcpConnections | Out-GridView;
    if($WriteFile) { $TcpConnections | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File -FilePath "$PsScriptRoot\ShowTcpConnections_log.txt" -Append }
           Out-Debug "Monitor Iteration: $i";
        if($i -eq 0)
            Out-Debug "--------------------------------";
            Out-Debug "Getting the RefConnection object";
            $Script:RefConnections = Get-TcpConnectionInfo @GetTcpConnectionInfoParams;
            Out-Info -Info ($Script:RefConnections | Format-Table -AutoSize);
            if($i -gt 1)
                Out-Debug "Set RefConnections -> DiffConnections";
                $Script:RefConnections = $Script:DiffConnections;
            Out-Debug "--------------------------------";
            Out-Debug "Getting the DiffConnection object";
            $Script:DiffConnections = Get-TcpConnectionInfo @GetTcpConnectionInfoParams;
            '<=','=>' | Show-CompareResult;
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $CheckInterval;
    $TcpConnections = Get-TcpConnectionInfo @GetTcpConnectionInfoParams;
    Out-Info -Info ($TcpConnections | Format-Table -AutoSize);