
function Get-UIValue {
# Get the UIValue from a control
# Returns the Tag, SelectedItems, or Text from a control, or collects it from the child controls.
    # The UI FrameworkElement to get the value from

    # If the SingleValue switch isn't set, include entries for child controls without values

    # Disables setting the "UI" property on the UI FrameworkElement

    # If the SingleValue switch isn't set, converts the child item hashtable into an object

    # Disables recursing the child controls if this control has no intrinsic value
begin {
    Set-StrictMode -Off
    function MaybeAddUIProperty {
        if (-not $DoNotAddUINoteProperty) {
            $newValue = Add-Member -InputObject $newValue NoteProperty UI $Ui -PassThru 

process {
    # If Tag is not null, return that.
    if ($UI.Tag -ne $Null) {
        $newValue = $UI.Tag
        . MaybeAddUIProperty $ui
        return $newValue
    # If SelectedItems exists and has some items, return them
    } elseif ($Ui.SelectedItems -ne $null -and $Ui.SelectedItems.Count -gt 0) {
        $newValue = $UI.SelectedItems
        . MaybeAddUIProperty $ui
        return $newValue
    # If this has an IsChecked property, return True or False based on that
    } elseif ($ui.GetType().GetProperty("IsChecked")){ 
        $newValue = $UI.IsChecked
        . MaybeAddUIProperty $ui
        return $newValue
    # If this has a Text property, return that
    } elseif ($ui.Text -and (
        -not $ui.Resources.OriginalText -or
        ($ui.Text -ne $ui.Resources.OriginalText))) {
        $newValue = $UI.Text
        . MaybeAddUIProperty $ui
        return $newValue
    # If we're allowed to recurse, collect the values of the child controls
    } elseif (!$IgnoreChildControls) {
        $uiValues = @{} + (Get-ChildControl -OutputNamedControl -Control $ui)
        foreach ($keyName in @($uiValues.Keys)) {
            # Note: We're setting -IgnoreChildControls to prevent deep recursion (and maintain backwards output compatibility)
            $uiValues[$keyName] = Get-UIValue -Ui ($uiValues[$keyName]) -DoNotAddUINoteProperty:$DoNotAddUINoteProperty -IgnoreChildControls
            if ($uiValues[$keyName] -eq $null -and -not $IncludeEmptyValue) {
                $null = $uiValues.Remove($keyName)
        if($AsObject) {
            New-Object PSObject -Property $uiValues
        } else {
            return $uiValues
    } else {
        return $null