
function Start-WPFJob
        Starts a WPF Job to display a UI in the background
        Starts a WPF Job to display a UI in the background.
        You can stop the job with the Stop-Job cmdlet, or by closing the window.
        You can run scripts within the window with the Update-WPFJob cmdlet
        Start-WPFJob is used implicitly whenever you use the -AsJob parameter.
        New-Label "Hello World" -AsJob
        Start-WPFJob { New-Object Windows.Window -Property @{Content="foo"}}

    # The Script Block to run in the Job
    # A dictionary of parameters to pass to the job
    # The Command that the Job will display in Get-Job (by default, Start-WPFJob)
    $Command = "Start-WPFJob",
    # Additional Context script blocks will be parsed to get the commands
    # the script block uses, but will not be run.
    # AdditionalContext is used so that commands referenced in parameters
    # work in background jobs.
    # The name of the job
    begin {
# First, make the job type if it does not exist:
        if (-not ('SHOWUI.WPFJob' -as [Type])) {
            Write-Verbose "Compiling WPFJob"
            Add-Type -Path $psScriptRoot\C#\WPFJob.cs -IgnoreWarnings -ReferencedAssemblies "WindowsBase",

    process {            
        $src= @($ScriptBlock) + {
        if ($AdditionalContext) { $src += $AdditionalContext }
        $cmds = $src | 
            Get-ReferencedCommand |
            Select-Object -Unique
        if (-not $name) {$name = [GUID]::NewGuid() } 
        $iss = [SHOWUI.WPFJob]::GetSessionStateForCommands($cmds)       
        if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Parameter") -and $Parameter.Count) {
            $wpfJob = New-Object SHOWUI.WPFJob ($name, $Command,
                $ScriptBlock, $Iss, $Parameter)
        } else {
            $wpfJob = New-Object SHOWUI.WPFJob ($name, $Command,
                $ScriptBlock, $Iss)
        if ($wpfJob) {
            $null = $PSCmdlet.JobRepository.Add($wpfJob)