
function Add-EventHandler {
        Adds an event handler to an object
        Adds an event handler to an object. If the object has a
        resource dictionary, it will add an eventhandlers
        hashtable to that object and it will store the event handler,
        so it can be removed later.
        $window = New-Window
        $window | Add-EventHandler Loaded { $this.Top = 100 }
    .Parameter Object
        The Object to add an event handler to
    .Parameter EventName
        The name of the event (i.e. Loaded)
    .Parameter Handler
        The script block that will handle the event
    .Parameter SourceType
        For RoutedEvents, the type that originates the event
    .Parameter PassThru
        If this is set, the delegate that is added to the object will
        be returned from the function.

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName="SimpleEvents")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
    process {
        if($SourceType) {
            $Type = $SourceType -as [Type]
            if(!$Type) {
                $Type = (Get-Command $SourceType).OutputType[0].Type
            if(!$Type) {
                Write-Error "Can't determine type from '$SourceType', you should pass either a Type or the name of a ShowUI command that outputs a UI Element. We will try the InputObject(s)"
                $Type = $InputObject.GetType()
        } else {
            $Type = $InputObject.GetType()
        if ($eventName.StartsWith("On_")) {
            $eventName = $eventName.Substring(3)
        $Event = $Type.GetEvent($EventName, [Reflection.BindingFlags]"IgnoreCase, Public, Instance")
        if (-not $Event) {
            Write-Error "Handler $EventName does not exist on $InputObject"
        $realHandler = ([ScriptBlock]::Create(@"
`$eventName = 'On_$eventName';
`$parent = . Get-ParentControl -Control `$this
. Initialize-EventHandler -parent `$parent
`$ErrorActionPreference = [Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop
trap {
    . Write-WPFError `$_
)) -as $event.EventHandlerType

        if($realHandler -is [System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler] -and $Type::"${EventName}Event" ) {
            $InputObject.AddHandler( $Type::"${EventName}Event", $realHandler )
        } else {

            if ($InputObject.Resources) {
                if (-not $InputObject.Resources.EventHandlers) {
                    $InputObject.Resources.EventHandlers = @{}
                $InputObject.Resources.EventHandlers."On_$EventName" = $realHandler
            $event.AddEventHandler($InputObject, $realHandler)
        if ($passThru) {