
function Add-GridRow
            Adds a row to an existing grid
            Adds a row to an existing grid, and optionally offsets everything past a certain row
            Add-GridRow $grid -row Auto,Auto -index 2
        .Parameter grid
            The Grid control to add rows
        .Parameter row
            The row or rows to add to the grid
        .Parameter index
            The offset within the grid
        .Parameter passThru
            If set, will output the rows created
        if (ConvertTo-GridLength $_) {
            return $true
        return $false
    process {    
        $realRows = @(ConvertTo-GridLength $row)
        foreach ($rr in $realRows) {
            $r = New-Object Windows.Controls.RowDefinition -Property @{
                    Height = $rr
            $null = $grid.RowDefinitions.Add($r)
            if ($passThru) { $r } 
        if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Index")) {
            foreach ($c in $grid.Children) {
                $controlRow = $c.GetValue([Windows.Controls.Grid]::RowProperty)
                if ($controlRow -ge $index) {
                        [Int]($controlRow + $realRows.Count)