
# Jobs are a feature of ShowUI that make it easy to run things in the background
# ShowUI jobs are mostly like the jobs in regular PowerShell
# Let's launch a few jobs and explore how
$jobs = @()
$jobs += New-Label "look at all of the colors..." -AsJob
foreach ($n in 1..5) {
    $jobs += New-Rectangle -width 100 -height 100 -Fill {
        [Windows.Media.Colors] |
            Get-Member -Static -MemberType Properties |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
    } -asJob
# You can use the Stop-Job cmdlet to close out all of the windows running
# ShowUI jobs. Bye Bye Windows.
$jobs | Stop-Job
# You can also interact with the window. To demostrate this, let's go ahead
# and launch a simple details dialog
$job = New-StackPanel -ControlName 'Get-PersonalInformation' -Columns 1 -Children {
    New-Label "What is your first name?"
    New-TextBox -Name Firstname
    New-Label "What is your last name?"
    New-TextBox -Name Lastname
    New-Label "When were you born?"
    Select-Date -Name Birthdate
} -asjob
# It's possible to get the UI value out of the form while it's running
$job |
    Update-WPFJob -Command {
        Get-UIValue -Ui $window.Content
# It's also possible to interact with the window
$Job |
    Update-WPFJob -Command {
        $window.Top = 0
        $window.Left = 0