
    Windows Defender Team
    Microsoft Corporation

   This script allows admins to create scheduled tasks on a Server host that would download the signatures regularly onto a specified share.
    The VMs can then be configured via a policy (not part of this script) to pick up the signatures from the share instead of directly downloading them from ADL or WU.

    This script allows admins to create scheduled tasks on a Server host that would download the signatures regularly onto a specified share.
    The VMs can then be configured via a policy (not part of this script) to pick up the signatures from the share instead of directly downloading them from ADL or WU.
    File Name : SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1
    Author : Windows Defender Team
    Requires : PowerShell V3
    Note : Messages from this script will be logged to %windir%\Temp\DefenderSignatureDownloadTask.log.
               : -scriptPath. Please make sure that this is a protected path. Otherwise a non-admin could replace the script file and have the task scheduler run it for them.
                              The task does however launch powershell with a flag to enforce running signed script only.
               : -hoursInterval. If this is passed, the task will be created for hour-based intervals instead of day-based intervals.
    To create a task that downloads delta x86 signatures once every 2 days to a directory called D:\Share\Test, and assuming that this scripts resides in C:\Windows\Protected
        SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1 -action create -arch x86 -isDelta $true -destDir D:\Share\Test -scriptPath C:\Windows\Protected\SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1 -daysInterval 2
    To delete the above task
        SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1 -action delete -arch x86 -isDelta $true
    To run the task manually [JFYI, the scheduled task should take care of it anyways]
        SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1 -action run -arch x86 -isDelta $true -destDir D:\Share\Test

    [parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Action to do.")]

    [parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Architecture of the required signature package.")]

    [parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="False (0) - Task deals with full signature package, True (1) - Task deals with delta signature package")]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The destination directory where the sigs will be downloaded to.")]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The full path to where this script file resides.")]

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The frequency desired for this task (in number of days).")]
    [ValidateRange(1, 365)]
    [int]$daysInterval = 1,

    [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The frequency desired for this task if it has to be run multiple times per day (in number of hours).")]
    [ValidateRange(1, 23)]
    [int]$hoursInterval = 0

# Flushes the log file if it is bigger than 100 KB.
Function FlushIfTooBig-LogFile()
    [string]$path = Join-Path ($env:windir) "TEMP\DefenderSignatureDownloadTask.log"
    $file = Get-Item $path
    if ($file.Length -gt 100KB)
        '' | Out-File $file

# Appends a message to %windir%\Temp\DefenderSignatureDownloadTask.log with the time stamp.
Function Log-Message([string]$message)
    Write-Output $message
    [string]$path = Join-Path ($env:windir) "TEMP\DefenderSignatureDownloadTask.log"
    $date = Get-Date
    $date | Out-File $path -Append
    $message | Out-File $path -Append
    '----------End of message----------' | Out-File $path -Append

# Downloads file from a given URL.
Function Download-File([string]$url, [string]$targetFile)
    [System.Net.WebClient]$webClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
    [System.Uri]$uri = New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $url
    $webClient.DownloadFile($uri, $targetFile)

# Gets the specified registry value related to signatures.
Function Get-SignatureRegistryValue([string]$name) 
    if ((Test-Path -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware') -And ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -lt 10))
        $path = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Signature Updates'
        $path = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Signature Updates'

    $key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $path
    return $key.GetValue($name, $null)

# Gets the URL to download AM delta sigs. We use the hosts' AM engine and base sig version for the URL.
Function Get-AmDeltaSigUrl([string]$arch)
    [string]$engineVersionValue = Get-SignatureRegistryValue 'EngineVersion'
    [string]$avVersionValue = Get-SignatureRegistryValue 'AVSignatureBaseVersion'
    [string]$asVersionValue = Get-SignatureRegistryValue 'ASSignatureBaseVersion'
    [string]$deltaSigPath = [string]::Format("{0}&eng={1}&avdelta={2}&asdelta={3}",
    return $deltaSigPath

# Gets the URL to download AM full sigs.
Function Get-AmFullSigUrl([string]$arch)
    [string]$fullSigPath = [string]::Format("{0}", $arch.Trim())
    return $fullSigPath

# Gets the URL to download NIS sigs.
Function Get-NisSigUrl([string]$arch)
    [string]$nisEngineVersionValue = Get-SignatureRegistryValue 'NISEngineVersion'
    [string]$nisSignatureVersionValue = Get-SignatureRegistryValue 'NISSignatureVersion'
    [string]$nisSigPath = [string]::Format("{0}&sig={1}",
    return $nisSigPath   

# Downloads AM and NIS sigs.
Function Run-Task([string]$arch, [bool]$isDelta, [string]$destDir)
    # Download AM sigs.
    if ($isDelta)
        $packageType = 'Delta'
        $amSigFileName = 'mpam-d.exe'
        $url = Get-AmDeltaSigUrl $arch
        $packageType = 'Full'
        $amSigFileName = 'mpam-fe.exe'
        $url = Get-AmFullSigUrl $arch

    [string]$fullDestPath = Join-Path $destDir $amSigFileName
    Download-File $url $fullDestPath # Please note that Download-File can throw an error if ADL has no file to offer for the config we pass.
    [string]$message = 'Successfully ran task to download ' + $packageType + ' AM sigs of arch ' + $arch + ' to ' + $fullDestPath
    Log-Message $message

    # Download NIS sigs.
    [string]$nisSigFileName = 'nis_full.exe'
    [string]$fullNisDestPath = Join-Path $destDir $nisSigFileName
    [string]$nisUrl = Get-NisSigUrl $arch
    Download-File $nisUrl $fullNisDestPath
    [string]$nisMessage = 'Successfully ran task to download NIS sigs of arch ' + $arch + ' to ' + $fullNisDestPath
    Log-Message $nisMessage    

# Gets the name of the signature download scheduled task, based on arch and package type (delta/full).
Function Get-TaskName([string]$arch, [bool]$isDelta)
    if ($isDelta)
        $packageType = 'Delta'
        $packageType = 'Full'

    [string]$taskName = 'Windows Defender Custom Task for ' + $arch + $packageType + ' Signature Download'
    [string]$taskFullName = [string]::Format("\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\{0}", $taskName)

    return $taskFullName

# Creates a scheduled task that would download the signatures regularly onto the specified share.
Function Create-Task([string]$scriptPath, [string]$arch, [bool]$isDelta, [string]$destDir, [int]$daysInterval, [int]$hoursInterval)
    [int]$interval = 1
    if ($hoursInterval -eq 0)    # if this is not set, then use day-based interval for the scheduled task. Otherwise if it is set, use hour-based interval.
        $schedule = 'DAILY'
        $interval = $daysInterval
        $schedule = 'HOURLY'
        $interval = $hoursInterval

    [string]$scriptCommand = $scriptPath + ' -action run' + ' -arch ' + $arch + ' -isDelta $' + $isDelta + ' -destDir ' + $destDir        
    [string]$schTasksPath = Join-Path ($env:windir) "system32\schtasks.exe"    # Needs to run downlevel as well; hence not using the Win8.1+ specific ScheduleTask* helpers.
    [string]$taskFullName = Get-TaskName $arch $isDelta
    $taskFullName = $taskFullName.Trim()

    [string]$taskProgramArg = 'powershell.exe -Noninteractive -Noprofile -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -WindowStyle Hidden -NoLogo -Command ' + '\"& ' + $scriptCommand + '\"'
    $schTasksProcess = Start-Process -FilePath "$schTasksPath" -ArgumentList "/create /tn ""$taskFullName"" /tr ""$taskProgramArg"" /ru ""NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"" /sc ""$schedule"" /MO ""$interval"" /NP /F /RL ""LIMITED""" -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
    if ($schTasksProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)
        throw "Error: Create task failed. Check Event log for more details."

    [string]$message = 'Successfully created task ' + $taskFullName
    Log-Message $message

# Deletes specified scheduled task.
Function Delete-Task([string]$arch, [bool]$isDelta)
    [string]$schTasksPath = Join-Path ($env:windir) "system32\schtasks.exe"
    [string]$taskFullName = Get-TaskName $arch $isDelta
    $taskFullName = $taskFullName.Trim()

    $schTasksProcess = Start-Process -FilePath "$schTasksPath" -ArgumentList "/delete /tn ""$taskFullName"" /f" -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
    if ($schTasksProcess.ExitCode -ne 0)
        throw "Error: Create task failed. Check Event log for more details."

    [string]$message = 'Successfully deleted task ' + $taskFullName
    Log-Message $message

# Main

    Log-Message 'Script started.'

    # Some additional parameter validation for specific actions.
    if (($action.ToLower() -eq 'create') -OR ($action.ToLower() -eq 'run'))
        if (-NOT (Test-Path $destDir -PathType 'Container')) 
           throw "$($destDir) is not a valid folder" 

    if ($action.ToLower() -eq 'create')
        if (-NOT (Test-Path $scriptPath -PathType 'Leaf')) 
           throw "$($scriptPath) is not a valid file" 

    # Execute specified action.
    if ($action.ToLower() -eq 'create')
        Create-Task $scriptPath $arch $isDelta $destDir $daysInterval $hoursInterval
    elseif ($action.ToLower() -eq 'delete')
        Delete-Task $arch $isDelta
    else # ($action.ToLower() -eq 'run')
        Run-Task $arch $isDelta $destDir

    Log-Message 'Script completed.'
catch [System.Exception]
    Log-Message $Error