
function Convert-AboutTopicToHtml
    Converts an about topic into HTML.
    The `Convert-AboutTopicToHtml` converts a PowerShell about topic into HTML. The about topic is expected to be [formatted like PowerShell's internal topics](
            about_<subject or module name>
            A short, one-line description of the topic contents.
            A detailed, full description of the subject or purpose of the module.
            Examples of how to use the module or how the subject feature works in practice.
            Terms or titles on which you might expect your users to search for the information in this topic.
        SEE ALSO
            Text-only references for further reading. Hyperlinks cannot work in the Windows PowerShell console.
    `Convert-AboutTopicToHtml` does the following:
     * Removes the `TOPIC` AND `SHORT DESCRIPTION` headers
     * Wraps the topic name in an <h1> tag
     * Renames the `LONG DESCRIPTION` heading to '<h2>Description</h2>
     * Wraps all other headers in <h2> elements.
     * Converts the bodies of each section to HTML
    Lines that don't begin with spaces are assumed to be headers.
    Lines that begin with spaces are assumed to be content written in Markdown.
    The `SEE ALSO` section is parsed, one line at a time for links, command names, and other help topics, e.g.
        SEE ALSO
    Would convert into a three item list, the first a link to the web, the second a link to the `about_Silk.html` topic, and the third to the `Convert-AboutTopicToHtml.html` page.

        # The name of the help topic, include the `about_` prefix, or a `FileInfo` object representing the help topic, or the help topic as a giant string.
        # The name of the topic you're converting. Only used if `InputObject` is the text of the about topic.

        # The name of the module being documented.

        # The heading used for the topic's name. Default is `TOPIC`.
        $TopicHeading = 'TOPIC',

        # The heading used for the topic's short description. Default is `SHORT DESCRIPTION`.
        $ShortDescriptionHeading = 'SHORT DESCRIPTION',

        # The heading used for the topic's long description. Default is `LONG DESCRIPTION`.
        $LongDescriptionHeading = 'LONG DESCRIPTION',

        # The heading used for the topic's `See Also` section. Default is `SEE ALSO`.
        $SeeAlsoHeading = 'SEE ALSO',

        # A hashtable of headings to use. They key should be the section name. The value should be the heading name.
        $HeadingMap = @{},

        # The names of any scripts in the module.

        Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'


        function Complete-Section


            $Body = $Body.Trim()
            switch( $Heading )
                    # We just don't want to do any Markdown conversion.

                    $lines = $Body -split ([Environment]::NewLine) | 
                                Convert-RelatedLinkToHtml -ModuleName $ModuleName -Script $Script | 
                                ForEach-Object { '<li>{0}</li>' -f $_ }
                    $Body = @'
 -f ($lines -join [Environment]::NewLine)
                    $Body = $Body | Edit-HelpText -ModuleName $ModuleName | Convert-MarkdownToHtml 

            $topic | Add-Member -Name $Heading -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Body

        if( $InputObject -is [IO.FileInfo] )
            [string[]]$lines = $InputObject | Get-Content
            $TopicName = $InputObject.BaseName -replace '\.help$' -f ''
        elseif( $InputObject -is [string] -and $InputObject -match '^about_' )
            [string[]]$lines = Get-Help -Name $InputObject
            if( -not $lines )
                Write-Error ('About topic ''{0}'' not found.' -f $InputObject)
            $TopicName = $InputObject
            $lines = $InputObject -split ([Environment]::NewLine)

        $topic = [pscustomobject]@{ }
        $currentHeader = $null
        $currentContent = $null
        $sectionOrder = New-Object 'Collections.Generic.List[string]'
        $lastLineIdx = $lines.Count - 1
        for( $idx = 0; $idx -lt $lines.Count; ++$idx )
            $line = $lines[$idx]

            if( -not $line -or $line -match '^\s+' )
                if( $line.StartsWith(' ') )
                    $line = $line -replace '^ ',''
                elseif( $line.StartsWith(' ') )
                    $line = $line -replace '^ ',''

                [void]$currentContent.AppendLine( $line )
                if( $idx -eq $lastLineIdx )
                    Complete-Section -Heading $currentHeader -Body $currentContent.ToString()


                # Header
                if( $currentHeader )
                    Complete-Section -Heading $currentHeader -Body $currentContent.ToString()

                $currentContent = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder'
                $currentHeader =  [Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase( $line.ToLowerInvariant() )
                $sectionOrder.Add( $currentHeader )

        if( -not ($topic | Get-Member -Name $TopicHeading) )
            Write-Warning ('Topic ''{0}'' doesn''t have a ''{1}'' heading. Defaulting to {0}. Use the `TopicHeading` parameter to set the topic''s topic heading.' -f $TopicName,$TopicHeading)
            Complete-Section -Heading 'TOPIC' -Body $TopicName

        if( -not ($topic | Get-Member -Name $ShortDescriptionHeading) )
            Write-Warning ('Topic ''{0}'' doesn''t have a ''{1}'' heading. Use the `ShortDescription` parameter to set the topic''s SHORT DESCRIPTION heading.' -f $TopicName,$ShortDescriptionHeading)
            Complete-Section -Heading 'SHORT DESCRIPTION' -Body ''

        if( -not $HeadingMap.ContainsKey($LongDescriptionHeading) )
            $HeadingMap[$LongDescriptionHeading] = 'Description'

        $content = New-Object 'Text.StringBuilder'
        foreach( $section in $sectionOrder )
            if( $section -eq $TopicHeading -or $section -eq $ShortDescriptionHeading )

            $heading = $section
            if( $HeadingMap.ContainsKey($section) )
                $heading = $HeadingMap[$section]
            [void]$content.AppendLine( ('<h2>{0}</h2>' -f $heading) )
            [void]$content.AppendLine( $topic.$Section )

 -f $topic.$TopicHeading,$topic.$ShortDescriptionHeading,$content

