
function Set-ModuleNuspec
        # Path to the module's manifest.

        # Path to the module's Nuspec file.

        # Path to the releaes notes file.

        # The ID of the package. If not provided, the existing ID in the .nuspec file is left in place.

        # The title of the package. If not provided, the existing title in the .nuspec file is left in place.

        # Tags to add to the manifest. Tags are space-delimited, so tags shouldn't have spaces.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    $NuspecPath = Resolve-Path -Path $NuspecPath
    if( -not $NuspecPath )

    $nuspec = [xml](Get-Content -Path $NuspecPath -Raw)
    if( -not $nuspec )

    $manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestPath
    if( -not $manifest )

    $releaseNotes = Get-ModuleReleaseNotes -ManifestPath $ManifestPath -ReleaseNotesPath $ReleaseNotesPath
    if( -not $releaseNotes )

    $nuspecMetadata = $nuspec.package.metadata

    if( $PackageID )
        $ = $PackageID

    if( $PackageTitle )
        $nuspecMetadata.title = $PackageTitle

    $nuspecMetadata.description = $manifest.Description
    $nuspecMetadata.version = $manifest.Version.ToString()
    $nuspecMetadata.copyright = $manifest.Copyright
    $nuspecMetadata.releaseNotes = $releaseNotes
    if( $Tags )
        $nuspecMetadata.tags = $Tags -join ' '

    $nuspec.Save( $NuspecPath )