
########## PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ##########

function ConvertFrom-JsonWithComments {
    Converts a .jsonc string to a JsonObject.
    This command converts a Json with Comments string representation to a JsonObject.

  param (
    # Input object of type string which will be converted from JSON
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]
  if ( $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 5 ) {
    return $Input | ConvertFrom-Json
  else {
    $Input = ($Input -replace '(?m)(?<=^([^"]|"[^"]*")*)//.*' -replace '(?ms)/\*.*?\*/')
    return $Input | ConvertFrom-Json

function Test-SdaNetworkStatus {
    Checks if requested network already exists
    This command wil query information about networks via docker cli and checks if requested network already exists
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  param (
    # Name of the network
    [string]$Name = (Get-SdaConfig).defaultNetwork,
    # Only return, no output to console
    [switch]$JustConfirm = $false
  $status = docker network ls --filter "name=^$Name$" --format '{{.Name}}'
  if ($null -ne $status) {
    if (-not $JustConfirm) {
      Write-Host "Network '$Name' exists, everything looks alright."
  else {
    if (-not $JustConfirm) {
      Write-Host "Network '$Name' doesn't exist..."

function Invoke-SolrCoreCreation {
  param (
  ### SOLR specific
  # To use Solr so called 'core' needs to be created
  docker exec -it --user=$User "$Prefix-$Name" bin/solr create_core -c defaultcore
  if ($?) { 
    Write-Output "core created with name 'defaultcore'"
  else {
    Write-Error "Error creating core"

function Get-Confirmation {
    Gets confirmation from user with custom message
    This command will get confirmation from user with custom message and returns true or false
    PS C:\> Get-Confirmation -Message "Are you sure?"
      Are you sure? (Y/n)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  param (
    # Custom message you want to confirm
    [string]$Message = "Are you sure you want to proceed?"
  $confirmation = Read-Host "$Message (Y/n)"
  switch -Regex ($confirmation) {
    '[Nn]' { $false }
    Default { $true }

function New-SdaDockerCommand {
    Constructs docker command string
    This command will get confirmation from user with custom message and returns true or false
    $service.docker | New-SdaDockerCommand -Name mssql -Prefix sda -Network sda -Version latest -Pass Start123++
      docker create --net sda --name sda-mssql --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Start123++' -e 'MSSQL_PID=Express' -v sda-mssql-data:/var/opt/mssql -p 1433:1433
      Docker section from specific service configuration

  param (
    # Docker section from specific service configuration
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Name of service
    # Prefix from configuration
    # Name of network to attach to
    # Version of docker image
    # Password

  # Base command
  $command = "docker create --net $Network --name $Prefix-$Name $($DockerConfig.AdditionalDockerArguments -join " ")"

  # Add Environment Variables (if any)
  if ($DockerConfig.EnvVars.Length -gt 0) {
    $DockerConfig.EnvVars | ForEach-Object {
      $command += " -e ""$(Format-SdaPlaceholder -Name PASSWORD -Source $_ -Value $Pass)"""

  # Add Volumes (if any)
  if ($DockerConfig.Volumes.Length -gt 0) {
    $DockerConfig.Volumes | ForEach-Object {
      $command += " -v $Prefix-$(Format-SdaPlaceholder -Name NAME -Source $_.Source -Value $Name):$($_.Target)"

  # Add Ports (if any)
  if ($DockerConfig.PortMappings.Length -gt 0) {
    $DockerConfig.PortMappings | ForEach-Object {
      $command += " -p $($$($_.container)"

  # Add Image Info + Custom App Command
  $command += " $($DockerConfig.ImageName):$($Version) $($DockerConfig.CustomAppCommands)"

  # Return command for execution

function Get-SdaConfig {
    Gets configuration object
    This command will read the json configuration and converts it to Object
      Powershell object representation of json configuration

  if (Test-Path $PSScriptRoot/config.json) {
    Write-Output (Get-Content $PSScriptRoot/config.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-JsonWithComments)
  else {
    Throw "Config file does not exist"

function Get-SdaServiceFromConfig {
    Gets service information from configuration object
    This command will return a specific service from configuration object
      Powershell object representation of particular service from configuration

  param (
    # Configuration object
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Name of service
  return $ | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$Name" }

function Write-SdaDefaultWarning {
    Writes a custom message to standard output
    This command returns a custom message to warn user about important action
    None. This command does not generate any output.

  param (
    # Command to run again with
    # Provided value which was used
    # Output name of a service from configuration ($service.OutputName)
    # Action we are doing
    [string]$Action = "Creating",
    # Type of a warning
    [string]$Type = "password"
  Write-Output "$Action '$Name' in Docker container using the default $Type '$Value'"
  Write-Output "For custom $Type run again with: '$Command'"
  if ($Type -eq "password" -and $Action -eq "Creating") {
    Write-Output "Password must be strong, otherwise docker fails to create container"

function Format-SdaPlaceholder {
    Replace {PLACEHOLDER} in a string with a value
    This command replaces a placeholder in a string with actual value, if no placeholder return original string
    PS C:\> Format-SdaPlaceholder "Hello {NAME}" -Name NAME -Value "Stefan"
      Hello Stefan
    PS C:\> "Hello {NAME}, nice to see you" | Format-SdaPlaceholder -Name NAME -Value "Stefan"
      Hello Stefan, nice to see you

    # Source string in which replacement will be performed
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
    # Name of a placeholder (e.g. NAME for a {NAME} placeholder)
    # Value to replace with

  if ($Source -match "\{$Name\}") {
    return $Source -replace "\{$Name\}", "$Value"
  else {
    return $Source

function Get-SdaServicesAvailable {
    Lists all available services
    Lists all available services that are configured
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  (Get-SdaConfig).services | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{SDA = $_.OutputName ; Name = $_.Name } }

function Get-SdaServicesCreated {
    Lists all created services
    Lists all created services that are available in docker
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  $prefix = (Get-SdaConfig).prefix
  $services = docker container ls -a -f "name=$prefix-" --format '{{json .}}' | ConvertFrom-Json
  foreach ($service in $services) {
    $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
      Name          = $service.Names.Substring($prefix.Length + 1)
      ContainerName = $service.Names
      ID            = $service.ID
      Image         = $service.Image
      Networks      = $service.Networks
      Ports         = $service.Ports
      Status        = $service.Status

    Write-Output $output

function Get-SdaServicesRunning {
    Lists all running services
    Lists all running services that are available in docker
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  Get-SdaServicesCreated | Where-Object { $_.Status -match "^Up.*" }

function Get-SdaServicesStopped {
    Lists all stopped services
    Lists all stopped services that are available in docker
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  Get-SdaServicesCreated | Where-Object { $_.Status -notmatch "^Up.*" }

########## PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ###########

## INFO cmdlets

function Get-SdaConfigFileLocation {
    Returns a location to a default config file.
    Returns a location to default config file that is required for this module to function
    PS C:\> Get-SdaConfigFileLocation
    Returns a location to a default config file.

  Write-Output (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "config.json")

function Get-SdaConfigDetails {
    Returns json representation of a configuration, either general, or of specific service
    Returns json representation of a configuration, either general, or of specific service
    PS C:\> Get-SdaConfigDetails
    Returns json representation of a configuration, either general, or of specific service
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command

  param (
    # Name of a service
  $config = Get-SdaConfig
  if ($Name) {
    $server = $config | Get-SdaServiceFromConfig -Name $Name
    if ($null -ne $server) {
      $server | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
    else {
      Write-Error "Specified server '$Name' is not available yet."
  else {
    Write-Output @{
      Prefix          = $config.prefix
      DefaultNetwork  = $config.defaultNetwork
      DefaultPassword = $config.defaultPassword
    } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

## IMAGE management
function Remove-SdaImages {
    Removes dangling docker images
    Removes all images that are not associated with other resources (so called dangling images)
    Images can be downloaded again in case you remove more than you want.
    PS C:\> Get-SdaImages
    Query existing docker images, compare them with config and removes only those that match
    PS C:\> Get-SdaImages -Dangling
    Removes all dangling images
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command
    None. This command does not generate any output.

    # Specify if remove only dangling
  if ($Dangling) {
    if (Get-Confirmation -Message "Are you sure you want to remove all dangling images?") {
      $danglingImages = docker images -f "dangling=true" -q
      if ($null -ne $danglingImages) {
        docker rmi -f $danglingImages
      else {
        Write-Host "No dangling images were found"
  else {
    if (Get-Confirmation -Message "Are you sure you want to remove all images?") {
      $dockerImages = docker images --format '{{json .}}' | ConvertFrom-Json
      foreach ($image in $dockerImages) {
        $service = (Get-SdaConfig).services | Where-Object { $_.docker.imageName -eq $image.Repository }
        if ($service.Length -gt 0) {
          docker rmi -f $image.ID | Out-Null
          if ($?) {
            Write-Host "Image '$($image.ID)' was removed"

## NETWORK management

function New-SdaNetwork {
    Creates new docker network
    Creates new docker network of driver type 'bridge'
    PS C:\> Get-SdaNetwork my-network
    Creates my-network of driver type 'bridge'
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command
    None. This command does not generate any output.

  param (
    # Name of a network to create (Defaults to network specified in config)
    $Name = (Get-SdaConfig).DefaultNetwork
  if (-not (Test-SdaNetworkStatus -Name $Name -JustConfirm)) {
    if (Get-Confirmation -Message "Are you sure you want to create network '$Name'?") {
      docker network create $Name
      if ($?) {
        Write-Host "Network successfuly created."
    else {
      Write-Host "Skipping network creation..."

## SERVICE management

function Get-SdaService {
    Get information about specific service, or list of running, available, stopped and created services
    Get information about specific service, or list of running, available, stopped and created services
    Defaults to list running services if no Name, or one of [Available, Running, Stopped, Created] is given
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Name mssql
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Status running
    Container sda-mssql
    Name mssql
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService # Defaults to list running services
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    ID 243a8ebb4118
    Status Up 51 minutes
    Name sda-mssql
    Networks simple-docker-apps
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Running
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    ID 243a8ebb4118
    Status Up 51 minutes
    Name sda-mssql
    Networks simple-docker-apps
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Available
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    MS SQL mssql
    PostgreSQL postgres
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Created
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    ID 243a8ebb4118
    Status Up 54 minutes
    Name sda-mssql
    Networks simple-docker-apps
    Image postgres:11
    ID 75eb3b089d5b
    Status Exited (255) 2 hours ago
    Name sda-postgres
    Networks simple-docker-apps
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Stopped
    Name Value
    ---- -----
    Image postgres:11
    ID 75eb3b089d5b
    Status Exited (255) 2 hours ago
    Name sda-postgres
    Networks simple-docker-apps
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command
      For no arguments, or -Name, -Running, -Stopped, -Created
      For -Available

  param (
    # Name of service, when specified, other switches are ignored
    # Switch to list all available services
    # Switch to list all running services
    # Switch to list all stopped services
    # Switch to list all created services
    # Switch to suppress Write-Error and return only $null. Usefull in scripting
  $config = Get-SdaConfig
  if ($Name.Length -gt 0) {
    $service = $config | Get-SdaServiceFromConfig -Name $Name
    if ($null -eq $service) {
      Write-Output "The SDA service '$Name' does not exist, here is a list of all available services:"
    else {
      $containerName = "$($config.prefix)-$($service.Name)"
      #$containerName = "$($service.Name)"
      $info = docker container inspect $containerName --format '{{json .State}}' 2>$null | ConvertFrom-Json
      if ($null -ne $info) {
          Name      = $service.Name
          Container = $containerName
          Status    = $info.Status
      else {
        if (-not ($SupressOutHost)) {
          Write-Host "ERROR: Container '$containerName' doesn't exist"
  elseif ($Available) {
  elseif ($Running) {
  elseif ($Created) {
  elseif ($Stopped) {
  else {

function Start-SdaService {
    Starts SDA service
    Starts SDA service
    PS C:\> Start-SdaService mssql
    Starts service 'mssql'
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Stopped | Start-SdaService
    Starts all stopped SDA services
      Object returned from Get-Service
      Object with new status of a service

  param (
    # Service name
    [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true)]
  process {
    $info = Get-SdaService -Name $Name
    if ($null -ne $info) {
      if ($info.Status -ne "running") {
        docker start $info.Container | Out-Null
        Get-SdaService -Name $Name
      else {

function Stop-SdaService {
    Stops SDA service
    Stops SDA service
    PS C:\> Stop-SdaService mssql
    Stops service 'mssql'
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Running | Stop-SdaService
    Stops all running SDA services
      Object returned from Get-Service
      Object with new status of a service

  param (
    # Service name
    [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true)]
    # Switch to kill instead of graceful shutdown
  process {
    $info = Get-SdaService -Name $Name
    if ($null -ne $info) {
      if ($info.Status -eq "running") {
        if ($Kill) {
          docker kill $info.Container | Out-Null
          Get-SdaService -Name $Name
        else {
          docker stop $info.Container -t 10 | Out-Null
          Get-SdaService -Name $Name
      else {

function Remove-SdaService {
    Removes SDA service
    Removes SDA service
    Can also remove dangling volumes, which is destructive action and will remove all your data without possibility to recover.
    PS C:\> Remove-SdaService mssql
    Removes service 'mssql'
    PS C:\> Remove-SdaService mssql -Volumes
    Removes service 'mssql' including all related volumes
    PS C:\> Get-SdaService -Stopped | Remove-SdaService
    Removes all stopped SDA services
      Object returned from Get-Service
      Object with new status of a service

    # Service name
    [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $true)]
    # Switch to remove also related volumes (THIS IS DESTRUCTIVE ACTION)
  process {
    $info = Get-SdaService -Name $Name
    if ($Volumes) {
      $msg = "Are you sure you want to remove '$Name' and all associated volumes?"
    else {
      $msg = "Are you sure you want to remove '$Name'?"
    if (-not (Get-Confirmation -Message $msg)) {
    if ($null -ne $info) {
      if ($info.Status -eq "running") {
        if ((Stop-SdaService $Name -Kill).Status -eq "exited") {
          docker container rm $info.Container
      else {
        docker container rm $info.Container
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Volumes")) {
      $config = Get-SdaConfig
      Write-Host "-Volume flag detected, searching for dangling volumes..."
      $serviceVolumes = docker volume ls -f "dangling=true" -f "name=$($config.prefix)-$Name-" --format '{{json .Name}}' | ConvertFrom-Json

      # fix the type
      if ($serviceVolumes.GetType().Name -eq "String") {
        $serviceVolumes = @($serviceVolumes)

      if ($serviceVolumes.Length -gt 0) {
        Write-Host "Found $($serviceVolumes.Length) volumes, attempting to remove..."
        foreach ($volume in $serviceVolumes) {
          if (-not (Get-Confirmation -Message "Are you sure you want to remove '$volume'")) {
          docker volume rm $volume | Out-Null
          if ($?) {  
            Write-Output "'$volume' successfuly removed."
          else {
            Write-Output "ERROR: Problem removing '$volume', manual action might be needed"
      else {
        Write-Host "No volumes found"

function New-SdaService {
    Creates new service
    Creates new SDA service.
    If volumes already exists it will reuse them.
    PS C:\> New-SdaService mssql
    Creates new service 'mssql' with default settings
    PS C:\> New-SdaService mongodb -Network custom-network -Version 3 -Pass "Start123"
    Creates new service 'mongodb' with custom network name, versiona and password
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command
    Output (if any)

  param (
    # Service name
    # Password, will be used instead of default from config
    [string]$Pass = "",
    # Network name, will be used instead of default from config
    # Version, will be used instead of default from config
  # Get necessary configuration
  $config = Get-SdaConfig
  $service = Get-SdaServiceFromConfig -Config $config -Name $Name

  # Check if service really exists
  if ($null -eq $service) {
    Write-Output "The SDA service '$Name' does not exist, here is a list of all available services:"
  # Check if really use default password
  if ($Pass -eq "" -and $service.HasPassword) {
    Write-SdaDefaultWarning -Command "New-SdaService -Name $Name -Pass <SA_PASSWORD>" -Value $config.DefaultPassword -Name $service.outputName
    if (-not (Get-Confirmation)) { break }

  # Check if requested service is already running
  $info = Get-SdaService -Name $Name -SupressOutHost
  if ($null -ne $info) {
    if (Get-Confirmation -Message "Container already exists. Do you want me to destroy it?") {
      if ((Stop-SdaService -Name $Name -Kill).Status -eq "exited") { Remove-SdaService -Name $Name }
    else {

  # Check if Network exists
  if ($Network -eq "") {
    $Network = $config.DefaultNetwork
  if (-not (Test-SdaNetworkStatus -Name $Network -JustConfirm)) {
    New-SdaNetwork -Name $Network

  $params = @{
    Name         = $Name
    Version      = if ($Version) { "$Version" } else { "$($service.DefaultVersion)" }
    Pass         = if ($Pass -ne "") { "$Pass" } else { "$($config.DefaultPassword)" }
    Network      = $Network
    Prefix       = $config.prefix
    DockerConfig = $service.docker

  Invoke-Expression (New-SdaDockerCommand @params)
  if ($?) { 
    Write-Output "Container created"
  else {
    Write-Error "Error creating container. Exiting..."
  $info = Start-SdaService -Name $Name
  if ($info.Status -eq "running") { 
    Write-Output "Container started"
  else {
    Write-Error "Error starting container"

  ## SOLR specific TODO: find better place for this
  if ($Name -eq "solr") {
    Invoke-SolrCoreCreation -Name "solr" -Prefix $config.Prefix -User "solr"

function Connect-SdaService {
    Connects to a service inside the docker container
    Connects to a service inside running container. It leverages the 'docker exec -it' command.
    Also supports opening web dashboard if url is present in config. It will be opened in default web browser, this functionality is cross-platform
    PS C:\> Connect-SdaService mssql
    Connects to service 'mssql' with default settings
    PS C:\> Connect-SdaService ravendb -Web
    Opens configured dashboard url in default browser.
    PS C:\> Connect-SdaService mongodb -Pass "Start123"
    Connects to service 'mongodb' with custom password
    None. You cannot pipe objects to this command
    None. This command does not generate any output

  param (
    # Service name
    # Password, will be used instead of default from config
    [string]$Pass = "",
    # Specify if open web browser instead

  # Get configuration
  $config = Get-SdaConfig
  $service = Get-SdaServiceFromConfig -Config $config -Name $Name

  # Check if service really exists
  if ($null -eq $service) {
    Write-Output "The SDA service '$Name' does not exist, here is a list of all available services:"

  # Check if we can connect to service via cli
  if (-not ($service.HasCliConnect)) {
    Write-Error "The SDA service '$Name' does not support CLI connection"

  # Check if service has url specified in config if -Web passed
  if ($Web -and (-not $service.HasWebConnect)) {
    Write-Error "The SDA service '$Name' does not support web dashboard"

  # Check if service is running
  $info = Get-SdaService -Name $Name
  if ($null -eq $info) {
    Write-Error "The SDA service '$Name' is not running, Please start service first with 'Start-SdaService -Name $Name'"

  if ($Web) {
    $url = $service.WebConnectUrl
    Write-Output "Connecting to $($service.OutputName) web interface at: '$url'"
    Write-Output "If web browser did not open automatically please open browser and paste address in manually"
    if (-not (Get-Confirmation)) {

    if ($IsLinux) {
      xdg-open $url
    elseif ($IsMacOS) {
      open $url
    else {
      Start-Process $url

  if ($Pass -eq "" -and $service.HasPassword) {
    $Pass = $config.DefaultPassword
    Write-SdaDefaultWarning -Command "Connect-SdaService $Name -Pass <SA_PASSWORD>'" -Action "Connecting to" -Type "password" -Name $service.OutputName -Value $Pass
    if (-not (Get-Confirmation)) {
  $cliCommand = Format-SdaPlaceholder -Name PASSWORD -Value $Pass -Source "$($service.CliConnectCommand)"
  docker exec -it "$($config.prefix)-$Name" sh -c "$cliCommand"