
Function Get-Password {
        This script generates random password with the given password length.
        This script is designed to generate random and strong password for
        the given password length. This helps to adhere to the organisation's
        strong password suggestion/standards by helping the users to create a random and
        strong password.
        .PARAMETER PasswordLength
        Provide the length of your password.
        Example : 10
        NOTE : The Maximum allowed value is 90.
        Get-Password -PasswordLength 10
        Get-Password -PasswordLength 8 -Verbose
        VERBOSE: [2019/12/22_08:47:44] : Begin function
        VERBOSE: [2019/12/22_08:47:44] : Generating password of length 8
        VERBOSE: [2019/12/22_08:47:44] : Generated Password : +;onIV%%
        VERBOSE: [2019/12/22_08:47:44] : End function
        Author Version Date Notes
        harish.karthic v1.0.0.0 23/12/2019 Initial script
        harish.karthic v1.0.0.1 23/12/2019 Converted to advanced function


    begin {
        # initialize function variables
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $Char = [char[]](33..122)
        $Name = (whoami).Split("\")[1]
        $NewChar = @()
        $DefaultPassLength = 4

        $Message = "[$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Begin function"
        Write-Verbose $Message 

    process {
        If($PasswordLength -ne "") {

            # Validating if the given password length is within 90
            $Message = "[$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Validating given length $($PasswordLength)"
            Write-Verbose $Message

            If($PasswordLength -gt 90) {
                $Params = @{
                    Exception = "Entered Value is more than the allowed limit 90"
                    Message = "Enter the correct value and retry"
                    Category = "InvalidArgument"
                    ErrorId = "GP1"
                    RecommendedAction = "Re-run the script with correct argument"
                Write-Error @Params
                exit 0

            else {
                try {
                    $Message = "[$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Generating password of length $($PasswordLength)"
                    Write-Verbose $Message

                    # region generating password

                    For($i=0; $i -lt $Char.Count; $i++) {
                        $NewChar += $Char[$i]
                    [String]$Password = Get-Random -InputObject $NewChar -Count $PasswordLength
                    $Password = $Password.Replace(" ","")
                    $Message = "[$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Generated Password : $($Password)"
                    Write-Verbose $Message

                    # endregion generating password

                    return $Password
                Catch {
                    Write-Host " [$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Error at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message).." -ForegroundColor Red

        else {

            $Message = "[$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Generating default password"
            Write-Verbose $Message
            try {

                # region generate default password

                For($i=0; $i -lt $Char.Count; $i++) {
                    $NewChar += $Char[$i]

                # Trim the length of Name if it is more than 6 chars
                If($Name.Length -gt 6) {
                    $Name = $Name.Substring(0,6)

                # Set default password
                [String]$DefaultPassword = $Name + (Get-Random -InputObject $NewChar -Count $DefaultPassLength)
                $DefaultPassword = $DefaultPassword.Replace(" ","")

                # endregion generate default password

                return $DefaultPassword
            catch {
                Write-Host " [$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : Error at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message).." -ForegroundColor Red

    end {
        $Message = "[$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S)] $functionName : End function"
        Write-Verbose $Message        
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Password