
    SimpleSql Providers Documentation
    To create a new provider, you need to add a folder under the "Providers"
    directory. The name of this folder will be the name of the Provider,
    including capitalization. This folder will contain all the files
    necessary for the provider to work.
    There are two required files: a config file and a provider file.
    For example, if your provider is "Acme", then the config file would be
    "acme.ps1" and the provider file would be "acmeProvider.ps1".
    During module loading, the config file is invoked to create the provider
    Configuration object. The provider file is dotsourced and should
    define a class (named like the file without .ps1) that derives from
    If your provider requires any initialization logic, then include an
    optional "init.ps1" with the required logic (such as adding types necessary
    for the provider).
    The config file, at the most basic, must create a new object of type
    [ProviderConfig] and then output this object (Write-Output). This object
    has 4 properties that need to be populated: ShortDescription, HelpText,
    Parameters, CreateProvider.
        ShortDescription <string> = is a single line description of the provider
        HelpText <string> = is a here string (@''@) that contains any help
            information that you want to provide for your module. The
            included information will be added to the output of
        Parameters <System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary>
            = is a dictionary of RuntimeDefinedParameters. These are the
            dynamic parameters that will be added to Open-SqlConnection when
            the provider is used.
        CreateProvider <scriptblock> = This is the scriptblock that will be
            invoked by Open-SqlConnection in order to create the connection
            provider. It must return an instantiated class derived from
    When creating the [ProviderConfig] object, there are two options. The
    first is to create an empty object and then populate its parameters, ie
    [ProviderConfig]::new(). The second option is to use the constructor of
    [ProviderConfig] to create an object.
    If you use the second option, then you will pass an array of hashtables for
    the ParameterHashes value of [ProviderConfig]::new(ShortDescription,
    HelpText, ParameterHashes, CreateProvider).
    See the existing providers.