
    SimplySql - Talking to relational databases the PowerShell way;
    Simple commands... Powerful opportunities.
    SimplySql is a module that provides an intuitive set of cmdlets for talking
    to databases that abstracts the vendor specifics, allowing you to focus on
    getting work done.
    The basic pattern is to connect to a database, execute one or more sql
    statements and then close your database connection. This module provides
    cmdlets that map to this basic pattern.
    Open/Close/Show/Test/Set/Get -SqlConnection
        These cmdlets (Open/Close) enable you to connect to databases in
        straightforward terms without worrying about differences between
        database vendors. There is a specific "Open-*" cmdlet for each
        Show/Test cmdlets allow you to see what connections are currently
        active in your powershell session and see specific details about
        those connections.
        Set cmdlet allows you to change the default commandTimeout and
        the database/catalog in use (if the provider supports it).
        Get cmdlet retruns the underlying connection object itself.
    Invoke- SqlScalar/SqlQuery/SqlUpdate
        These cmdlets allow you to execute sql statements against the database
        connections that you have opened. Any type of statement can be used
        with any cmdlet, but the output is tailored to specific types of
        activity. Scalar is great for returning a single value, Query is used
        for returning one or more result sets (output is datarow for single
        resultset and table for multiple resultsets), Update is used for making
        modifications (insert, update, delete, etc) and its output is the
        number of rows effected.
    Get/Clear -SqlMessage
        These cmdlets provider access to informational messages, if the provider
        supports them. Get will return the messages generated by
        Invoke-SqlScalar/SqlQuery/SqlUpdate cmdlets. Messages are consumed
        as they are read and can be cleared, without reading, by calling the
        Clear cmdlet. The messages are timestamped to when they were
        received by calling command (and not necessarily when they were
        generated on the server since many implementations are Asynchronous.)
        This is intended to make moving data from one connection to another
        connection (even cross vendor) simple. This is highly optimized if the
        destination has a managed bulkcopy implemenation, otherwise it is only
        generally optimized. For example, SQL Server has a bulk copy class
        (SqlBulkCopy) that is easily implemented and provides an efficient
        means of inserting data into SQL Server.
    Start/Complete/Undo -SqlTransaction
        These cmdlets provide a simple way to wrap Invoke-Sql* (except for
        SqlBulkCopy) into a transaction and then either commit or rollback.
        Complete-SqlTransaction maps to COMMIT and Undo-SqlTransaction maps
        to ROLLBACK.
    Examples of how to use the module or how the subject feature works in practice.