Class PostGreProvider : ProviderBase { PostGreProvider([string]$ConnectionName , [int]$CommandTimeout , [Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection]$Connection) { $this.ConnectionName = $ConnectionName $this.CommandTimeout = $CommandTimeout $this.Connection = $Connection $messages = $this.Messages $handler = {Param($sender, [Npgsql.NpgsqlNoticeEventArgs]$e) $messages.Enqueue(([SqlMessage]@{Received=(Get-Date); Message=$e.Notice.MessageText})) }.GetNewClosure() $this.Connection.add_Notice([Npgsql.NoticeEventHandler]$handler) #enable geom on reconnect $tryEnableGeometry = $this.TryEnableGeometry $stateChange = {Param($sender, [System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs]$e) if($e.CurrentState -eq "Open") { $tryEnableGeometry.Invoke() } }.GetNewClosure() $this.Connection.add_StateChange([System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler]$stateChange) #enable geometry on initial connection $this.TryEnableGeometry() } [string] ProviderType() { return "PostGre" } [PSCustomObject] ConnectionInfo() { return [PSCustomObject]@{ ConnectionName = $this.ConnectionName ProviderType = $this.ProviderType() ConnectionState = $this.Connection.State ConnectionString = $this.Connection.ConnectionString ServerVersion = $this.Connection.ServerVersion Host = $this.Connection.Host Database = $this.Connection.Database CommandTimeout = $this.CommandTimeout HasTransaction = $this.HasTransaction() } } [System.Data.DataSet] GetDataSet([System.Data.IDbCommand]$cmd) { $ds = [System.Data.DataSet]::new() $da = [Npgsql.NpgsqlDataAdapter]::new($cmd) Try { $da.Fill($ds) return $ds } Catch { Throw $_ } Finally { $da.dispose() } } [void] TryEnableGeometry() { try { if(-not $this.Connection.TypeMapper.Mappings.where({$_.PgTypeName -eq "geometry"})){ if($this.GetScalar("SELECT 1 FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'postgis'", 15, @{})) { [Npgsql.NpgsqlNetTopologySuiteExtensions]::UseNetTopologySuite($this.Connection.TypeMapper) | Out-Null } } } catch { Write-Verbose "Failed to enable geometry (safely): $_" } } [void] ChangeDatabase([string]$DatabaseName) { $this.Connection.ChangeDatabase($DatabaseName) $this.TryEnableGeometry() } [long] BulkLoad([System.Data.IDataReader]$DataReader , [string]$DestinationTable , [hashtable]$ColumnMap = @{} , [int]$BatchSize , [int]$BatchTimeout , [ScriptBlock]$Notify) { $BatchSize -= $BatchSize % 10 $SchemaMap = @() [long]$batchIteration = 0 [int]$ord = 0 $DataReader.GetSchemaTable().Rows | Sort-Object ColumnOrdinal | ForEach-Object { $SchemaMap += [PSCustomObject]@{Ordinal = $ord; SrcName = $_["ColumnName"]; DestName = $_["ColumnName"]}; $ord += 1} If($ColumnMap -and $ColumnMap.Count -gt 0) { $SchemaMap = $SchemaMap | Where-Object SrcName -In $ColumnMap.Keys | ForEach-Object { $_.DestName = $ColumnMap[$_.SrcName]; $_ } } [string[]]$DestNames = $SchemaMap | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DestName [string]$ValueSql = (1..10 | ForEach-Object { "(@Param" + (($SchemaMap | ForEach-Object Ordinal) -join ("_{0}, @Param" -f $_)) + ("_{0})" -f $_) }) -join ", " [string]$InsertSql = 'INSERT INTO {0} ("{1}") VALUES {2}' -f $DestinationTable, ($DestNames -join '", "'), $ValueSql $bulkCmd = $this.GetCommand($InsertSql, -1, @{}) Try { $bulkCmd.Transaction = $this.Connection.BeginTransaction() $sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() While($DataReader.Read()) { $batchIteration += 1 $r = $batchIteration % 10 If($r -eq 0) { $r = 10 } If($batchIteration -le 10) { $SchemaMap.ForEach({ $p = "Param{0}_{1}" -f $_.Ordinal, $r $bulkCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue($p, $DataReader.GetValue($_.Ordinal)) }) } Else { $SchemaMap.ForEach({ $p = "Param{0}_{1}" -f $_.Ordinal, $r $bulkCmd.Parameters[$p].Value = $DataReader.GetValue($_.Ordinal) }) } If($r -eq 10) { $null = $bulkCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() } If($sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -gt $BatchTimeout) { Throw [System.TimeoutException]::new(("Batch took longer than {0} seconds to complete." -f $BatchTimeout)) } If($batchIteration % $BatchSize -eq 0) { $bulkCmd.Transaction.Commit() If($Notify) { $Notify.Invoke($batchIteration) } $bulkCmd.Transaction = $this.Connection.BeginTransaction() $sw.Restart() } } $r = $batchIteration % 10 If($r -eq 0) { $r = 10 } If($r -ne 10) { [string]$ValueSql = ((1..$r) | ForEach-Object { "(@Param" + (($SchemaMap | ForEach-Object Ordinal) -join ("_{0}, @Param" -f $_)) + ("_{0})" -f $_) }) -join ", " [string]$InsertSql = 'INSERT INTO {0} ("{1}") VALUES {2}' -f $DestinationTable, ($DestNames -join '", "'), $ValueSql $bulkCmd.CommandText = $InsertSql [int]$mr = $r * $SchemaMap.Count While($bulkCmd.Parameters.Count -gt $mr){ $null = $bulkCmd.Parameters.RemoveAt($mr) } $null = $bulkCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() } $bulkCmd.Transaction.Commit() $bulkCmd.Transaction = $null } Finally { If($bulkCmd.Transaction) { $bulkCmd.Transaction.Dispose() } $bulkCmd.Dispose() $DataReader.Close() $DataReader.Dispose() } Return $batchIteration } } |