
    "Parameters": {
        "Package": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The path to the Web Deploy package to deploy.",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        "SitecoreIdentityCert": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The certificate to use for encryption. Provide the name or the thumbprint.",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        "LicenseFile": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The path to the Sitecore license file.",
            "DefaultValue": ".\\License.xml"
        "SiteName": {
            "Type": "string",
            "DefaultValue": "IdentityServer",
            "Description": "The name of the site to be deployed."
        "SqlServer": {
            "Type": "string",
            "DefaultValue": ".\\SQLSERVER",
            "Description": "The Sql Server where databases will be installed."
        "SqlDbPrefix": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "The prefix used for all Sql databases.",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        "SqlSecurityDbName": {
            "Type": "string",
            "DefaultValue": "_Core",
            "Description": "The database to use in Security database connection string."
        "SqlSecurityUser": {
            "Type": "string",
            "DefaultValue": "securityuser",
            "Description": "The user to use in Security database connection string."
        "SqlSecurityPassword": {
            "Type": "string",
            "DefaultValue": "SIF-Default",
            "Description": "The Sql password for the Security database connection string."
        "PasswordRecoveryUrl": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "Password recovery Url (Host name of CM instance).",
            "DefaultValue": "http:\\"
        "AllowedCorsOrigins": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "Pipe-separated list of instances (URIs) that are allowed to login via Sitecore Identity.",
            "DefaultValue": ""
        "ClientSecret": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Description": "Client secret of PasswordClient section. It's a random string between 1 and 100 symbols long.",
            "DefaultValue": "SIF-Default"
        "CustomConfigurationFile": {
            "Type": "string",
            "DefaultValue": "",
            "Description": "Path to file with custom configuration to be deployed in Identity Server folder."
        "HostMappingName": {
            "Type": "string",
            "Reference": "SiteName",
            "Description": "The host name of the site."
        "DnsName" :{
            "Type": "string",
            "Reference": "SiteName",
            "Description": "The dns name of the site."
    "Variables": {
        "Sql.Database.Name": "[concat(parameter('SqlDbPrefix'), parameter('SqlSecurityDbName'))]",
        "Sql.Database.User": "[parameter('SqlSecurityUser')]",
        "Sql.Database.Password": "[parameter('SqlSecurityPassword')]",
        "Sql.Connection.String": "[concat('Data Source=', parameter('SqlServer'), ';Initial Catalog=', variable('Sql.Database.Name'), ';User ID=', variable('Sql.Database.User'), ';Password=', variable('Sql.Database.Password'))]",
        "Security.CertificateStore": "Cert:\\Localmachine\\My",
        "Security.IdentityServer.CertificateThumbprint": "[GetCertificateThumbprint(parameter('SitecoreIdentityCert'), variable('Security.CertificateStore'))]",
        "Security.IdentityServer.CertificatePath": "[joinpath(variable('Security.CertificateStore'), variable('Security.IdentityServer.CertificateThumbprint'))]",
        "Site.PhysicalPath": "[joinpath(environment('SystemDrive'), 'inetpub', 'wwwroot', parameter('SiteName'))]",
        "Site.LicenseFolder": "[joinpath(variable('Site.PhysicalPath'), 'sitecoreruntime')]",
        "Site.ConfigFolder": "[joinpath(variable('Site.PhysicalPath'), 'Config', 'production')]",
        "Client.Secret" : "[parameter('ClientSecret'))]"
        "Tasks": {
            "RemoveItem": "Remove-Item"
    "Tasks": {
        "CreatePaths": {
            "Description": "Ensure the destination path for the site exists.",
            "Type": "EnsurePath",
            "Params": {
                "Exists": [ "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]" ]
        "CreateAppPool": {
            "Description": "Creates or updates the app pool.",
            "Type": "AppPool",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Properties": {
                    "ProcessModel": {
                        "identityType": "ApplicationPoolIdentity",
                        "idleTimeoutAction": "Suspend",
                        "loadUserProfile": "True"
                "ManagedRuntimeVersion": ""
        "SetAppPoolCertStorePermissions": {
            "Description": "Set permissions for the App Pool User to access the client certificate.",
            "Type": "FilePermissions",
            "Params": {
                "Path" : "[ResolveCertificatePath(variable('Security.IdentityServer.CertificatePath'))]",
                "Rights": [
                        "User": "[concat('IIS AppPool\\', parameter('SiteName'))]",
                        "FileSystemRights": ["Read"],
                        "InheritanceFlags": ["None"]
        "CreateWebsite": {
            "Description": "Creates or updates the IIS website instance.",
            "Type": "Website",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "ApplicationPool": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "PhysicalPath": "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]"
        "StopWebsite": {
            "Description": "Stops the website if it is running.",
            "Type": "ManageWebsite",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Stop"
        "StopAppPool": {
            "Description": "Stops the app pool if it is running.",
            "Type": "ManageAppPool",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Stop"
        "CreateRegistryStorageForAppPool": {
            "Description": "Provisions the HKLM registry so that the specified user account can persist auto-generated machine keys.",
            "Type": "ManageKeyStorage",
            "Params": {
                "AppPoolName": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Create"
        "RemoveDefaultBinding": {
            "Description": "Removes the default *:80 web binding.",
            "Type": "WebBinding",
            "Params": {
                "SiteName" : "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Remove" : [ { "Port": "80", "IPAddress": "*" } ]
        "CreateBindingsWithThumbprint": {
            "Description": "Configures the site bindings for the website.",
            "Type": "WebBinding",
            "Params": {
                "SiteName" : "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Add": [
                        "HostHeader": "[parameter('DNSName')]",
                        "Protocol": "https",
                        "SSLFlags": 1,
                        "Thumbprint": "[variable('Security.IdentityServer.CertificateThumbprint')]"
            "Skip": "[not(parameter('SitecoreIdentityCert'))]"
        "CreateHostHeader": {
            "Description": "Sets a hostheader for the website.",
            "Type": "HostHeader",
            "Params": {
                "HostName": "[parameter('HostMappingName')]"
            "Skip": "[not(parameter('HostMappingName'))]"
        "SetPermissions": {
            "Description": "Sets permissions for the app pool user.",
            "Type": "FilePermissions",
            "Params": {
                "Path": "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]",
                "Rights": [
                        "User": "[concat('IIS AppPool\\', parameter('SiteName'))]",
                        "FileSystemRights": "FullControl",
                        "InheritanceFlags": [ "ContainerInherit", "ObjectInherit" ]
        "InstallWDP": {
            "Description": "Syncs the web deploy package with the website.",
            "Type": "WebDeploy",
            "Params": {
                "Verb": "Sync",
                "Arguments": {
                    "Source": {
                        "Package": "[resolvepath(parameter('Package'))]"
                    "Dest": "Auto",
                    "SetParam": [
                        { "Name": "IIS Web Application Name", "Value": "[parameter('SiteName')]" },
                        { "Name": "Security Connection String", "Value": "[variable('Sql.Connection.String')]" },
                        { "Name": "CertificateThumbprint", "Value": "[variable('Security.IdentityServer.CertificateThumbprint')]" },
                        { "Name": "PasswordRecoveryUrl", "Value": "[parameter('PasswordRecoveryUrl')]" },
                        { "Name": "AllowedCorsOrigins", "Value": "[parameter('AllowedCorsOrigins')]" },
                        { "Name": "ClientSecret", "Value": "[variable('Client.Secret')]" }
        "CreateLicenseFolder": {
            "Description": "Ensure the destination path for the license exists.",
            "Type": "EnsurePath",
            "Params": {
                "Exists": [ "[variable('Site.LicenseFolder')]" ]
        "SetLicense" : {
            "Description": "Copies the license file to the instance license folder.",
            "Type": "Copy",
            "Params": {
                "Source": "[resolvepath(parameter('LicenseFile'))]",
                "Destination": "[variable('Site.LicenseFolder')]"
            "Skip": "[not(parameter('LicenseFile'))]"
        "CustomConfigFile" : {
            "Description": "Copies the custom config file to the instance config folder.",
            "Type": "Copy",
            "Params": {
                "Source": "[resolvepath(parameter('CustomConfigurationFile'))]",
                "Destination": "[variable('Site.ConfigFolder')]"
            "Skip": "[not(parameter('CustomConfigurationFile'))]"
        "StartAppPool": {
            "Description": "Starts the app pool.",
            "Type": "ManageAppPool",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Start"
        "StartWebsite": {
            "Description": "Starts the website.",
            "Type": "ManageWebsite",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Start"
    "UninstallTasks": {
        "StopWebsite": {
            "Description": "Stops the website if it is running.",
            "Type": "ManageWebsite",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Stop",
                "ErrorAction": "SilentlyContinue"
        "StopAppPool": {
            "Description": "Stops the app pool if it is running.",
            "Type": "ManageAppPool",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Stop",
                "ErrorAction": "SilentlyContinue"
        "DeleteRegistryStorageForAppPool": {
            "Description": "Deletes the HKLM registry so that the specified user account can persist auto-generated machine keys.",
            "Type": "ManageKeyStorage",
            "Params": {
                "AppPoolName": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Delete"
        "RemoveAppPool": {
            "Description": "Removes the AppPool.",
            "Type": "RemoveAppPool",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]"
        "RemoveWebsite": {
            "Description": "Removes the website.",
            "Type": "RemoveWebsite",
            "Params": {
                "Name": "[parameter('SiteName')]"
        "RemoveContent": {
            "Description": "Removes website content.",
            "Type": "RemoveItem",
            "Params": {
                "Path": "[variable('Site.PhysicalPath')]",
                "Recurse": true,
                "ErrorAction": "SilentlyContinue"
        "RemoveHostHeader": {
            "Description": "Removes the hostheader for the website.",
            "Type": "HostHeader",
            "Params": {
                "HostName": "[parameter('SiteName')]",
                "Action": "Remove"