
function Backup-WebsiteRootRemotely
    # Backs up website root files remotely (used with Restore-WebsiteRootRemotely)
    # Use this function to maintain backups using Robocopy before starting the deployment
    # Detailed information about the Robocopy exit codes is provided in the end of the operaton
    # Robocopy log file (BACKUP_DIR\_SitecoreDeploymentPS\RobocopyBackupLog.txt)
    # Ability to exclude folders and files from backup
    # Used with Restore-WebsiteRoot
    #.PARAMETER SourceDir
    # Website root directory (absolute path)
    #.PARAMETER TargetDir
    # Backup target directory (absolute path)
    #.PARAMETER ExcludedDirs
    # [OPTIONAL] Directories and files which won't be backed up (coma separated, absolute paths)
    #.PARAMETER ComputerName
    # Name of the remote computer you will connect to
    #.PARAMETER Username
    # Username
    #.PARAMETER Password
    # Password
    # $sourceDir = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website"
    # $targetDir = "C:\backup"
    # $excludedDirs = "$sourceDir\_DEV, $sourceDir\_CMP, $sourceDir\upload, $sourceDir\temp, $sourceDir\sitecore, $sourceDir\sitecore modules, $sourceDir\sitecore_files"
    # $computerName = "RemoteComputer"
    # $username = "username"
    # $password = "password"
    # Backup-WebsiteRootRemotely -ComputerName $computerName -Username $username -Password $password -SourceDir $sourceDir -TargetDir $targetDir -ExcludedDirs $excludedDirs

        $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference'),

        #region Begin

        $systemLog = NewSystemLog -Name "Backup-WebsiteRemotely"

        WriteLog -Path $systemLog -Message "OUTPUT: Starting remoting, please wait"

        #endregion Begin
        #region Process

        $session = NewRemoteSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Username $Username -Password $Password -LogFile $systemLog
        WriteLog -Path $systemLog -Message "OUTPUT: Waiting result from remoting, please wait"

        $capturedResult = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock ${function:BackupWebsiteRootRemotely} -ArgumentList $SourceDir, $TargetDir, $ExcludedDirs, $VerbosePreference
        foreach ($message in $capturedResult) 
            WriteLog -Path $systemLog -Message $message

        #endregion Process