
  Remove all containers.

  Stops all processors and removes all containers.


function Remove-SkyWireContainer {
  docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

  Create a docker-compose.yaml for Pos/WebConfig.

  Create a docker-compose.yaml consisting of Pos, WebConfig, and Pos database containers.

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for Pos if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for WebConfig if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for Pos database if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for Reporting database if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the working directory where docker-compose.yaml will be created.

  Specify the docker-compose.yaml version (default: 3.4).

  Specify a port for WebConfig to run on (default: 8000).

  Specify the name of the pos docker image (default: skywireinc/pos). Leave this unless the repository changes.

  Specify the name of the WecConfig docker image (default: skywireinc/webconfig). Leave this unless the repository changes.

  Specify the name of the pos database docker image (default: skywireinc/pos-db). Leave this unless the repository changes.

  Specify the name of the reporting database docker image (default: skywireinc/reporting). Leave this unless the repository changes.

  New-SkyWirePosDockerYaml -posTag POS-999-beta -wcTag POS-999-beta -dbTag dev -rptTag dev -dataDir c:\temp

function New-SkyWirePosDockerYaml {
    [string] $posTag,

    [string] $wcTag,

    [string] $dbTag,

    [string] $rptTag,

    [string] $dataDir,

    [string] $version = "3.4",

    [int] $wcPort = 8000,

    [string] $posImage = "skywireinc/pos",

    [string] $wcImage = "skywireinc/webconfig",

    [string] $dbImage = "skywireinc/pos-db",

    [string] $rptImage = "skywireinc/reporting"

  Write-Verbose "Current data dir: $dataDir"

  if (Test-Path $dataDir) {
    Write-Verbose "Removing existing data dir: $dataDir"
    Remove-Item -Path $dataDir -Recurse

  Write-Verbose "Creating data dir: $dataDir"
  New-Item -Path $dataDir -ItemType Directory

  $pos = @{
    image = "$($posImage):$($posTag)"
    volumes = @("$($dataDir):C:\exports")

  $rpt = @{
    image = "$($rptImage):$rptTag"
    volumes = @("$($dataDir):C:\Reporting")
    depends_on = @("pos")

  $db = @{
    image = "$($dbImage):$dbTag"
    ports = @("1433:1433")
    volumes = @("$($dataDir):C:\data")
    depends_on = @("rpt")

  $wc = @{
    image = "$($wcImage):$wcTag"
    ports = @("$($wcPort):80")
    depends_on = @("db")

  $services = @{
    pos = $pos
    db = $db
    wc = $wc
    rpt = $rpt

  # Version must be first for docker-compose.yaml
  $yaml = New-Object ([System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]);
  $yaml.Add("version", $version)
  $yaml.Add("services", $services)

  Write-Verbose "Writing $dataDir\docker-compose.yaml"
  Write-Verbose "$yaml"

  ConvertTo-Yaml $yaml | Out-File "$dataDir\docker-compose.yaml"

  Run Pos using docker-compose.

  Run WebConfig and Pos database in docker-compose. This function will open the data directory where Pos installation resides. **Ensure that all containers are started and database is migrated before installing. Local SQL must be stopped.**

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for Pos if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for WebConfig if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the docker tag for Pos database. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the docker tag for reporting database. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify a port for WebConfig to run on.

  Specify the root directory where all data will reside for the current session (default: %TEMP%\SkyWire\SkyWire-Docker)

  # Run production Pos

  Start-SkyWirePos -port 8001 -rootDir C:\temp\mydata
  # Run WebConfig on a port and a specific root directory for data where Pos installation file will reside.

  Start-SkyWirePos -tag POS-5470-beta
  # Run Pos beta version for Jira ticket# POS-5470

function Start-SkyWirePos {
    [string] $tag = "latest",

    [string] $wcTag = "latest",

    [string] $dbTag = "latest",

    [string] $rptTag = "latest",

    [int] $port = 8000,

    [string] $rootDir = "$env:TEMP\SkyWire\SkyWire-Docker"

  $posTag = $tag
  $wcPort = $port

  if ($tag -ne "latest") {

    # If wcTag is default (not user specified) then ask
    if ($wcTag -eq "latest") {
      $wcTag = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter WebConfig tag (default: $posTag)"
      if (!$wcTag) {
        $wcTag = $posTag

    # If dbTag is default (not user specified) then ask
    if ($dbTag -eq "latest") {
      $dbTag = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter database tag (default: dev)"
      if (!$dbTag) {
        $dbTag = "dev"

    # If rptTag is default (not user specified) then ask
    if ($rptTag -eq "latest") {
      $rptTag = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter reporting tag (default: dev)"
      if (!$rptTag) {
        $rptTag = "dev"


  $dataDir = "$rootDir\$posTag"

  Write-Verbose "Creating docker-compose.yaml file"
  New-SkyWirePosDockerYaml -posTag $posTag -wcTag $wcTag -wcPort $wcPort -dbTag $dbTag -rptTag $rptTag -dataDir $dataDir

  Write-Verbose "Starting docker-compose"
  Write-Verbose "WebConfig: http://localhost:$wcPort"
  Write-Verbose "SQL: localhost"

  Write-Verbose "Opening $dataDir"
  Write-Information "Ensure that all containers are running and the database is migrated before instaling Pos"

  # Open the data directory so that the user can install POS
  Start-Process $dataDir

  Start-SkyWireDockerCompose -file "$dataDir\docker-compose.yaml"

  Run WebConfig using docker-compose.

  Run WebConfig with Pos database with docker-compose. **This requires local SQL to be stopped.**

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for WebConfig if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify a port for WebConfig to run on.

  Specify the Jira ticket number + pre-release tag for Pos if running a pre-release version. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the docker tag for Pos database. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the docker tag for Reporting database. If not specified, all apps will be ran with tag "latest".

  Specify the root directory where all data will reside for the current session (default: %TEMP%\SkyWire\SkyWire-Docker)

  # Run production WebConfig

  Start-SkyWireWebConfig -port 8001 -rootDir C:\temp\mydata
  # Run WebConfig on a port and a specific root directory for data.

  Start-SkyWireWebConfig -tag POS-5470-beta
  # Run WebConfig beta version for Jira ticket# POS-5470

function Start-SkyWireWebConfig {
    [string] $tag = "latest",

    [int] $port = 8000,

    [string] $posTag = "latest",

    [string] $dbTag = "latest",

    [string] $rptTag = "latest",

    [string] $rootDir = "$env:TEMP\SkyWire\SkyWire-Docker"

  $wcTag = $tag
  $wcPort = $port

  if ($tag -ne "latest") {

    # If posTag is default (not user specified) then ask
    if ($posTag -eq "latest") {
      $posTag = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Pos tag (default: $wcTag)"
      if (!$posTag) {
        $posTag = $wcTag

    # If dbTag is default (not user specified) then ask
    if ($dbTag -eq "latest") {
      $dbTag = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter database tag (default: dev)"
      if (!$dbTag) {
        $dbTag = "dev"

    # If rptTag is default (not user specified) then ask
    if ($rptTag -eq "latest") {
      $rptTag = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter database tag (default: dev)"
      if (!$rptTag) {
        $rptTag = "dev"


  $dataDir = "$rootDir\$wcTag"

  Write-Verbose "Creating docker-compose.yaml file"
  New-SkyWirePosDockerYaml -posTag $posTag -wcTag $wcTag -wcPort $wcPort -dbTag $dbTag -rptTag $rptTag -dataDir $dataDir

  Write-Verbose "Starting docker-compose"
  Write-Verbose "WebConfig: http://localhost:$wcPort"
  Write-Verbose "SQL: localhost"

  Start-SkyWireDockerCompose -file "$dataDir\docker-compose.yaml"

  Stop all running containers.

  Stop all running docker containers.


function Stop-SkyWireContainer {
  docker ps stop $(docker ps -aq)

  Run docker-compose up.

  Run docker-compose up by specify the docker-compose.yaml file.

  Start-SkyWireDockerCompose -File C:\temp\docker-compose.yaml

function Start-SkyWireDockerCompose {
    [string] $file

  Write-Verbose "Running ""docker-compose -f $file up"""
  docker-compose -f $file up

Export-ModuleMember -Function Remove-SkyWireContainer
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-SkyWirePosDockerYaml
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-SkyWireDockerCompose
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-SkyWirePos
Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-SkyWireWebConfig
Export-ModuleMember -Function Stop-SkyWireContainer