
  Creates a new database for a SkyWire Point of Sale product.
  Publishes the dacpac for a specified app and tag (as well as optional bacpac to include test data) to a specified server.
  The app to establish a database for. Valid values: POS, SRDM, Reporting.
  The tag (ticket number) for the build to download and deploy. This tag will be used in the db name.
 .PARAMETER dbServer
  The database server (default: localhost).
  The database user id.
 .PARAMETER dbPassword
  The database password.
  Specify the root directory where all data will reside for the current deployment (default: %PROGRAMDATA%\SkyWire-PSInstaller).
 .PARAMETER bacpacUrl
  If the app parameter is "BACPAC", the URL to download the .bacpac file from.
  If a bacpac is supplied, and a database for the specified tag already exists, force it to be dropped and recreated without prompting.
 .PARAMETER refresh
  Indicates that any currently cached copy of this file should be refreshed.
  This script requires the use of the PublishDacPac module. Run Install-Module -Name PublishDacPac if you do not have this.
  By default, the database will use Trusted Connection. Provide dbUser and dbPassword if user/password need to be used.
  New-SWDatabase -app POS -tag POS-0000-beta
  New-SWDatabase -app POS -tag POS-0000-beta -dbServer remoteSqlHost -dbUser sa -dbPassword password -bacpac "C:\MyStartingData.bacpac" -force

function New-SWDatabase {
    [string] $app,

    [string] $tag,

    [string] $dbServer = "localhost",

    [string] $dbName = "$tag-$app",

    [string] $dbUser = "",

    [string] $dbPassword = "",

    [string] $rootDir = "$env:PROGRAMDATA\SkyWire-PSInstaller",

    [string] $bacpacUrl,

    [switch] $force,

    [switch] $refresh
  $trustedConnection = !$dbUser -and !$dbPassword
  $connectionString = "Data Source=$dbServer;Initial Catalog=$dbName;Integrated Security=$trustedConnection;"
  if (!($trustedConnection)) {
    $connectionString = "$($connectionString)User Id=$dbUser;Password=$dbPassword;"

  if ($bacpacUrl) { 
    $bacpac = Get-SWInstallPackage -app "BACPAC" -bacpacUrl $bacpacUrl -tag $tag -rootDir $rootDir -refresh:$refresh 
    try {
      if (Test-Path $bacpac) {
        $version = Select-SqlPackageVersion -PreferredVersion "120";
        $sqlPackageExe = Get-SqlPackagePath -Version $version;
        if (!(Test-Path $sqlPackageExe)) {
          Write-Error "Could not find SqlPackage.exe in order to import the database BacPac!"
          Write-Warning "For install instructions, see"
          throw "Could not find SqlPackage.exe in order to import the database BacPac!"

        #See if the database already exists:
        $sqlDbCheck = "SELECT [create_date] FROM [Sys].[databases] WHERE [Name] = '$dbName'"
        if ($trustedConnection) {
          $sqlDbCheckResult = Invoke-SqlCmd -Query $sqlDbCheck -ServerInstance $dbServer
        } else {
          $sqlDbCheckResult = Invoke-SqlCmd -Query $sqlDbCheck -ServerInstance $dbServer -Username $dbUser -Password $dbPassword
        $dbCreatedDate = $sqlDbCheckResult.create_date
        $applyBacpac = 1
        if ($dbCreatedDate) {
          Write-Warning "The database $dbName already exists!"
          if (!($force)) {
          $newDbNo = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Uses the existing database and ignores the specified bacpac"
          $newDbYes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Deletes the existing database and creates a new one from the specified bacpac"
          $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($newDbNo, $newDbYes)
          $promptMessage = "A database named '$dbName' was previously created at $dbCreatedDate. Would you like to delete it and create a new version from your bacpac?"
          $applyBacpac = $host.ui.PromptForChoice("Delete Previous Database", $promptMessage, $options, 0)

          if ($applyBacpac -eq 1) {
            if ($trustedConnection) {
              Remove-SWDatabase -dbName $dbName -dbServer $dbServer
            } else {
              Remove-SWDatabase -dbName $dbName -dbServer $dbServer -dbUser $dbUser -dbPassword $dbPassword

        if ($applyBacpac -eq 1) {
          #Create database from bacpac, then apply dacpac to update
          $argList = @(
          Invoke-ExternalCommand -Command "$sqlPackageExe" -Arguments $argList;    
    } catch {
      Write-Error "An error occurred while attempting to apply the bacpac. Please verify the URL is correct and try restarting the SQL Service, verifying yoru credentials, and running this script again."
      throw $_.Exception

  #Apply the dacpac to create a new DB, or upgrade the one we just imported
  try {
    $dacpac = Get-SWInstallPackage -app "$($app)DAC" -tag $tag -rootDir $rootDir -refresh $refresh

    $tempPublishProfile = New-TemporaryFile
    Rename-Item -Path $tempPublishProfile.FullName -NewName "$tempPublishProfile.publish.xml"
    $publishProfile = "$($tempPublishProfile.FullName).publish.xml"

    $xml = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    $xml.Add('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>') > $null
    $xml.Add('<Project ToolsVersion="Current" xmlns="">') > $null
    $xml.Add(" <PropertyGroup>") > $null
    $xml.Add(" <IncludeCompositeObjects>True</IncludeCompositeObjects>") > $null
    $xml.Add(" <TargetDatabaseName>$tag-$app</TargetDatabaseName>") > $null
    $xml.Add(" <TargetConnectionString>$($connectionString)Pooling=False;Connect Timeout=60;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;</TargetConnectionString>") > $null
    $xml.Add(" <BlockOnPossibleDataLoss>False</BlockOnPossibleDataLoss>") > $null
    $xml.Add(" <ProfileVersionNumber>1</ProfileVersionNumber>") > $null
    $xml.Add(" </PropertyGroup>") > $null
    $xml.Add("</Project>") > $null
    $xml|Out-File $publishProfile

    #Create database from dacpac
    Publish-DacPac -DacPacPath $dacpac -DacPublishProfile $publishProfile -Server $dbServer -Database $dbName

    Remove-Item $publishProfile -Force
  } catch {
    Write-Error "An error occurred while attempting to apply the dacpac. This typically happens when the database is currently in use or the authentication is incorrect. Try restarting the SQL Service, verifying yoru credentials, and running this script again."
    throw $_.Exception


  Removes a SkyWire database.
  Removes the specified database from the specified server using the provided credentials (or windows account, if no credentials are provided).
  The name of the database to remove.
 .PARAMETER dbServer
  The database server (default: localhost).
  The SQL user. Leave blank for integrated security.
 .PARAMETER dbPassword
  The SQL password. Leave blank for integrated security.
  This script requires the use of the PublishDacPac module. Run Install-Module -Name PublishDacPac if you do not have this.
  By default, the database will use Trusted Connection. Provide dbUser and dbPassword if user/password need to be used.
  Remove-SWDatabase -dbName SkyWirePOS

function Remove-SWDatabase {
  param (
    [string] $dbName,

    [string] $dbServer = "localhost",

    [string] $dbUser = "",

    [string] $dbPassword = ""
  try {
    Write-Warning "Dropping existing $dbName database..."
    if (!$dbUser -and !$dbPassword) {
      Invoke-SqlCmd -Query "DROP DATABASE [$dbName]" -ServerInstance $dbServer
    } else {
      Invoke-SqlCmd -Query "DROP DATABASE [$dbName]" -ServerInstance $dbServer -Username $dbUser -Password $dbPassword
  } catch {
    Write-Error "An error occurred while attempting to remove the previous database. This typically happens when the database is currently in use. Try restarting the SQL Service and running this script again."
    throw $_.Exception