
  Create a new SkyWire Gateway application.
  This is used to create a new SkyWire Gateway application.
  The version of Gateway.
 .PARAMETER rootSite
  Specify the root IIS Site where the web applications reside (default: Default Web Site).
  New-SWGateway -tag POS-1337-beta
  New-SWGateway -tag POS-1337-beta -rootSite MyCustomSite -package C:\downloads\

function New-SWGateway {
    [string] $tag,

    [string] $rootSite = "Default Web Site",

    [string] $rootDir = "$env:PROGRAMDATA\SkyWire-PSInstaller",

    [string] $name = "$tag-Gateway"
  if (!$rootSite) {
    throw "The parameter rootSite is required."

  $package = Get-SWInstallPackage -app "Gateway" -tag $tag -rootDir $rootDir

  $parameters = @{
    "IIS Web Application Name" = "$rootSite/$($name)"

  if (!(Test-Path $package)) {
    throw "Package does not exist."

  try {
    Restore-WDPackage $package -Parameters $parameters
  } catch {
    Write-Error "An error occurred while installing the gateway. This can be caused by an IIS permissions or configuration problem, such as web deploy not being installed."
    throw $_.Exception

  Remove an existing SkyWire Gateway application.
  This will remove a SkyWire Gateway application in IIS.
  The version of the Gateway.
 .PARAMETER rootSite
  Specify the root IIS Site where the web applications reside (default: Default Web Site).
  If the Gateway was deployed to a custom name, specify name (default: $tag-Gateway).
 .PARAMETER workingDir
  The directory of the Gateway application (default: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$name).
  Remove-SWGateway -tag POS-1337-beta
  Remove-SWGateway -tag POS-1337-beta -rootSite MyCustomSite
  Remove-SWGateway -name MyGateway

function Remove-SWGateway {
    [string] $tag,

    [string] $rootSite = "Default Web Site",

    [string] $name = "$tag-Gateway",

    [string] $workingDir = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\$name"

  try {
    Remove-WebApplication -Site $rootSite -Name $name
    Remove-Item -Path $workingDir -Recurse -Force
  } catch {
    Write-Error "An error occurred while removing the gateway. This can be caused by an IIS permissions or configuration problem, such as web deploy not being installed, or if the gateway is currently open in a web browser."
    throw $_.Exception