
  Downloads the SkyWire Point of Sale installer for a specified build.
  Downloads the SkyWire Point of Sale installer for a specified build.
  The tag (ticket number) for the POS build to download and deploy.
  Specify the root directory where all data will reside for the current deployment (default: %TEMP%\SkyWire-PSInstaller).
  This script cannot install POS automatically, as it requires configuration of a terminal via WebConfig prior to install.
  New-SWPOS -tag POS-0000

function New-SWPOS {
    [string] $tag,

    [string] $rootDir = "$env:PROGRAMDATA\SkyWire-PSInstaller"

  Get-SWInstallPackage -app "POS" -tag $tag -rootDir $rootDir

  Uninstalls an existing SkyWire POS installation
  Uninstalls an existing SkyWire POS installation

function Remove-SWPOS {
  try {
    $exePath = "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\SkyWirePOS\Update.exe"
    $param = "--uninstall"
    & $exePath $param
  } catch {
    Write-Error "An error occurred while uninstalling POS. This usually happens when POS is not installed on this computer."
    throw $_.Exception