
function Set-SlackDefaults {
        Creates a new Slack config file
        This function will create a local configuration file that stores user-specific information like their Slack Workspace token or webhook.
    .PARAMETER botToken
        A Slack Bot token
    .PARAMETER userToken
        A Slack User token
    .PARAMETER defaultChannel
        The name or ID of a default channel to use for output.
    .PARAMETER defaultWebhook
        The url of a default webhook to use for output. If this is set, this will take precedence.
        Set-SlackDefaults -botToken "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"





    $root = (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot).Parent.FullName

    $value = @"

    New-Item -Path $root -Name "SlackDefaults.json" -ItemType File -Value $value -Force

#Set-SlackDefaults -botToken "xoxb-" -userToken "xoxp-"