
function Connect-SlackRtmSession {
        Starts a Real Time Messaging Session.
        This function beings a Real Time Messaging Session with Slack
        and reserves your application a specific URL with which to connect via websocket.
        Unlike rtm.start, this method is focused only on connecting to the RTM API.
    .PARAMETER token
        A Slack User or Bot token.
    .PARAMETER batch_presence_aware
        Batch presence deliveries via subscription. Enabling changes the shape of presence_change events.
    .PARAMETER presence_sub
        Only deliver presence events when requested by subscription.
        Connect-SlackRtmSession -token $Token
        rtm.connect -token $Token




    Invoke-SlackWebApi -Token $token -REST_Method 'GET' -Method_Family 'rtm.connect'
Set-Alias -Name 'rtm.connect' -Value 'Connect-SlackRtmSession'