
   Sends a message using the Slack API
   Sends a message using webhooks to Slack, it can send both direct messages or messages to channels
   You can also customize the name the messages appears to be sent from & the emoji icon.
   Send-SlackMessage -WebhookURL '' -MessageBody 'Some Text \n Line2 of text'
   This sends a message to slack with 2 lines
   $Webhook = ''
   Send-SlackMessage -WebhookURL $Webhook -MessageBody 'Hello World!' -channel '#test' -SenderName 'MyAlien' -emoji ':alien:'
   This uses a WebhookURL stored in a variable to send a single line message to the channel #test from MyAlien with the sender icon being an alien

function Send-SlackMessage

    [string]$emoji = ':slack:')

$Msg = "payload={`"text`": `"$MessageBody`" , `"channel`": `"$channel`", `"username`": `"$SenderName`", `"icon_emoji`": `"$emoji`"}"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WebhookURL -Method Post -Body $Msg