
# - logging log4net
# - pretty console output
# - load modules
# - connect to cdot cluster
function init_log4net{
    write-verbose "Loading log4net from path $PSScriptRoot\log4net.dll"
    $log4NetLocation = "$PSScriptRoot\log4net.dll" 
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($log4NetLocation) | Out-Null
function exit_log4net{
function get_log4net_level($level){
        "Debug" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::Debug}
        "Info" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::Info}
        "Warn" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::Warn}
        "Error" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::Error}
        "Off" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::Off}
        "Fatal" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::Fatal}
        "All" {return [log4net.Core.Level]::All}

function set_log_level{
    $wrapper = [log4net.LogManager]::GetLogger($loggerinstance)
    $l = $wrapper.Logger
    $l.Level = get_log4net_level -level $level

function add_appender($loggerinstance,$appender){
    if( $null -ne $appender ){
        $wrapper = [log4net.LogManager]::GetLogger($loggerinstance)
        $l = $wrapper.Logger
function create_rolling_log_appender($name,$file,$Threshold="Info"){
    $rlf = new-object log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender
    $rlf.MaximumFileSize = "50MB"
    $rlf.Name = $name
    $rlf.File = $file
    $rlf.RollingStyle = "Size"
    $rlf.StaticLogFileName = $true
    $rlf.MaxSizeRollBackups = "20"
    $rlf.Layout = new-object log4net.Layout.PatternLayout("[%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff}] [%level] %message%n")
    $rlf.Threshold = (get_log4net_level -level $Threshold)
    return $rlf
function get_logger($name){
    return [log4net.LogManager]::GetLogger($name)
Function clean_and_exit () { 

    Write-Log "[ EXIT ] Finished"

Function handle_error([object]$object){
    $ErrorMessage = $object.Exception.Message
    $FailedItem = $object.Exception.ItemName
    $Type = $object.Exception.GetType().FullName
    $CategoryInfo = $object.CategoryInfo
    $ErrorDetails = $object.ErrorDetails
    $Exception = $_.Exception
    $FullyQualifiedErrorId = $object.FullyQualifiedErrorId
    $InvocationInfoLine = $object.InvocationInfo.Line
    $InvocationInfoLineNumber = $object.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
    $PipelineIterationInfo = $object.PipelineIterationInfo
    $ScriptStackTrace = $object.ScriptStackTrace
    $TargetObject = $object.TargetObject
    Write-LogError  "Trap Error: [$ErrorMessage]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap Item: [$FailedItem]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap Type: [$Type]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap CategoryInfo: [$CategoryInfo]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap ErrorDetails: [$ErrorDetails]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap Exception: [$Exception]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap FullyQualifiedErrorId: [$FullyQualifiedErrorId]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap InvocationInfo: [$InvocationInfoLineNumber] [$InvocationInfoLine]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap PipelineIterationInfo: [$PipelineIterationInfo]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap ScriptStackTrace: [$ScriptStackTrace]"
    Write-LogDebug  "Trap TargetObject: [$TargetObject]"
function format-colorbrackets {
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
        [string] $Format,
        [switch] $FirstIsSpecial,
        [switch] $NoNewLine,
        [string] $ForceColor=""

    $result = Select-String -Pattern '\[([^\]]*)\]' -InputObject $Format -AllMatches
    $i = 0
    $first = $true
    foreach($match in $result.Matches) {
        $group = $match.Groups[1]
        WriteHost $Format.Substring($i, $group.Index - $i) -NoNewline
        if(($first -and $FirstIsSpecial)){
            if($ForceColor.length -gt 1){$color=$ForceColor}
        WriteHost $group.Value -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $color
        $i = $group.Index + $group.Length

    if($i -lt $Format.Length){WriteHost $Format.Substring($i, $Format.Length - $i) -NoNewline }
    WriteHost "" -NoNewline:$NoNewLine

function import_module($name){
    if (-not(Get-Module -Name $name)) {
        if (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $ -eq $name }) {
            Import-Module $name  
            return $true
        } else {   
            return $false
    } else{
        return $true
function load_module($name){
    try {
        if (import_module $name) {
            Write-LogSuccess "Loaded module $name"
        } else {
            Write-LogError "Failed to load module $name"
            Write-Log "Did you install the module ? `n`r"
            Write-Log "[ Tip ] Install-Module $name `n`r" -forceColor Magenta -firstIsSpecial
    } catch {
            Write-LogError "Failed to load module $name"
            Write-Log "Did you install the module ? `n`r"
            Write-Log "[ Tip ] Install-Module $name `n`r" -forceColor Magenta -firstIsSpecial
        handle_error -object $_
function connect_controller($name){
    if(-not $connections[$name]){
        $credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Provide credentials for $name"
            $connections[$name] = Connect-NcController r2d2 -Credential $credentials -HTTPS
            Write-LogSuccess "Connected to cluster $name"
            Write-LogError "Failed to connect to cluster $name"
            handle_error $_
    return $connections[$name]
function WriteHost{
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]

    Write-Host $Object -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewline:$NoNewLine

function Write-Brackets ([string]$mess,$status,$foregroundcolor) {
        WriteHost "[" -NoNewLine
        WriteHost $status -ForegroundColor $foregroundcolor -NoNewLine
        WriteHost "] " -NoNewLine
        format-colorbrackets "$mess" -FirstIsSpecial -ForceColor yellow
function Write-LogDebug ([string]$mess) {
    if($LogLevel -eq "Debug"){
        Write-Brackets -mess $mess -status " INFO " -foregroundcolor cyan
function Write-LogSuccess ([string]$mess) {
    Write-Brackets -mess $mess -status " OK " -foregroundcolor green
function Write-LogError ([string]$mess) {
    Write-Brackets -mess $mess -status " ERR " -foregroundcolor red
function Write-LogWarn ([string]$mess) {
    Write-Brackets -mess $mess -status " WARN " -foregroundcolor yellow
function Write-Log ([string]$mess,[switch]$firstIsSpecial,[switch]$noNewLine,$forceColor) {

    format-colorbrackets "$mess" -FirstIsSpecial:$firstIsSpecial -NoNewLine:$noNewLine -ForceColor $forceColor
function Write-LogTitle ([string]$mess) {
        WriteHost ("-" * $mess.Length)
        WriteHost $mess -ForegroundColor Magenta
        WriteHost ("-" * $mess.Length)


   Convert snapmirror policy
   SRM and NetApp(c) SRA (currently) have no capability to properly run planned migrations
   or test migrations when the underlying SnapMirror(c) relationsships are Synchronous.
   The SRA was built for Asynchronous relations and certain underlying actions such as
   snapmirror update fail. Also, after migrations, the SRA create async relations.
   The cmdlet converts all snapmirrors, found in the volumes matching the config regular expressions,
   to the target snapmirror policy in the config file.
   So now you can run this cmdlet to convert sync to async (before srm testing).
   And to convert async to sync (after finishing testing).
   The final state, either broken-off or snapmirrored, will remain.
   TIPS : Use -WhatIf and -Confirm.
   DEPENDENCIES : Requires DataONTAP and Powershell-yaml (use install-module)
   CONFIG FILE : What convertion and in what direction on which snapmirrors is defined
                 in the config yaml file you need to pass.
    Invoke-SrmScript -configfile c:\srmsync\prod-dr-prep.yaml -LogLevel Debug -Confirm:$false
    Preparing script
    [ OK ] Loaded module dataOntap
    [ OK ] Loaded module powershell-yaml
    [ OK ] Loaded configfile
    [ INFO ] source_cluster : r2d2
    [ INFO ] destination_cluster : c3po
    [ INFO ] snapmirror_volume_regex : srm_sync.*
    [ INFO ] snapmirror_vserver_regex : srm_vserver.*
    [ INFO ] target_snapmirror_policy : MirrorAndVault
    [ OK ] Connected to cluster c3po
    [ OK ] Lookup volumes
    [ OK ] Lookup snapmirrors
    Found following matching volumes
    [broken-off][Sync][sync_mirror][srm_sync_volume] -> [srm_sync_volume_dest]
    Converting to MirrorAndVault
    [ INFO ] [already broken-off][srm_sync_volume] -> [srm_sync_volume_dest]
    [ OK ] [removed ][srm_sync_volume] -> [srm_sync_volume_dest]
    [ OK ] [released ][srm_sync_volume] -> [srm_sync_volume_dest]
    [ OK ] [recreated ][srm_sync_volume] -> [srm_sync_volume_dest]
    [ INFO ] [converted to async][srm_sync_volume] -> [srm_sync_volume_dest]
    [ EXIT ] Finished

function Convert-SnapmirrorPolicy{
        # The path of the yaml file that contains the configuration
        # - determines the snapmirror direction (source, dest)
        # - determines the volume selection (volume & vserver regex)
        # - determines the target snapmirror policy
        # Example :
        # source_cluster : "r2d2"
        # destination_cluster : "c3po"
        # snapmirror_volume_regex : "srm_sync.*"
        # snapmirror_vserver_regex : "srm_vserver.*"
        # target_snapmirror_policy : "MirrorAndVault"
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Fatal", "Off")]
        [string]$LogLevel = "Debug",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$LogFile = ".\SnapmirrorConvert.log",

        # Forces the resync in case the snapmirror is broken

    $ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
    $connections = @{}
    $config = @{}
    $found_snapmirrors = @()

    # init log
        $masterLogFileAppender = create_rolling_log_appender -name "srmsync.log" -file $LogFile -threshold $LogLevel
        add_appender -loggerinstance "srmsynclog" $masterLogFileAppender
        set_log_level -loggerinstance "srmsynclog" -level "All"
        $Global:MasterLog = get_logger -name "srmsynclog" 
        Write-Error "Failed to initialize log4net"

    # PREP
    Write-LogTitle "Preparing script"

    # import modules
    load_module dataOntap
    load_module powershell-yaml

    # load config file
        $config = Get-Content $ConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Yaml
        Write-LogError "Failed to load ConfigFile $ConfigFile"
        handle_error $_
    Write-LogSuccess "Loaded ConfigFile"
    Write-LogDebug ("source_cluster : {0}" -f $config.source_cluster)
    Write-LogDebug ("destination_cluster : {0}" -f $config.destination_cluster)
    Write-LogDebug ("snapmirror_volume_regex : {0}" -f $config.snapmirror_volume_regex)
    Write-LogDebug ("snapmirror_vserver_regex : {0}" -f $config.snapmirror_vserver_regex)
    Write-LogDebug ("target_snapmirror_policy : {0}" -f $config.target_snapmirror_policy)

    # connect to both clusters
    $source_controller = connect_controller $config.source_cluster
    $destination_controller = connect_controller $config.source_cluster

    # policy check
    $targetSnapmirrorPolicy = $config.target_snapmirror_policy
    $checkpolicy = Get-NcSnapmirrorPolicy -Name $targetSnapmirrorPolicy

    if(-not $checkpolicy){
        Write-LogError "$targetSnapmirrorPolicy does not exist on $destination_controller"
        Write-LogSuccess "$targetSnapmirrorPolicy is a valid snapmirror policy"

    # get information
        $source_volumes = Get-NcVol -Controller $source_controller
        Write-LogSuccess "Lookup volumes"
        $destination_snapmirrors = Get-NcSnapmirror -Controller $destination_controller -DestinationCluster $destination_controller.Name -SourceCluster $source_controller.Name
        Write-LogSuccess "Lookup snapmirrors"
        handle_error $_

    # search maching volumes based on regex's
    foreach($v in $source_volumes){
        if($ -match $config.snapmirror_volume_regex -and $v.Vserver -match $config.snapmirror_vserver_regex){
            $found_snapmirrors +=[PSCustomObject]@{
                volume = $
                mirror = ""
                policy = ""
                type = ""

    # find mirrors on found volumes and complete info with snapmirror policy
    foreach($s in $found_snapmirrors){
        foreach($sm in $destination_snapmirrors){
                $policy = Get-NcSnapmirrorPolicy -Name $sm.policy
                Write-LogError "Failed to get snapmirror policy for $s"
            if($s.volume -eq $sm.sourceVolume -and $ -eq $sm.sourcecluster){
                $s.mirror = $sm
                $s.policy = $policy.Name
                $s.type = $policy.Type

    # output to console
    Write-LogTitle "Found following matching volumes"
    foreach($s in $found_snapmirrors){
            if($s.type -eq "snapmirrored"){
                $color = "green"
                $color = "yellow"
            Write-Log ("[{0}][{4}][{3}][{1}] -> [{2}]" -f $s.mirror.mirrorstate,$s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume,$s.type,$s.policy) -firstIsSpecial -forceColor $color
            Write-Log ("[missing][{0}] -> []" -f $s.volume) -firstIsSpecial -forceColor red

    # start conversion
    Write-LogTitle "Converting to $targetSnapmirrorPolicy"
    foreach($s in ($found_snapmirrors | ?{$_.mirror})){


            # implement whatif and confirm
            if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess(("[{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume), "Convert Snapmirror to $targetSnapmirrorPolicy")){
                # if not broken, break
                if($s.mirror.MirrorState -ne "broken-off"){

                    # quiesce before break
                        Invoke-NcSnapmirrorQuiesce -Controller $destination_controller `
                            -DestinationCluster $s.mirror.DestinationCluster `
                            -DestinationVserver $s.mirror.DestinationVserver `
                            -DestinationVolume $s.mirror.DestinationVolume `
                            -SourceCluster $s.mirror.sourceCluster `
                            -SourceVserver $s.mirror.sourceVserver `
                            -SourceVolume $s.mirror.sourceVolume `
                        Write-LogSuccess ("[queisced ][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)

                        Write-LogError ("Failed to quiesce relation [{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                        handle_error $_

                    # break
                        Invoke-NcSnapmirrorBreak -Controller $destination_controller `
                            -DestinationCluster $s.mirror.DestinationCluster `
                            -DestinationVserver $s.mirror.DestinationVserver `
                            -DestinationVolume $s.mirror.DestinationVolume `
                            -SourceCluster $s.mirror.sourceCluster `
                            -SourceVserver $s.mirror.sourceVserver `
                            -SourceVolume $s.mirror.sourceVolume `
                        Write-LogSuccess ("[broken-off][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)

                        Write-LogError ("Failed to break relation [{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                        handle_error $_
                }elseif($s.mirror.MirrorState -eq "broken-off"){
                    Write-LogDebug ("[already broken-off][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)

                # remove
                    Remove-NcSnapmirror -Controller $source_controller `
                        -DestinationCluster $s.mirror.DestinationCluster `
                        -DestinationVserver $s.mirror.DestinationVserver `
                        -DestinationVolume $s.mirror.DestinationVolume `
                        -SourceCluster $s.mirror.sourceCluster `
                        -SourceVserver $s.mirror.sourceVserver `
                        -SourceVolume $s.mirror.sourceVolume `
                    Write-LogSuccess ("[removed ][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)

                    Write-LogError ("Failed to remove relation [{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                    handle_error $_

                # release on source
                    Invoke-NcSnapmirrorRelease -Controller $source_controller `
                        -DestinationCluster $s.mirror.DestinationCluster `
                        -DestinationVserver $s.mirror.DestinationVserver `
                        -DestinationVolume $s.mirror.DestinationVolume `
                        -SourceCluster $s.mirror.sourceCluster `
                        -SourceVserver $s.mirror.sourceVserver `
                        -SourceVolume $s.mirror.sourceVolume `
                        -RelationshipInfoOnly `
                    Write-LogSuccess ("[released ][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)

                    if($_.Exception.Message -match "not found"){
                        Write-LogDebug ("[no relation to release][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                        Write-LogError ("Failed to release relation [{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                        handle_error $_

                # recreate with new policy
                    $out = New-NcSnapmirror -Controller $source_controller `
                        -DestinationCluster $s.mirror.DestinationCluster `
                        -DestinationVserver $s.mirror.DestinationVserver `
                        -DestinationVolume $s.mirror.DestinationVolume `
                        -SourceCluster $s.mirror.sourceCluster `
                        -SourceVserver $s.mirror.sourceVserver `
                        -SourceVolume $s.mirror.sourceVolume `
                        -Policy $targetSnapmirrorPolicy

                    Write-LogSuccess ("[recreated ][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                    Write-LogError ("Failed to recreate relation [{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                    handle_error $_

                if($s.mirror.MirrorState -ne "broken-off" -or $ForceResync){

                    if($s.mirror.MirrorState -eq "broken-off" -and $ForceResync){
                            Write-LogDebug ("[force resync][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)


                        $out = Invoke-NcSnapmirrorResync -Controller $source_controller `
                            -DestinationCluster $s.mirror.DestinationCluster `
                            -DestinationVserver $s.mirror.DestinationVserver `
                            -DestinationVolume $s.mirror.DestinationVolume `
                            -SourceCluster $s.mirror.sourceCluster `
                            -SourceVserver $s.mirror.sourceVserver `
                            -SourceVolume $s.mirror.sourceVolume `
                        Write-LogSuccess ("[resynced ][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                        Write-LogError ("Failed to resync relation [{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
                        handle_error $_

                Write-LogDebug ("[converted to $targetSnapmirrorPolicy][{0}] -> [{1}]" -f $s.volume,$s.mirror.destinationvolume)
            handle_error $_
