
function Get-ParameterValue {
    # Get the actual values of parameters which have manually set (non-null) default values or values passed in the call
    # Unlike $PSBoundParameters, the hashtable returned from Get-ParameterValues includes non-empty default parameter values.
    # NOTE: Default values that are the same as the implied values are ignored (e.g.: empty strings, zero numbers, nulls).
    # function Test-Parameters {
    # [CmdletBinding()]
    # param(
    # $Name = $Env:UserName,
    # $Age
    # )
    # $Parameters = . Get-ParameterValues
    # # This WILL ALWAYS have a value...
    # Write-Host $Parameters["Name"]
    # # But this will NOT always have a value...
    # Write-Host $PSBoundParameters["Name"]
    # }
        # The $MyInvocation for the caller -- DO NOT pass this (dot-source Get-ParameterValues instead)
        $Invocation = $MyInvocation,
        # The $PSBoundParameters for the caller -- DO NOT pass this (dot-source Get-ParameterValues instead)
        $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters,

        [string[]]$DefaultExcludeParameter = @("id", "url", "apiKey", 'Debug', 'Verbose')

    if ($MyInvocation.Line[($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine - 1)] -ne '.') {
        throw "Get-ParameterValues must be dot-sourced, like this: . Get-ParameterValues"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.Count -gt 0) {
        throw "You should not pass parameters to Get-ParameterValues, just dot-source it like this: . Get-ParameterValues"

    $ParameterValues = @{}
    foreach ($parameter in $Invocation.MyCommand.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {
        # gm -in $parameter.Value | Out-Default
        try {
            $key = $parameter.Key
            if ($key -notin $DefaultExcludeParameter) {
                if ($null -ne ($value = Get-Variable -Name $key -ValueOnly -ErrorAction Ignore )) {
                    if ($value -ne ($null -as $parameter.Value.ParameterType)) {
                        $ParameterValues[$key] = $value

                if ($BoundParameters.ContainsKey($key)) {
                    $ParameterValues[$key] = $BoundParameters[$key]
        finally {}
    return $ParameterValues