
Updates accessory on Snipe-It system

Updates accessory on Snipe-It system

ID number of Accessory or array of IDs on Snipe-It system

Notes about the accessory

Quantity of the accessory you have

.PARAMETER category_id
ID number of the category the accessory belongs to

.PARAMETER company_id
ID Number of the company the accessory is assigned to

.PARAMETER manufacturer_id
ID number of the manufacturer for this accessory.

.PARAMETER order_number
Order number for this accessory.

.PARAMETER purchase_cost
Cost of item being purchased.

.PARAMETER purchase_date
Date accessory was purchased

.PARAMETER order_number
Order number for this accessory.

.PARAMETER purchase_cost
Cost of item being purchased.

.PARAMETER purchase_date
Date accessory was purchased

.PARAMETER supplier_id
ID number of the supplier for this accessory

.PARAMETER location_id
ID number of the location the accessory is assigned to

.PARAMETER min_qty
Min quantity of the accessory before alert is triggered

URL of Snipeit system, can be set using Set-SnipeItInfoeItInfo command

Users API Key for Snipeit, can be set using Set-SnipeItInfoeItInfoeItInfo command

Set-SnipeItAccessory -id 1 -qty 3


function Set-SnipeItAccessory() {
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = "Low"

        [parameter(mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        [ValidateLength(3, 255)]


        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]





        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        Test-SnipeItAlias -invocationName $MyInvocation.InvocationName -commandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        $Values = . Get-ParameterValue -Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters

        if ($values['purchase_date']) {
            $values['purchase_date'] = $values['purchase_date'].ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

        $Body = $Values | ConvertTo-Json;
        Write-Verbose "Body: $Body"

    process {
        foreach($accessory_id in $id){
            $Parameters = @{
                Uri    = "$url/api/v1/accessories/$accessory_id"
                Method = 'Patch'
                Body   = $Body
                Token  = $apiKey

            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?")) {
                $result = Invoke-SnipeitMethod @Parameters
