
Gets a list of Snipe-it Assets or specific asset

A text string to search the assets data

ID number of excact snipeit asset

.PARAMETER asset_tag
Exact asset tag to query

.PARAMETER asset_serial
Exact asset serialnumber to query

.PARAMETER audit_due
Retrieve a list of assets that are due for auditing soon.

.PARAMETER audit_overdue
Retrieve a list of assets that are overdue for auditing.

.PARAMETER order_number
Optionally restrict asset results to this order number

.PARAMETER model_id
Optionally restrict asset results to this asset model ID

.PARAMETER category_id
Optionally restrict asset results to this category ID

.PARAMETER manufacturer_id
Optionally restrict asset results to this manufacturer ID

.PARAMETER company_id
Optionally restrict asset results to this company ID

.PARAMETER location_id
Optionally restrict asset results to this location ID

Optionally restrict asset results to one of these status types: RTD, Deployed, Undeployable, Deleted, Archived, Requestable

.PARAMETER status_id
Optionally restrict asset results to this status label ID

Specify the column name you wish to sort by

Specify the order (asc or desc) you wish to order by on your sort column

Specify the number of results you wish to return. Defaults to 50. Defines batch size for -all

Offset to use

A return all results, works with -offset and other parameters

URL of Snipeit system, can be set using Set-SnipeitInfo command

Users API Key for Snipeit, can be set using Set-SnipeitInfo command

Get-SnipeitAsset -url ""-token "token..."

Get-SnipeitAsset -search "myMachine"-url ""-token "token..."

Get-SnipeitAsset -search "myMachine"-url ""-token "token..."

Get-SnipeitAsset -asset_tag "myAssetTag"-url ""-token "token..."

function Get-SnipeitAsset() {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Search')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Get with id')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Get with asset tag')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Get with serial')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets due auditing soon')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets overdue for auditing')]








        [bool]$requestable = $false,



        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets due auditing soon')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets overdue for auditing')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets due auditing soon')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets overdue for auditing')]
        [ValidateSet("asc", "desc")]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets due auditing soon')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets overdue for auditing')]
        [int]$limit = 50,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets due auditing soon')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets overdue for auditing')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets due auditing soon')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName='Assets overdue for auditing')]
        [switch]$all = $false,

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

    Test-SnipeitAlias -invocationName $MyInvocation.InvocationName -commandName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    $SearchParameter = . Get-ParameterValue -Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters

    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        'Search' { $apiurl = "$url/api/v1/hardware" }
        'Get with id'  {$apiurl= "$url/api/v1/hardware/$id"}
        'Get with asset tag' {$apiurl= "$url/api/v1/hardware/bytag/$asset_tag"}
        'Get with serial' { $apiurl= "$url/api/v1/hardware/byserial/$serial"}
        'Assets due auditing soon' {$apiurl = "$url/api/v1/hardware/audit/due"}
        'Assets overdue for auditing' {$apiurl = "$url/api/v1/hardware/audit/overdue"}

    $Parameters = @{
        Uri           = $apiurl
        Method        = 'Get'
        GetParameters = $SearchParameter
        Token         = $apiKey

    if ($all) {
        $offstart = $(if ($offset){$offset} Else {0})
        $callargs = $SearchParameter
        Write-Verbose "Callargs: $($callargs | convertto-json)"

        while ($true) {
            $callargs['offset'] = $offstart
            $callargs['limit'] = $limit
            $res=Get-SnipeitAsset @callargs
            if ( $res.count -lt $limit) {
            $offstart = $offstart + $limit
    } else {
        $result = Invoke-SnipeitMethod @Parameters
