
Add a new Consumable to Snipe-it asset system

Long description

Optional id number of the Consumable

Optional Name of the Consumable

Optional Quantity of comsumable

.PARAMETER category_id
Required Category ID of the Consumable, this can be got using Get-SnipeitCategory

.PARAMETER min_amt
Optional minimum quantity of comsumable

.PARAMETER company_id
Optional Company id

.PARAMETER order_number
Optional Order number

.PARAMETER manufacturer_id
Manufaturer id number of the consumable

.PARAMETER location_id
Location id number of the consumable

.PARAMETER requestable
Is consumable requestable?

.PARAMETER purchase_date
Optional Purchase cost of the consumable

.PARAMETER purchase_cost
Optional Purchase cost of the consumable

.PARAMETER model_number
Model number of the consumable in months

.PARAMETER item_no
Item number for the consumable

Image file name and path for item

.PARAMETER image_delete
Remove current image

.PARAMETER RequestType
Http request type to send Snipe IT system. Defaults to Patch you could use Put if needed.

URL of Snipeit system, can be set using Set-SnipeitInfo command

Users API Key for Snipeit, can be set using Set-SnipeitInfo command

New-Snipeitconsumable -name "Ink pack" -qty 20 -category_id 3 -min_amt 5
Create consumable with stock count 20 , alert when stock is 5 or lower


function Set-SnipeitConsumable()
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = "Low"

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $false)]

        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]


        [string]$RequestType = "Patch",

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        $Values = . Get-ParameterValue -Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters

        if ($Values['purchase_date']) {
            $Values['purchase_date'] = $Values['purchase_date'].ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")


    process {
        foreach($consumable_id in $id ){
            $Parameters = @{
                Uri    = "$url/api/v1/consumables/$consumable_id"
                Method = $RequestType
                Body   = $Values
                Token  = $apiKey

            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?"))
                $result = Invoke-SnipeitMethod @Parameters
