
    Copyright � 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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        Functions for managing SourceOne Services


#requires -Version 2

$SvcShow = 1
$SvcStart = 2
$SvcStop = 3
$svcRestart = 4
$svcPause = 5
$svcResume = 6
$WaitTime = '00:00:30'
$WaitSeconds = 50

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum ServiceAction{

function Get-ES1Services
    Get a list of SourceOne Services on the specified Server(s)
    Get a list of SourceOne Services on the specified Server(s)
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specifies the computer against which you want to run the management operation. The Value can be a fully qualified domain Name,
    a NetBIOS Name, or an IP address. Use the local computer Name, use localhost, or use a dot (.) to specify the local computer.
    The local computer is the default. When the remote computer is in a different domain from the user, you must use a fully qualified
    domain Name. This parameter can also be piped to the cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name,
    such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is returned by the
    Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.

Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Running ES1InPlaceMigSe... EMC SourceOne Inplace Migration
Running ExJobDispatcher EMC SourceOne Job Dispatcher


    [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername,
    $Credential = $remCreds

$es1Services = @()

# Process each machine one at a time so we can handle the errors nicely...

foreach($computer in $ComputerName)
    [int]$dispCnt = ($i+1)
    Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Getting SourceOne Services " -Status "Number of SourceOne Machines: $cntIds" -percentcomplete (($i/$cntIds)*100) -Currentoperation "Processing Machine: $computer ($dispCnt)"
        $es1Services += get-service -displayname '*emc sourceone*' -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable gserror 
        Write-Host "Error accessing server: $($computer). Make sure the machine is up and reachable" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host $gserror.Message -ForegroundColor Red

        # create a fake object to return so all machines are in the list
        $errobj = New-Object System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
        $errobj.MachineName = $computer
        # $errobj.ServiceName="ERROR"
        $errobj.DisplayName="ERROR accessing server !"
        $es1Services +=$errobj



function Show-ES1Services
    Displays a list of SourceOne Services on the specified Server(s)

    Displays a list of SourceOne Services on the specified Server(s)

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specifies the computer against which you want to run the management operation. The Value can be a fully qualified domain Name,
    a NetBIOS Name, or an IP address. Use the local computer Name, use localhost, or use a dot (.) to
    specify the local computer. The local computer is the default. When the remote computer is in a different domain from the user,
    you must use a fully qualified domain Name. This parameter can also be piped to the cmdlet.

.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name,
    such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is returned by the
    Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.


displayname Name State systemname
----------- ---- ----- ----------
EMC SourceOne Address Resolution ES1AddressResolutionService Running IPMWORKER3
EMC SourceOne Inplace Migration ES1InPlaceMigService Running IPMWORKER3
EMC SourceOne Job Dispatcher ExJobDispatcher Running IPMWORKER3


    [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername,
    $Credential = $remCreds


try {
    $machineServices = Get-ES1Services $ComputerName $Credential
    $machineServices| sort machinename | select-object MachineName,DisplayName,Name,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize #| Out-String -Width 10000
    Write-Error $_


function Set-ES1WaitTimeforServices 
   Update global session variable $WaitSeconds used to manage services
   Update global session variable $WaitSeconds used to manage services
.PARAMETER seconds
   provide the number of seconds between 1 and 60


        [int] $seconds

    if ($seconds -ge 0 -and $seconds -le 60)
        Write-Verbose "current value $WaitSeconds"
        $Script:WaitSeconds = $seconds
        Write-Output "Seconds to wait for service functions updated to $Script:WaitSeconds"
        Write-Host "Wait time must be between 0 and 60"



   Gets a list of System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController objects for all SourceOne services on
   all SourceOne machines
   Uses $s1Servers list to query all servers for status of s1 services

Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Running ES1InPlaceMigSe... EMC SourceOne Inplace Migration
Running ExAsAdmin EMC SourceOne Administrator
Running ExAsArchive EMC SourceOne Archive
Running ExAsIndex EMC SourceOne Indexer
Running ExAsQuery EMC SourceOne Query
Running ExJobDispatcher EMC SourceOne Job Dispatcher
Stopped ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Stopped ExAddressCacheS... EMC SourceOne Address Cache
Stopped ExAsAdmin EMC SourceOne Administrator
Stopped ExAsArchive EMC SourceOne Archive


function Get-AllES1Services
if ($s1servers.count -eq 0)
    # This will set the "global" $s1servers, so throw the local output away
    Get-ES1servers > $null

Get-ES1Services $s1Servers


   Starts all SourceOne services on all SourceOne machines
   Uses $s1Servers list to query all servers for status of s1 services
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Running ES1InPlaceMigSe... EMC SourceOne Inplace Migration
Running ExAsAdmin EMC SourceOne Administrator
Running ExAsArchive EMC SourceOne Archive
Running ExAsIndex EMC SourceOne Indexer
Running ExAsQuery EMC SourceOne Query
Running ExJobDispatcher EMC SourceOne Job Dispatcher
Stopped ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Stopped ExAddressCacheS... EMC SourceOne Address Cache
Stopped ExAsAdmin EMC SourceOne Administrator
Stopped ExAsArchive EMC SourceOne Archive


function Start-AllES1Services
if ($s1servers.count -eq 0)
    # This will set the "global" $s1servers, so throw the local output away
    get-ES1servers > $null

Start-ES1Services $s1Servers


   Stops all SourceOne services on all known SourceOne machines
    Stops all SourceOne services on all known SourceOne machines
    Uses $s1Servers list to query all servers for status of s1 services
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Running ES1InPlaceMigSe... EMC SourceOne Inplace Migration
Running ExAsAdmin EMC SourceOne Administrator
Running ExAsArchive EMC SourceOne Archive
Running ExAsIndex EMC SourceOne Indexer
Running ExAsQuery EMC SourceOne Query
Running ExJobDispatcher EMC SourceOne Job Dispatcher
Stopped ES1AddressResol... EMC SourceOne Address Resolution
Stopped ExAddressCacheS... EMC SourceOne Address Cache
Stopped ExAsAdmin EMC SourceOne Administrator
Stopped ExAsArchive EMC SourceOne Archive


function Stop-AllES1Services
if ($s1servers.count -eq 0)
    # This will set the "global" $s1servers, so throw the local output away
    get-ES1servers > $null

Stop-ES1Services $s1Servers


function Show-AllES1Services
 Displays the status of all SourceOne Services on all known machines
Displays the status of all SourceOne Services on all known machines



$allServices = get-AllES1Services

$allServices| sort machinename | `
select-object MachineName,DisplayName,Name,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize #| Out-String -Width 10000


   Changes the state of all the "EMC SourceOne*" services on the specified machine(s)
    Changes the state of all the "EMC SourceOne*" services on the specified machine(s)
    Guts of (almost) all the other SourceOne service functions
 .PARAMETER Computername
 Default to localhost, server name string or array of server names
    [ServiceAction] enum

    Wait until the desired state is reached.

    Update-ES1Services -Action Stop

    Update-ES1Services -ComputerName ArchiveServ1 -Action Stop


function Update-ES1Services 
    [string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
    [ServiceAction] $Action = [ServiceAction]::Show,
    $Credential = $remCreds,
    [bool]$Wait = $true


# Process each machine one at a time so we can handle the errors nicely...

foreach ($computer in $ComputerName)
    [int]$dispCnt = ($i+1)
    Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Managing Services State Change " -Status "Number of SourceOne Machines: $cntIds" -percentcomplete (($i/$cntIds)*100) -Currentoperation "Processing Machine: $computer ($dispCnt)"
        $es1Services = get-service -displayname '*emc sourceone*' -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable gserror
        $WaitStr = ''

        foreach ($service in $es1Services)
            Write-Verbose "$($ ) in state $($service.Status)"
            [int]$dispSvcCnt = ($j+1)
            Write-Progress -id 2 -parentId 1 -Activity "Changing Services on $($computer)" -Status "Number of Services: $svcCount " -percentcomplete (($j/$svcCount)*100) -Currentoperation "Service : $($service.Name) ($dispSvcCnt)"

            if ($Action -eq [ServiceAction]::Show)
               Write-Error "Unsupported feature !"
            try {

                    # do a refresh because stopping a service with dependencies will stop those dependencies too
                    # before we get to them
                    Write-Verbose "Refreshed returned state $($service.Status)"

                    switch ($Action)

                            $WaitStr = 'Stopped'
                            if (($service.Status -ne "Stopped") -and ($service.Status -ne "StopPending"))
                                Write-Verbose " Already in stopped or stoppending"

                            $WaitStr = 'Running'

                            $WaitStr = 'Paused'
                        #$SvcResume {$hr = $service.ResumeService(); $WaitStr = 'Running'}
                #service control function above will fail if already in the state desired....
                Write-Error $_
            $hr = $service.status
            write-verbose "WaitStr: $($WaitStr) WaitTime: $($waittime)"
            write-verbose "$($ on $($service.machinename) is $($hr)"
            if ($hr -ne $WaitStr)
                    $svc = Get-Service -ComputerName $service.machinename -name $

                    $hr = $svc.status
                    Write-Host ""

            if ($hr -ne $WaitStr)
                write-host "after waiting $waittime seconds, $($ on $($service.machinename) failed change to $waitstr"
          Write-Progress -id 2 -parentId 1 -Activity "Changing Services on $($computer)" -Completed -Status "Done"
            Write-Host "Error accessing server: $($computer). Make sure the machine is up and reachable" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host $gserror.Message -ForegroundColor Red




   Starts the SourceOne services on the machine or machines specified
   Starts the SourceOne services on the machine or machines specified
.PARAMETER ComputerName
   The name of target server or array of servers
    Wait until the desired state is reached.
    Start-ES1Services Master
    Start-ES1Services Master WebServer

function Start-ES1Services
    [string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
    $Credential = $remCreds,
    [bool]$Wait = $true
$s = Update-ES1Services -ComputerName $ComputerName -action Start -Credential $Credential -wait $Wait

Show-ES1Services $ComputerName


   Performs a "Stop" and then "Start" on all SourceOne services on the specified machine(s)
   Performs a "Stop" and then "Start" on all SourceOne services on the specified machine(s)
.PARAMETER ComputerName
   The name of target server or array of servers
    Wait until the desired state is reached.
    Restart-ES1Services Master
    Restart-ES1Services Master WebServer

function Restart-ES1Services
    [string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
    $Credential = $remCreds,
    [bool]$Wait = $true

$s = Update-es1Services -ComputerName $ComputerName -action Stop -Credential $Credential -wait $true
$s = Update-es1Services -ComputerName $ComputerName -action Start -Credential $Credential -wait $Wait

Show-ES1Services $ComputerName


# The only s1 service that appears to pause is DCWorkerService

function Pause-ES1Services
 Pauses SourceOne service. Not all SourceOne services support this state.
Pauses SourceOne service. Not all SourceOne services support this state.
The only s1 service that appears to pause is DCWorkerService

.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the computer against which you want to run the management operation. The Value can be a fully qualified domain Name, a NetBIOS Name, or an IP address.
Use the local computer Name, use localhost, or use a dot (.) to specify the local computer. The local computer is the default.
When the remote computer is in a different domain from the user, you must use a fully qualified domain Name. This parameter can also
be piped to the cmdlet.

.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name, such
as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is returned by the
Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.

    Wait until the desired state is reached.

    [string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
    $Credential = $remCreds,
    [bool]$Wait = $true

$s = Update-es1Services -ComputerName $ComputerName -action Pause -Credential $Credential -wait $Wait

Show-es1Services $ComputerName


function Resume-ES1Services
    Resumes SourceOne service. Not all SourceOne services support this state.
    Resumes SourceOne service. Not all SourceOne services support this state.
.PARAMETER ComputerName

.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name, such
as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is returned by the
Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.

    Wait until the desired state is reached.


    [string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
    $Credential = $remCreds,
    $Wait = $true


$s = Update-ES1Services -ComputerName $ComputerName -action Resume -Credential $Credential -wait $Wait
Show-es1Services $ComputerName


   Stops SourceOne services on a specific machine(s)
   Stops SourceOne services on a specific machine(s)
.PARAMETER ComputerName
   The name of target server or array of servers

.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name, such
    as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is returned by the
    Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.

    Wait until the desired state is reached.

    Stop-ES1Services Master
    Stop-ES1Services Master WebServer

function Stop-ES1Services

[string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost',
$Credential = $remCreds,
[bool]$Wait = $true


    # If we are passed credentials just use them
    # If not see if we have Admin privs and if we get new privs use those
    if (-not $Credential)
        $isAdmin = Test-IsAdmin

        if ( -not $isAdmin )


    $s = Update-ES1Services -ComputerName $ComputerName -action Stop -Credential $Credential -wait $wait

Show-es1Services $ComputerName


function Get-S1ServicesByAccount
    Get the services which use the specified account (s1 service account) as the user
    Get the services which use the specified account (s1 service account) as the user

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specifies the computer against which you want to run the management operation. The Value can be a fully qualified domain Name,
    a NetBIOS Name, or an IP address. Use the local computer Name, use localhost, or use a dot (.) to specify the local computer.
    The local computer is the default. When the remote computer is in a different domain from the user, you must use a fully
    qualified domain Name. This parameter can also be piped to the cmdlet.
    SourceOne account
.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name,
    such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is
    returned by the Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.


    [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername,
    $s1acct = $env:USERNAME,
    $Credential = $remCreds

    $filterTemplate = "startname like '%xxxx%'"  
    $filter = $filterTemplate.Replace("xxxx",$s1acct)

    try {
        if ($ComputerName -eq $localhost)
          write-debug "$ComputerName is localhost"
          $gservicelist = gwmi -class win32_service -filter $filter -ErrorAction Stop
           write-debug "$ComputerName is remote"
           $gservicelist = gwmi -class win32_service -filter $filter -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        throw $_


    Shows a list of the services which use the specified account (s1 service account) as the user on the given Computer
    Shows a list of the services which use the specified account (s1 service account) as the user on the given Computer

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specifies the computer against which you want to run the management operation. The Value can be a fully qualified domain Name,
    a NetBIOS Name, or an IP address. Use the local computer Name, use localhost, or use a dot (.) to specify the local computer.
    The local computer is the default. When the remote computer is in a different domain from the user, you must use a fully qualified domain Name.
    This parameter can also be piped to the cmdlet.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user. Type a user Name,
    such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is returned by the
    Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.


function Show-S1ServicesByAccount
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:computername,
        $s1acct = $env:USERNAME,
        $Credential = $remCreds
        try {
            $results = Get-S1ServicesByAccount -ComputerName $ComputerName -s1acct $s1acct -Credential $remCreds 
        catch {
            Write-Warning "Error getting services from machine: $($ComputerName). Make sure the machine is running and reachable."
            # create a fake object to return so all machines are in the list
            $props = @{'SystemName'=$ComputerName;'Name'='';'State'='Cannot access server';'Status'=$_.Exception.Message}
            $results = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props
       $results  | select-object SystemName,Name,State,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000


function Show-AllS1ServicesByAccount
    Shows a list of the services which use the specified account (s1 service account) as the user on all known S1 machines
    Shows a list of the services which use the specified account (s1 service account) as the user on all known S1 machines



        $s1acct = $env:USERNAME,
        $Credential = $remCreds
    if ($s1servers.count -eq 0)
        # This will set the "global" $s1servers, so throw the local output away
        get-ES1servers > $null
    foreach ($server in $s1servers)
        try {
            $results = Get-S1ServicesByAccount -ComputerName $server -s1acct $s1acct -Credential $remCreds 

         catch {
            Write-Warning "Error getting services from machine: $($server). Make sure the machine is running and reachable."
            # create a fake object to return so all machines are in the list
            $props = @{'SystemName'=$server;'Name'='';'State'='Cannot access server';'Status'=$_.Exception.Message}
            $results = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props
       $results  | select-object SystemName,Name,State,Status | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 10000


    Updates the password for all S1 services on the specified machine(s).
    Updates the password for all S1 services on the specified machine(s).
    This does not perform a password change for the account itself. This only sets the password for the service to run with.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specifies the computer against which you want to run the management operation. The Value can be a fully qualified domain Name,
    a NetBIOS Name, or an IP address. Use the local computer Name, use localhost, or use a dot (.) to specify
    the local computer. The local computer is the default. When the remote computer is in a different domain from the user, you must use
    a fully qualified domain Name. This parameter can also be piped to the cmdlet.
    SourceOne service account name
    System.Security.SecureString containing the password to use. If not supplied you will be prompted and input will be masked.
.PARAMETER timeout
    The number of seconds to wait for services to stop or start. The default is 10 seconds
.PARAMETER Credential
  Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
  Type a user Name, such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object, such as an object that is
  returned by the Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.



function Update-S1ServicesAccountInfo
    [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername,
    [string]$s1acct = $env:USERNAME,
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Enter the Service Account Password')]
    [System.Security.SecureString] $Password,
    [int]$timeout = 10,
    $Credential = $remCreds

    if (-not (Test-ADCredential -username $s1acct -password $Password))
        Write-Error "Password provided is not the current or correct password !"

     $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)                                                                                                       
     $s1pw = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($bstr) 


    # Process each machine one at a time so we can handle the errors nicely...

    foreach ($computer in $ComputerName)
        [int]$dispCnt = ($i+1)
        Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Processing Service Password Update" -Status "Number of SourceOne Machines: $cntIds" -percentcomplete (($i/$cntIds)*100) -Currentoperation "Processing Machine: $computer ($dispCnt)"

        $services = Get-S1ServicesByAccount -ComputerName $computer -s1acct $s1acct -Credential $remCreds
       catch {
            Write-Error "Error getting services from machine: $($computer). Make sure the machine is running and reachable."
            $props = @{'SystemName'=$computer;'ServiceName'='NA';'StopStatus'=$_.Exception.Message;'ChangeStatus'='';'StartStatus'=''}
            $MachineResults = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props
            $results +=$MachineResults


        foreach ($svc in $services)
            [int]$dispSvcCnt = ($j+1)

            # Get dependent services and stop those first...
            $depends=Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $computer -Query "Associators of {Win32_Service.Name='$($'} Where AssocClass=Win32_DependentService Role=Antecedent"
            Write-Progress -id 2 -parentId 1 -Activity "Updating Service Passwords on $($computer)" -Status "Number of Services: $svcCount " -percentcomplete (($j/$svcCount)*100) -Currentoperation "Service : $($svc.Name) ($dispSvcCnt)"
            Write-Verbose "Stopping service $($ on server $($svc.systemname) " 
            # This whole stop start process does NOT take into account the current state of the service
            # If the services is already stopped, it will blindly be started below. Maybe thats not a good
            # thing (??)
            if ($depends.Count -gt 0)
                foreach ($depSvc in $depends)
                    if (($depSvc.State -ne 'Stopped' ) -and ($depSvc.State -ne 'StopPending' ))
                        Write-Verbose "Stopping Dependent Service $($ on server $($depSvc.systemname) " 
                        $depret = $depSvc.StopService()        
                        $waitRet=WaitForService $ 'stopped' $timeout $computer 
            $ret = $svc.StopService()        
            $waitRet=WaitForService $ 'stopped' $timeout $computer 

            $props = @{'SystemName'=$computer;'ServiceName'=$svc.Name;'StopStatus'=$waitRet;'ChangeStatus'='';'StartStatus'=''}
            $MachineResults = New-object -TypeName PSObject -Prop $props
            Write-Verbose "modifying service $($ on server $($svc.systemname) "                                                                                                                                                                      
            $changeStatus = $svc.Change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$s1pw,$null,$null,$null) 
            if ($changeStatus.ReturnValue -eq "0")
                write-host "Server: $($svc.systemname) Password changed for service $($"
                write-error "Server: $($svc.systemname) Password change FAILED for service $($, Error Code=$($changeStatus.ReturnValue)"

            Write-Verbose "starting service $($ on $($svc.systemname) "                                                                                                                                                                      
            $ret = $svc.StartService()
            # only wait if startservice was "accepted"
            if ($ret.ReturnValue -eq 0)
                $waitRet=WaitForService $ 'running' $timeout $computer

            elseif ($ret.ReturnValue -eq 15)
                Write-Error "Authentication failure starting service: $($ !`nWrong password supplied !"
                $MachineResults.StartStatus='Authentication failure starting service!'
                Write-Error "Unexpected error starting service $($ ! StartService returned error $($ret.ReturnValue) !"
            $results +=$MachineResults

         Write-Progress -id 2 -parentId 1 -Activity "Updating Service Passwords on $($computer)" -Completed -Status "Done"
    Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Updating Passwords " -Completed -Status "Done"
    $results | select-object SystemName,ServiceName,StopStatus,ChangeStatus,StartStatus


    Updates the password for all S1 services on all known SourceOne machines.
    Updates the password for all S1 services on all known SourceOne machines. Not all machines running SourceOne services are known to
    the SourceOne systems.

    SourceOne service account name

.PARAMETER timeout
    The number of seconds to wait for services to stop or start. The default is 10 seconds
.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
Type a user Name, such as "User01", "Domain01\User01", or Or, enter a PSCredential object,
such as an object that is returned by the Get-Credential cmdlet. When you Type a user Name, you will be prompted for a Password.


function Update-AllS1ServicesAccountInfo
    [string]$s1acct = $env:USERNAME,
    [int]$timeout = 10,
    $Credential = $remCreds

     $isAdmin = Test-IsAdmin
    if ( -not $isAdmin)

    Write-Host ""

    $newpassword = read-host -Prompt "Enter the password for $($s1acct)" -AsSecureString 
    Write-Host ""

    if ($s1servers.count -eq 0)
        # This will set the "global" $s1servers, so throw the local output away
        get-ES1servers > $null

    $updResults= Update-S1ServicesAccountInfo -s1acct $s1acct -Password $newpassword -ComputerName $s1servers
    $updResults | sort SystemName | Format-Table -AutoSize |Out-String -Width 10000

    #Show-AllS1ServicesByAccount -s1acct $s1acct

function WaitForService ([string] $svc,[string] $command,[int] $secs,[string]$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    Internal use
    Internal use

    $ret = $false
    $x = get-service $svc -computername $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $Done = $false
    if ($secs -le 0 ) 
        $secs = 0

    while (!$Done)
        if ($x.status -ne $command)
            Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($secs-- -eq 0) 
            #$x = get-service $svc -computername $Server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            write-debug "Waiting for $svc to be $command"
            $state = $x.status
            Write-Verbose "$svc on $Server is $state"
            $Done = $true
            $ret = $true
    if (!$Done) 
        write-host "****Timer has expired waiting for $($svc) on $($Server) to be $($command)"

function Test-S1ServiceExists ([string] $svc,$Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    Test if a specific service present on the specified computer
    Test if a specific service present on the specified computer



    $x = get-service $svc -computername $server -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($x -ne $null)
        return $true
        return $false

New-Alias Get-AllS1Services Get-AllES1Services
New-Alias Get-S1Services Get-ES1Services
New-Alias Start-S1Services Start-ES1Services
New-Alias Start-AllS1Services Start-AllES1Services
New-Alias Stop-S1Services Stop-ES1Services
New-Alias Stop-AllS1Services Stop-AllES1Services
New-Alias ReStart-S1Services ReStart-ES1Services
New-Alias Get-ES1ServicesByAccount Get-S1ServicesByAccount
New-Alias Show-ES1ServicesByAccount Show-S1ServicesByAccount
New-Alias Show-AllES1ServicesByAccount Show-AllS1ServicesByAccount
New-Alias Update-ES1ServicesAccountInfo Update-S1ServicesAccountInfo
New-Alias Update-AllES1ServicesAccountInfo Update-AllS1ServicesAccountInfo
New-Alias Test-ES1ServiceExists Test-S1ServiceExists

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* -Alias *