
function Use-Splat
        Uses a splat
        Uses a splat to call a command.
        If passed from Find-Splat,Get-Splat or Test-Splat, the command will be automatically detected.
        If called as .@, this will run only provided commands
        If called as *@, this will run any found commands
        @{id=$pid} | Use-Splat gps # When calling Use-Splat is globally imported
        @{id=$pid} | & ${.@} gps # When calling Use-Splat is nested
        @{LogName='Application';InstanceId=10000,10005} |
            .@ Get-EventLog # get a bunch of different log events

    # One or more commands

    # Any additional positional arguments that would be passed to the command
    $ArgumentList = @(),

    # The splat

    # If set, will run regardless of if parameters map, are valid, and have enough mandatory parameters.

    process {        
        $WeTrustTheSplat = $false
        if (-not $Command -and 
            $splat -is [Collections.IDictionary] -and 
            $Splat.psobject.Properties['Command']) {
            $Command = $Splat.psobject.Properties['Command'].Value
            $WeTrustTheSplat = $true
        } elseif ($_ -is [PSObject] -and $_.Command -and $_.Splat) {
            $WeTrustTheSplat = $true
            $splat = $_.Splat

        if (-not $Command) {
            Write-Error "No command found" ;return                         
        #region UseTheSplat
        foreach ($cmd in $Command) {
            if ($WeTrustTheSplat) {
                if ($cmd -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] -or $cmd -is [ScriptBlock] -and 
                    $splat -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    & $cmd @splat @ArgumentList
            } else {
                $Splat | 
                    & ${?@} $cmd -Force:$Force | 
                    & { process {
                        $i = $_
                        $c = $['Command'].Value
                        if ($c -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] -or $c -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                            & $c @i @ArgumentList
                    } }
        #endregion UseTheSplat