
function Out-Splat
        Outputs code that splats
        Outputs a function or script that primarily calls another command. This can get messy to write by hand.
        Out-Splat -CommandName Get-Command
        Out-Splat -FunctionName Get-MyProcess -Example Get-MyProcess -CommandName Get-Process -DefaultParameter @{
            Id = '$pid'
        } -ExcludeParameter *

    # The name of the command that will be splatted

    # A hashtable of default parameters. These will always be passed to the underlying command by name.
    $DefaultParameter = @{},

    # A list of arguments. These will be always be passed to the underlying commands by position.
    # Items starting with $ will be treated as a variable.

    # A list of parameters names that will be inputted from the original command into the splat.
    # If generating a function, these parameter declarations will be copied from the underlying command.
    # Help for these parameters will be included as comment-based help

    # A list of parameters that will be excluded from the original function.
    # This is only valid when generating a function.
    # Wildcards may be used.

    # If set, values from input parameters will override default values.
    [Alias('OverrideDefault','OverwriteDefault', 'DefaultOverwrite')]

    # If set, any variable with a non-null value matching the input parameters will be used to splat.
    # If not set, only bound parameters will be used to splat.
    # If no function name is provided, this will automatically be set

    # The name of the variable used to hold the splatted parameters. By default, ${CommandName}Parameters (e.g. GetHelpP

    # An optional name of a generated function.
    # If provided, this function will declare any input parameters specified in -InputParameter

    # The synopsis.
    # This is used to make comment-based help in a generated function.
    # By default, it is : "Wraps $CommandName"

    # The description.
    # This is used to make comment-based help in a generated function.

    # One or more examples.
    # This is used to make comment-based help in a generated function.

    # One or more links.
    # This is used to make comment-based help in a generated function.

    # Some notes.
    # This is used to make comment-based help in a generated function.

    # The CmdletBinding attribute for a new function

    # The [OutputType()] of a function.
    # If the type resolves to a [type], it's value will be provided as a [type].
    # Otherwise, it will be provided as a [string]

    # A set of additional parameter declarations.
    # The keys are the names of the parameters, and the values can be a type and a string containing parameter binding and inline help.

    # The serialization depth for default parameters. By default, 2.
    $SerializationDepth = 2,

    # If set, will generate the code to collect the -CommandName input as dynamic parameters.

    # If set, will not allow dynamic parameters to use ValueFromPipeline or ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName

    # If provided, will offset the position of any positional parameters.

    # If provided, dynamic parameters will be created in a new parameter set, named $NewParameterSetName.

    # If set, will cross errors into the output stream.
    # You SHOULD cross the streams when dealing with console applications, as many of them like to return output on standard error.

    # A script block used to filter the results

    # A script to run before the splatter starts

    # A script to run on each splatter result

    # A script to run after the splat is over

    # If provided, will pipe directly into the contents of this script block.
    # This assumes that the first item in the script block is a command, and it will accept the output of the splat as pipelined input
    # The output path.
    # If provided, will output to this file and return the file.

    process {
        # First, let's find the command.
        $commandExists = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($CommandName, 'All')

        if (-not $commandExists) { # If we don't, error out.
            Write-Error "$CommandName does not exist"

        if ($InputParameter.Count -eq 1 -and $InputParameter -eq '*') {
            if ($commandExists -is [Management.Automation.ApplicationInfo]) {
                $InputParameter = @()
            } else {
                $InputParameter = ($commandExists -as [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]).Parameters.Keys

        if ($DynamicParameter) {
            if (-not $VariableName) {  # If no -VariableName was provided,
                $VariableName = "$($CommandName -replace '[\W\s]','')DynamicParameters" # default to ${CommandName}DynamicParameters
            $safeCommandName = $($CommandName -replace '[\W\s]','')

            return [ScriptBlock]::Create(@(
            "if (-not `$$VariableName) {
    `$$VariableName = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()"

            " `$$($CommandName -replace '[\W\s]','') = `$executionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('$CommandName', 'All')"
            $inputForeach =
                if ($InputParameter) {
                    "'$(@(:nextInputParameter foreach ($in in $InputParameter) {
                        foreach ($ex in $ExcludeParameter) {
                            if ($in -like $ex) { continue nextInputParameter }
                    }) -join "','")'"

                } else {
            " :nextInputParameter foreach (`$in in $inputForeach) {
        $(if ($ExcludeParameter) {
                "foreach (`$ex in '$($ExcludeParameter -join "','")') {
            if (`$in -like `$ex) { continue nextInputParameter }
        `$$variableName.Add(`$in, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new(

            if ($Unpiped -or $Offset -or $NewParameterSetName) {
" foreach (`$paramName in `$$variableName.Keys) {
        foreach (`$attr in `$$variableName[`$paramName].Attributes) {
            if ($Unpiped) {
' if ($attr.ValueFromPipeline) {$attr.ValueFromPipeline = $false}'
' if ($attr.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName) {$attr.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $false}'
            if ($Offset) {
" if (`$attr.Position -ge 0) { `$attr.Position += $offset }"
            if ($NewParameterSetName) {
" if (`$attr.psobject.properties('ParameterSetName')) { `$attr.ParameterSetName = '$NewParameterSetName' }"
            ) -join [Environment]::NewLine)


            ) -join [Environment]::NewLine)

        if (-not $VariableName) {  # Next, if no -VariableName was provided,
            $VariableName = "$($CommandName -replace '[\W\s]','')Parameters"

        $defaultDeclaration =
            if ($DefaultParameter.Count) {
                $toSplat = "@'
$(ConvertTo-Json $DefaultParameter -Depth $SerializationDepth)

                "`$${VariableName}Default = ConvertFrom-Json $toSplat"
                "`$$VariableName = @{}"
                "foreach (`$property in `$${VariableName}Default.psobject.properties) {
    `$$VariableName[`$property.Name] = `$property.Value
    if (`$property.Value -is [string] -and `$property.Value.StartsWith('`$')) {
        `$$VariableName[`$property.Name] = `$executionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get(`$property.Value.Substring(1)).Value

            } elseif ($ArgumentList.Count) {
                "`$$VariableName = " + @(foreach ($a in $ArgumentList) {
                    if ($a.StartsWith('$')) {
                    } else {
                }) -join ','
            } else {
                "`$$VariableName = @{}"

        if (-not $FunctionName) { $VariableInput = $true }

        $paramSplat =
        if ($InputParameter -or $FunctionName) {
            if ($VariableInput) {
#region Copy Parameters from $CommandName
foreach (`$in in '$($inputParameter -join "','")') {
    `$var = `$executionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get(`$in)
    if (-not `$var) { continue }
    $(if ($DefaultOverride) {
    "`$$VariableName.`$in = `$var.Value"
    } else {
    "`$$VariableName.`$in = `$var.Value"
#endregion Copy Parameters from $CommandName

            } else {
                "#region Copy Parameters from $CommandName
`$MyParameters = [Ordered]@{} + `$psBoundParameters # Copy `$PSBoundParameters
foreach (`$in in $(if ($inputParameter) { "'$($inputParameter -join "','")'" } else { "`$MyParameters.Keys`"})) {
    $(if ($DefaultOverride) {
    "if (`$myParameters.`$in) {
        `$$VariableName.`$in = `$myParameters.`$in
    } else {
    "if (-not `$$VariableName.`$in -and `$myParameters.`$in) {
        `$$VariableName.`$in = `$myParameters.`$in
#endregion Copy Parameters from $CommandName

        } else {

        $paramSplat = $paramSplat -join ([Environment]::NewLine)

        $cmdDef =
            if ([Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo],[Management.Automation.ApplicationInfo]  -contains $commandExists.GetType()) {
                " & '$($commandExists.Source.Replace("'","''"))' @$VariableName"
            } else {
                "$commandExists @$VariableName"

        if ($CrossStream) {
            $cmdDef += " *>&1"

        if ($Where) {
            $cmdDef += " |
    Where-Object {$Where}"


        if ($PipeTo) {
            $cmdDef += "| $PipeTo"

        if ($Begin -or $Process -or $End) {
            $cmdDef += " |
    Foreach-Object$(if ($Begin) { " -Begin {
    }"})$(if ($Process) { " -Process {
    }"})$(if ($End) { " -End {


        $coreSplat = (@() + $defaultDeclaration + $paramSplat + $cmdDef) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)

        $SplatterScript = 
            if ($FunctionName) {
                $commandMeta = $commandExists -as [Management.Automation.CommandMetadata]

                foreach ($k in @($commandMeta.Parameters.Keys)) {
                    if ($InputParameter -notcontains $k) {
                        $null =$commandMeta.Parameters.Remove($k)
                $originalCmdletBinding = [Management.Automation.Proxycommand]::GetCmdletBindingAttribute($commandExists)
                $cmdHelp = Get-Help -Name $commandExists
                if ($cmdHelp -is [string]) { $cmdHelp = $null }
                $paramBlock = [Management.Automation.Proxycommand]::GetParamBlock($commandExists) -replace '\{(\S{1,})\}', '$1'

                $paramParts = $paramBlock -split ',\W{1,}[\[$]' -ne ''

                $paramBlockParts =
                @(foreach ($param in $paramParts) {
                    $lastDollar = $param.LastIndexOf('$')
                    $parameterName = $param.Substring($lastDollar + 1).Trim()
                    $parameterHelp = if ($cmdHelp) {
                        $cmdHelp.parameters[0].parameter |
                            Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $parameterName -and $_.Description }|
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Description |
                            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text
                    } else {

                    $param = $param.Trim()
                    if (-not $param.StartsWith('$') -and -not $param.StartsWith('[')) {
                        $param = "[$param"

                    if ($ExcludeParameter) {
                        $shouldExclude =
                            foreach ($ex in $ExcludeParameter) {
                                if ($parameterName -like "$ex") {

                        if ($shouldExclude) { continue }

                    if ($parameterHelp) {
                        $lines = "$parameterHelp".Split("`r`n",[StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries')
                        if ($lines.Count -lt 8) {
                            (@(foreach ($l in $lines) {
    " #$l"
                            }) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)) +
                            ([Environment]::NewLine) + (' '*4) + $param
                        } else {
    " <#

                    } else {

                if ($AdditionalParameter) {
                    foreach ($kv in $AdditionalParameter.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $varName = if ($kv.Key.StartsWith('$')) { $kv.Key } else { '$' + $kv.Key }

                        $newParamBlockPart =
                        if ($kv.Value -is [type]) {
                            if ($kv.Value.FullName -like "System.*") {
                                " [$($kv.Value.Fullname.Substring(7))]$varName"
                            } elseif ($kv.Value -eq [switch]) {
                                " [switch]$varName"
                            } else {
                                " [$($kv.Value.Fullname)]$varName"
                        elseif ($kv.Value -is [string]) {
                            $varDeclared = $false
                            $newLines =
                                foreach ($line in $kv.Value -split [Environment]::NewLine) {
                                    $trimLine = $Line.Trim()
                                    if ($trimLine.StartsWith('[')) {
                                        if ($trimLine -like $varName) {
                                            $varDeclared = $true
                                        (' ' * 4) + $trimLine
                                    } # It's an attribute!
                                    elseif ($trimLine.StartsWith('$')) { # It's a variable!
                                        $varDeclared = $true
                                        (' ' * 4) + $trimLine
                                    elseif ($trimLine.StartsWith('#'))  { # It's a comment!
                                        (' ' * 4) + $trimLine
                                    else {                                # Otherwise, we'll treat it like a comment anyways
                                        (' ' * 4)  + '#' + $trimLine

                            if (-not $varDeclared) {
                                $newLines += (' ' * 4) + $varName
                            $newLines -join ([Environment]::NewLine)
                        elseif ($kv.Value -is [Object[]]) {


                        if ($newParamBlockPart) {
                            $paramBlockParts += $newParamBlockPart

                $paramBlock = $paramBlockParts -join (',' + ([Environment]::NewLine * 2))

                if (-not $Synopsis) {
                    $Synopsis = "Wraps $CommandName"

                if (-not $Description) {
                    $Description = "Calls $CommandName, using splatting"

                $exampleText =
                    if ($Example) {   
                        @(foreach ($ex in $Example) {
                            " .Example"
                            foreach ($ln in $ex -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') {
                                " $ln"
                        }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                    } else { ''}
                $noteText =
                    if ($Note) {   
                            " .Notes"
                            foreach ($ln in $Note -split '(?>\r\n|\n)') {
                                " $ln"
                        ) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                    } else { ''}

                $linkText = 
                    if ($Link) {
                        @(foreach ($lnk in $Link) {
                        " .Link"
                        " $lnk"        
                        }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                    } else { @"


[ScriptBlock]::Create("function $FunctionName
        if ($exampleText) { [Environment]::NewLine + $exampleText}
            if ($linkText) { [Environment]::NewLine + $linkText}
            if ($NoteText) { [Environment]::NewLine + $noteText}
    #>$(if ($CmdletBinding) {
        if ($CmdletBinding -like "*CmdletBinding*") {
            [Environment]::NewLine + (' '*4) + $CmdletBinding
        } else {
            [Environment]::NewLine + (' '*4) + "[CmdletBinding($CmdletBinding)]"
        } elseif ($originalCmdletBinding) {
            [Environment]::NewLine + (' '*4) + $originalCmdletBinding
        if ($OutputType) {
            [Environment]::NewLine + (' '*4) + '[OutputType(' + @(foreach ($ot in $outputtype) {
                if ($ot -as [type]) {"[$ot]"} else { "'$ot'"}
            }) -join ',' + ')]'
        } else {
            [Environment]::NewLine + (' '*4) + '[OutputType([PSObject])]'
    process {
$(@(foreach ($line in $coreSplat -split ([Environment]::Newline)) {
    if ($line.StartsWith("'@")) {
    } else {
        (' ' * 8) + $line
}) -join ([Environment]::NewLine))

            } else {

        if ($outputPath) {
            if (-not (Test-Path $outputPath)) {
                $null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $outputPath -Force
            "$SplatterScript" | Set-Content -Path $outputPath
            Get-Item -Path $outputPath
        } else {