
using module '..\Enums.psm1'
using module '..\Helper\DateTimeHelper.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Message.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Event.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Market.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Outcome.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Event\SportData.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Event\Score.psm1'
using module '.\AuditLog\Message\Cardinality.psm1'
using module '.\ProcessorBase.psm1'

class BetradarProcessor: Processor{

    BetradarProcessor([SOURCE_TYPE] $sourceType): base($sourceType){
        $this.source = [SOURCE]::betradar

        $this.producers.Add('BR-UOF', 11)
        $this.producers.Add('BR-STD', 12)
        $this.producers.Add('BR-LO', 13)

        $this.mapExternalKeyPrefix.Add('betradar', 'sr:match:')
        $this.mapExternalKeyPrefix.Add('betradarCtrl', '')
        $this.mapExternalKeyPrefix.Add('betradarUnified', 'sr:match:')

        $this.shouldReprocess = $false
        $this.isTypeBased = $false
        $this.haveMarketSeparator = $false
        $this.needFeedProducer = $false

    #region Internal Resolving Methods

    hidden [string] ResolveChangeType([string] $status){

        $_retValue = $status
        switch ($status) {
            '1' { $_retValue = 'New' }
            '2' { $_retValue = 'DateTime' }
            '3' { $_retValue = 'Cancelled' }
            '4' { $_retValue = 'Format' }
            '5' { $_retValue = 'Coverage' }

        return $_retValue

    hidden [string] ResolveProduct([string] $product){

        $_retValue = $product
        switch ($product) {
            '1' { $_retValue = 'LiveOdds' }
            '2' { $_retValue = 'MTS' }
            '3' { $_retValue = 'BetradarCtrl' }
            '4' { $_retValue = 'BetPal' }
            '5' { $_retValue = 'Premium Cricket' }

        return $_retValue

    hidden [string] ResolveMatchStatus([string] $status){
        $_retValue = $status

        switch ($status) {
            '0' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_PREMATCH }
            '1' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_INPLAY }
            '3' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_ENDED }
            '4' { $_retValue = [CONST]::MATCH_CLOSED }

        return $_retValue

    hidden [string] ResolveMarketStatus([string] $status){

        $_retValue = $status
        switch ($status) {
            '-4' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_CANCELED } #'Canceled' }
            '-3' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_RESULTED } #'Settled' }
            '-2' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_HANDED_OVER } #Handed over' }
            '-1' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_SUSPENDED } #'Suspended' }
            '0' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_STOPPED } #'Deactivated' }
            '1' { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_ACTIVE } #'Active' }

        return $_retValue

    hidden [string] ResolveOutcomeStatus([string] $status){
        $_retValue = $status

        switch ($status) {
            0 { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_SUSPENDED }
            1 { $_retValue = [CONST]::STATUS_ACTIVE }

        return $_retValue

    hidden [string] ResolveSettlement([string] $result, [string] $void_factor){

        # result="0" and no void_factor: Lose entire bet
        # result="1" and no void_factor: Win entire bet
        # result="0" and void_factor="1": Refund entire bet
        # result="1" and void_factor="0.5": Refund half bet and win other half
        # result="0" and void_factor="0.5": Refund half bet and lose other half.

        $_retValue = ''
        switch ($result) {
            '0' {
                if (-not $void_factor){
                    $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_LOST
                if ($void_factor -eq 1){
                    $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_REFUND
                if ($void_factor -eq 0.5){
                    $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_HALF_LOST
            '1' {
                if (-not $void_factor){
                    $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_WON
                if ($void_factor -eq 0.5){
                    $_retValue = [CONST]::SETTLEMENT_HALF_WON

        return $_retValue

    hidden [string] ResolveReporting([string] $reporting){
        $result = ''

        switch ($reporting) {
            '-1' { $result = 'Suspended' }
            '0' { $result = 'Not Available' }
            '1' { $result = 'Active' }

        return $result

    hidden [hashtable] GetSpecifiers([string]$string) {
        $_retValue = @{}

        if ($string){
            $_tempSpec = $string.split('|')

            foreach ($_item in $_tempSpec) {
                $_val = $_item.split('=')
                $_retValue.Add($_val[0], $_val[1])

        return $_retValue


    #region Processing Methods

    [void] ProcessMessage([PSCustomObject] $line) {

        $root = ($line.content.PSCustomObject.Members | Where-Object MemberType -like NoteProperty | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Value)
        $this.message.uniqueIdentifier = $root.timestamp
        $this.message.timestamp = $root.timestamp
        $this.message.producer = $root.product

    [void] ProcessEvent([PSCustomObject] $line, [bool] $includeSportData) {


        $eventContent = $null; $action = '';
        if ($line.content.fixture_change) {
            $eventContent = $line.content.fixture_change
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_FIXTURE
        elseif ($line.content.bet_stop) {
            $eventContent = $line.content.bet_stop
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_BET_STOP
        elseif ($line.content.bet_cancel) {
            $eventContent = $line.content.bet_cancel
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_BET_CANCEL
        elseif ($line.content.rollback_bet_cancel) {
            $eventContent = $line.content.rollback_bet_cancel
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_ROLLBACK_BET_CANCEL

        $this.message.event = $this.getEvent($eventContent, $includeSportData)
        $this.message.event.action = $action

        $this.isEventProcessed = $true

    [void] ProcessCardinality([PSCustomObject] $line) {

        $this.message.cardinality = $this.getCardinality($line.content)

    [void] ProcessEnrichment([PSCustomObject] $line) {
        if (-not $this.message.event) {
            $this.ProcessEvent($line, $false)
        $this.message.event.scoreDetails = $this.getScoreboard($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status)

    [void] ProcessMarket([PSCustomObject] $line, [Nullable[SEARCH_SCOPE]] $searchScope, [string[]] $marketId, [string[]] $outcomeId) {

        if (-not $searchScope) { $searchScope = [SEARCH_SCOPE]::internalId }
        if (-not $this.message.event) {
            $this.ProcessEvent($line, $false)

        $marketContent = $null; $action=''
        if ($line.content.odds_change) {
            $marketContent = $
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_ODDS_CHANGE
        elseif ($line.content.bet_settlement) {
            $marketContent = $
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_SETTLEMENT
        elseif ($line.content.rollback_bet_settlement) {
            $marketContent = $
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_ROLLBACK_SETTLEMENT
        elseif ($line.content.snapshot_complete) {
            $marketContent = $
            $action = [CONST]::MSG_SNAPSHOT

        $ = @()
        foreach ($market in $this.FilterMarkets($marketContent, $searchScope, $marketId)) {

            $m = $this.getMarket($market, $outcomeId)
            $m.action = $action

            if ($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status) { $'matchStatus', $this.ResolveMatchStatus($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status.status))}

            $ += $m
        $this.isMarketProcessed = $true

    [bool] isEventRelated([PSCustomObject] $line){
        return ($line.content.fixture_change -or $line.content.bet_stop)

    [bool] isEnrichmentRelated([PSCustomObject] $line){
        return ($line.content.odds_change.sport_event_status)

    [bool] isMarketRelated([PSCustomObject] $line, [Nullable[SEARCH_SCOPE]] $searchScope, [string[]] $marketId){
        if (-not $searchScope) { $searchScope = [SEARCH_SCOPE]::internalId }

        if ($line.content.odds_change) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) }
        elseif ($line.content.bet_settlement) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) }
        elseif ($line.content.rollback_bet_settlement) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) }
        elseif ($line.content.snapshot_complete) { return ($null -ne $this.FilterMarkets($, $searchScope, $marketId)) }

        return $false


    #region Private Methods

    hidden [PSCustomObject] FilterMarkets([PSCustomObject] $marketsContent, [SEARCH_SCOPE] $searchScope, [string[]] $marketId){

        return ($marketsContent | Where-Object { $searchScope -eq [SEARCH_SCOPE]::internalId -and (($ -in $marketid) -or `
            ('*' -in $marketid)) })

    hidden [PSCustomObject] FilterOutcomes([PSCustomObject] $outcomesContent, [string[]] $outcomeId){
        return $outcomesContent | Where-Object { ($ -in $outcomeId) -or ('*' -in $outcomeId) }

    hidden [Event] getEvent([PSCustomObject] $messageContent, [bool] $includeSportData){
        [Event] $event = [Event]::new()

        if ($includeSportData) { $event.sportData = $this.getSportData($messageContent) }

        $event.startDate = [DateTimeHelper]::ConvertFromTimestamp($messageContent.start_time, $true)
        #$event.status = $this.ResolveMatchStatus($messageContent.start_time, $true)

        $event.other = @{}
        if ($messageContent.groups) { $'groups', $messageContent.groups) }
        if ($messageContent.change_type) { $event.other.Add('changeType', $this.ResolveChangeType($messageContent.change_type)) }
        if ($messageContent.product) { $event.other.Add('product', $this.ResolveProduct($messageContent.product)) }
        # bet cancel
        if ($messageContent.end_time) { $'end', [DateTimeHelper]::ConvertFromTimestamp($messageContent.end_time)) }

        return $event

    hidden [Market] getMarket([PSCustomObject] $marketContent, [string[]] $outcomeId) {

        [Market] $market = [Market]::new()

        $ = $
        $market.status = $this.ResolveMarketStatus($marketContent.status)
        $market.specifiers = $this.GetSpecifiers($marketContent.specifiers)

        foreach ($outcome in $this.FilterOutcomes($marketContent.outcome, $outcomeId)) {
            $market.outcomes += $this.getOutcome($outcome)

        return $market

    hidden [Outcome] getOutcome([PSCustomObject] $outcomeContent) {
        [Outcome] $outcome = [Outcome]::new()

        $ = $
        $ = $
        $outcome.status = $this.ResolveOutcomeStatus($
        $outcome.price = $outcomeContent.odds
        $outcome.settlement = $this.ResolveSettlement($outcomeContent.result, $outcomeContent.void_factor)

        return $outcome

    hidden [SportData] getSportData([PSCustomObject] $messageContent){
        $_sportId = ''
        $_sport = ''
        $_categoryId = ''
        $_category = ''
        $_leagueId = ''
        $_league = ''
        $_matchId = $messageContent.fixture_change.event_id

        $_match = ''
        $_homeId = ''
        $_home = ''
        $_awayId = ''
        $_away = ''

        $_references = ''

        return [SportData]::new($_sportId, $_sport, $_categoryId, $_category, $_leagueId, $_league, $_matchId, $_match, $_homeId, $_home, $_awayId, $_away, $_references)

    hidden [Score] getScoreboard([PSCustomObject] $eventStatusContent){
        $_periodId = $eventStatusContent.match_status

        $_home = ''
        $_away = ''

        $_scores = @()
        $_scores += $eventStatusContent.home_score + ':' + $eventStatusContent.away_score

        $_currentServer = $eventStatusContent.current_server
        $_playingMinute = $eventStatusContent.match_time

        $_other = @{}
        if ($eventStatusContent.reporting) { $_other.Add('reporting', $this.ResolveReporting($eventStatusContent.reporting)) }
        $_data = $eventStatusContent

        return [Score]::new($_periodId, $_home, $_away, $_scores, $_currentServer, $_playingMinute, $_data)

    hidden [Cardinality] getCardinality([PSCustomObject] $messageContent){
        $cardinality = [Cardinality]::new()

        if ($messageContent.odds_change) {
            $ = $
            $cardinality.outcomes = $
        if ($messageContent.bet_settlement) {
            $ = $
            $cardinality.outcomes = $

        if ($ -eq 0){
            if ($this.isEventRelated($messageContent)) {
                $cardinality.fixtures = 1
            else {
                $cardinality.other = 1

        return $cardinality
