
function Get-CurrentTrack {
    Get information about the user’s current playing track
    PS C:\> Get-CurrentTrack -Username "billclinton"
    Retrieves the current playing track for user with username "billclinton"
  .PARAMETER Username
    This should be a string.
    The username of the spotify user. We'll use this to retrieve a saved user access token or get a new one

  param (
    # Username
  Write-Verbose "Attempting to return current playing track for user $Username"
  $Method = "Get"
  $Uri = ""
  $AccessToken = Get-SpotifyUserAccessToken -Username $Username
  $Auth = @{
    Authorization = "Bearer $($AccessToken.access_token)"

  $Response = Send-SpotifyCall -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Header $Auth -ErrorAction Stop
  return $Response