
        Get Spotify catalog information about an artist’s top tracks by country.
        PS C:\> Get-ArtistTopTracks -Id 'blahblahblah'
        Retrieves top tracks by artist with Id 'blahblahblah' in your country
        PS C:\> Get-ArtistTopTracks -Id 'blahblahblah' -Country 'US'
        Retrieves top tracks by artist with Id 'blahblahblah' in the market 'US'
        The artist's Spotify Id
    .PARAMETER Country
        Specifies the country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2) of top tracks listing. (otherwise Country of Spotify account)
    .PARAMETER ApplicationName
        Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)

function Get-ArtistTopTracks {
    param (

        $Country = 'from_token',


    $Method = 'Get'
    $Uri = "$Id/top-tracks?country=" + $Country

    $Response = Send-SpotifyCall -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -ApplicationName $ApplicationName