
        Add one or more items to a user's playlist.
        PS C:\> Add-PlaylistItem -Id 'myPlaylistId' -ItemId 'blahblahblah'
        Add the Item with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
        PS C:\> Add-PlaylistItem -Id 'myPlaylistId' -ItemId 'blahblahblah','blahblahblah2'
        Add both items with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
        PS C:\> @('blahblahblah','blahblahblah2') | Add-PlaylistItem -Id
        Add both items with the Id of 'blahblahblah' to the playlist with Id 'myPlaylistId'
        The Spotify ID for the playlist.
        Specifies the list of Spotify URIs to add, can be track or episode URIs.
    .PARAMETER Position
        Specifies the position to insert the items, a zero-based index.
        If omitted, the items will be appended to the playlist.
    .PARAMETER ApplicationName
        Specifies the Spotify Application Name (otherwise default is used)

function Add-PlaylistItem {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]



    $Method = 'Post'
    $Uri = "$Id/tracks"

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ItemId.Count; $i += 100) {

        $BodyHashtable = @{uris = $ItemId[$i..($i + 99)] }
        if ($Position) { $BodyHashtable.position = ($Position + $i + 1) }
        $Body = ConvertTo-Json $BodyHashtable -Compress
        Send-SpotifyCall -Method $Method -Uri $Uri -Body $Body -ApplicationName $ApplicationName