SDG/Config/IronPython.XML Reader.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?><generators><generator type="RedGate.SQLDataGenerator.ExpressionGenerators.Python.PythonScriptGenerator" name="Book Titles (SQL)" description="SQL Server Hardware, Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer (using IronPython)" category="Business">
<property name="Code"># Read an XML file
# Use the CLR XML libraries
import clr
from System.Xml.XPath import XPathDocument, XPathNavigator
# A sample XML file
filename = r"BookStore.xml"
def main(config):
    filepath = config["config_path"] + "\\" + filename
    return list(books(filepath, column_size=config["column_size"]))
def books(filepath, column_size=50):
    # Locate all titles of books in this document
    doc = XPathDocument(filepath)
    nav = doc.CreateNavigator()
    expr = nav.Compile("/bookstore/book/title")
    titles = nav.Select(expr)
    for title in titles:
        # Truncate titles to the column size before yield
        yield str(title)[:column_size]
<property name="ColumnType">nvarchar</property>
<type sqlType="NVarchar" type="String" />