
# This is used to make sure the integration test run in the correct order.
[Microsoft.DscResourceKit.IntegrationTest(OrderNumber = 3)]

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '..\TestHelpers\CommonTestHelper.psm1')

if (Test-SkipContinuousIntegrationTask -Type 'Integration' -Category 'Integration_SQL2016')

$script:dscModuleName = 'SqlServerDsc'
$script:dscResourceFriendlyName = 'SqlRS'
$script:dscResourceName = "MSFT_$($script:dscResourceFriendlyName)"

#region HEADER
# Integration Test Template Version: 1.3.2
[String] $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot)
if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or `
    (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) )
    & git @('clone', 'https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git', (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DscResource.Tests'))

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'DSCResource.Tests' -ChildPath 'TestHelper.psm1')) -Force
$TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment `
    -DSCModuleName $script:dscModuleName `
    -DSCResourceName $script:dscResourceName `
    -TestType Integration

# Using try/finally to always cleanup.
    $configFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "$($script:dscResourceName).config.ps1"
    . $configFile

    Describe "$($script:dscResourceName)_Integration" {
        BeforeAll {
            $resourceId = "[$($script:dscResourceFriendlyName)]Integration_Test"

        $configurationName = "$($script:dscResourceName)_CreateDependencies_Config"

        Context ('When using configuration {0}' -f $configurationName) {
            It 'Should compile and apply the MOF without throwing' {
                    $configurationParameters = @{
                        OutputPath                         = $TestDrive
                        # The variable $ConfigurationData was dot-sourced above.
                        ConfigurationData                  = $ConfigurationData

                    & $configurationName @configurationParameters

                    $startDscConfigurationParameters = @{
                        Path         = $TestDrive
                        ComputerName = 'localhost'
                        Wait         = $true
                        Verbose      = $true
                        Force        = $true
                        ErrorAction  = 'Stop'

                    Start-DscConfiguration @startDscConfigurationParameters
                } | Should -Not -Throw

        $configurationName = "$($script:dscResourceName)_InstallReportingServices_Config"

        Context ('When using configuration {0}' -f $configurationName) {
            It 'Should compile and apply the MOF without throwing' {
                    $configurationParameters = @{
                        OutputPath                         = $TestDrive
                        # The variable $ConfigurationData was dot-sourced above.
                        ConfigurationData                  = $ConfigurationData

                    & $configurationName @configurationParameters

                    $startDscConfigurationParameters = @{
                        Path         = $TestDrive
                        ComputerName = 'localhost'
                        Wait         = $true
                        Verbose      = $true
                        Force        = $true
                        ErrorAction  = 'Stop'

                    Start-DscConfiguration @startDscConfigurationParameters
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' {
                    $script:currentConfiguration = Get-DscConfiguration -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should have set the resource and all the parameters should match' {
                $resourceCurrentState = $script:currentConfiguration | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    $_.ConfigurationName -eq $configurationName `
                    -and $_.ResourceId -eq $resourceId

                $resourceCurrentState.InstanceName | Should -Be $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.InstanceName
                $resourceCurrentState.DatabaseServerName | Should -Be $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.DatabaseServerName
                $resourceCurrentState.DatabaseInstanceName | Should -Be $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.DatabaseInstanceName
                $resourceCurrentState.IsInitialized | Should -Be $true
                $resourceCurrentState.UseSsl | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $true when Test-DscConfiguration is run' {
                Test-DscConfiguration -Verbose | Should -Be 'True'

            It 'Should be able to access the ReportServer site without any error' {
                $reportServerUri = 'http://{0}/ReportServer_{1}' -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.InstanceName

                    $webRequestReportServer = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $reportServerUri -UseDefaultCredentials
                    # if the request finishes successfully this should return status code 200.
                    $webRequestStatusCode = $webRequestReportServer.StatusCode -as [int]
                        If the request generated an exception i.e. "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
                        we can pull the status code from the Exception.Response property.

                    $webRequestResponse = $_.Exception.Response
                    $webRequestStatusCode = $webRequestResponse.StatusCode -as [int]

                $webRequestStatusCode | Should -BeExactly 200

            It 'Should be able to access the Reports site without any error' {
                $reportsUri = 'http://{0}/Reports_{1}' -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.InstanceName

                    $webRequestReportServer = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $reportsUri -UseDefaultCredentials
                    # if the request finishes successfully this should return status code 200.
                    $webRequestStatusCode = $webRequestReportServer.StatusCode -as [int]
                        If the request generated an exception i.e. "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
                        we can pull the status code from the Exception.Response property.

                    $webRequestResponse = $_.Exception.Response
                    $webRequestStatusCode = $webRequestResponse.StatusCode -as [int]

                $webRequestStatusCode | Should -BeExactly 200

        $configurationName = "$($script:dscResourceName)_InstallReportingServices_ConfigureSsl_Config"

        Context ('When using configuration {0}' -f $configurationName) {
            It 'Should compile and apply the MOF without throwing' {
                    $configurationParameters = @{
                        OutputPath                         = $TestDrive
                        # The variable $ConfigurationData was dot-sourced above.
                        ConfigurationData                  = $ConfigurationData

                    & $configurationName @configurationParameters

                    $startDscConfigurationParameters = @{
                        Path         = $TestDrive
                        ComputerName = 'localhost'
                        Wait         = $true
                        Verbose      = $true
                        Force        = $true
                        ErrorAction  = 'Stop'

                    Start-DscConfiguration @startDscConfigurationParameters
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' {
                    $script:currentConfiguration = Get-DscConfiguration -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should have set the resource and all the parameters should match' {
                $resourceCurrentState = $script:currentConfiguration | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    $_.ConfigurationName -eq $configurationName `
                    -and $_.ResourceId -eq $resourceId

                $resourceCurrentState.UseSsl | Should -Be $true

            It 'Should return $true when Test-DscConfiguration is run' {
                Test-DscConfiguration -Verbose | Should -Be 'True'

                We expect this to throw any error. Usually 'Unable to connect to the remote server' but it
                can also throw and 'The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send'.
                When we support SSL fully with this resource, this should not throw at all. So leaving this
                as this without testing for the correct error message on purpose.

            It 'Should not be able to access the ReportServer site and throw an error message' {
                $reportServerUri = 'http://{0}/ReportServer_{1}' -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.InstanceName

                { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $reportServerUri -UseDefaultCredentials } | Should -Throw

        $configurationName = "$($script:dscResourceName)_InstallReportingServices_RestoreToNoSsl_Config"

        Context ('When using configuration {0}' -f $configurationName) {
            It 'Should compile and apply the MOF without throwing' {
                    $configurationParameters = @{
                        OutputPath                         = $TestDrive
                        # The variable $ConfigurationData was dot-sourced above.
                        ConfigurationData                  = $ConfigurationData

                    & $configurationName @configurationParameters

                    $startDscConfigurationParameters = @{
                        Path         = $TestDrive
                        ComputerName = 'localhost'
                        Wait         = $true
                        Verbose      = $true
                        Force        = $true
                        ErrorAction  = 'Stop'

                    Start-DscConfiguration @startDscConfigurationParameters
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing' {
                    $script:currentConfiguration = Get-DscConfiguration -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
                } | Should -Not -Throw

            It 'Should have set the resource and all the parameters should match' {
                $resourceCurrentState = $script:currentConfiguration | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                    $_.ConfigurationName -eq $configurationName `
                    -and $_.ResourceId -eq $resourceId

                $resourceCurrentState.UseSsl | Should -Be $false

            It 'Should return $true when Test-DscConfiguration is run' {
                Test-DscConfiguration -Verbose | Should -Be 'True'

            It 'Should be able to access the ReportServer site without any error' {
                $reportServerUri = 'http://{0}/ReportServer_{1}' -f $env:COMPUTERNAME, $ConfigurationData.AllNodes.InstanceName

                    $webRequestReportServer = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $reportServerUri -UseDefaultCredentials
                    # if the request finishes successfully this should return status code 200.
                    $webRequestStatusCode = $webRequestReportServer.StatusCode -as [int]
                        If the request generated an exception i.e. "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
                        we can pull the status code from the Exception.Response property.

                    $webRequestResponse = $_.Exception.Response
                    $webRequestStatusCode = $webRequestResponse.StatusCode -as [int]

                $webRequestStatusCode | Should -BeExactly 200

        $configurationName = "$($script:dscResourceName)_StopReportingServicesInstance_Config"

        Context ('When using configuration {0}' -f $configurationName) {
            It 'Should compile and apply the MOF without throwing' {
                    $configurationParameters = @{
                        OutputPath        = $TestDrive
                        # The variable $ConfigurationData was dot-sourced above.
                        ConfigurationData = $ConfigurationData

                    & $configurationName @configurationParameters

                    $startDscConfigurationParameters = @{
                        Path         = $TestDrive
                        ComputerName = 'localhost'
                        Wait         = $true
                        Verbose      = $true
                        Force        = $true
                        ErrorAction  = 'Stop'

                    Start-DscConfiguration @startDscConfigurationParameters
                } | Should -Not -Throw
    #region FOOTER
    Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment