
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("SqlReplication")]
class DSC_SqlReplication : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("SQL Server instance name where replication distribution will be configured.")] String InstanceName;
    [Write, Description("'Present' will configure replication, 'Absent' will disable replication. Default value is 'Present'."), ValueMap{"Present", "Absent"}, Values{"Present", "Absent"}] String Ensure;
    [Required, Description("'Local' - Instance will be configured as it's own distributor. 'Remote' - Instance will be configure with remote distributor (remote distributor needs to be already configured for distribution)."), ValueMap{"Local", "Remote"}, Values{"Local", "Remote"}] String DistributorMode;
    [Required, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("AdminLink password to be used when setting up publisher distributor relationship.")] String AdminLinkCredentials;
    [Write, Description("Distribution database name. If DistributionMode='Local' this will be created, if 'Remote' needs to match distribution database on remote distributor. Default value is 'distributor'.")] String DistributionDBName;
    [Write, Description("SQL Server network name that will be used as distributor for local instance. Required if DistributionMode='Remote'.")] String RemoteDistributor;
    [Required, Description("Publisher working directory.")] String WorkingDirectory;
    [Write, Description("Publisher security mode. Default value is $true.")] Boolean UseTrustedConnection;
    [Write, Description("Force flag for uninstall procedure. Default values is $true.")] Boolean UninstallWithForce;