
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GetObjectPermission = Getting the current state of the permissions for the database object '{0}' of type '{1}' in the database '{2}' for the instance '{3}' on the server '{4}'. (SDOP0001)
    TestDesiredState = Determining the current state of the permissions for the database object '{0}' of type '{1}' in the database '{2}' for the instance '{3}' on the server '{4}'. (SDOP0002)
    NotInDesiredState = The permissions for the database object '{0}' is not in desired state. (SDOP0003)
    InDesiredState = The permissions for the database object '{0}' is in desired state. (SDOP0004)
    FailedToGetDatabaseObject = Failed to get the database object '{0}' of type '{1}' in the database '{2}'. (SDOP0005)
    DatabaseObjectIsInDesiredState = The database object '{0}' of type '{1}' is already in desired state. (SDOP0006)
    SetPermission = Setting permissions '{0}' for the user '{1}' with the state '{2}' for the database object '{3}' of type '{4}' in the database '{5}' (SDOP0007)
    RevokePermission = Revoking permissions '{0}' for the user '{1}' and the state '{2}' for the database object '{3}' of type '{4}' in the database '{5}' (SDOP0008)
    SetDesiredState = Setting the desired permissions for the database object '{0}'. (SDOP0009)
    FailedToSetDatabaseObjectPermission = Failed to set the permissions for the user '{0}' on the database object '{1}' in the database '{2}'. (SDOP0009)
    PermissionStateInDesiredState = The permission state '{0}' is already in desired state for database object '{1}'. (SDOP0010)
    RevokePermissionWithGrant = One or more of the permissions was granted with the 'With Grant' permission for the user '{1}' on the database object '{2}' of type '{3}' in the database '{4}'. For the permissions ('{0}') the 'With Grant' permission is revoked, and the revoke is cascaded. (SDOP0011)
    GrantCantBeSetBecauseRevokeIsNotOptedIn = One or more of the permissions was granted with the 'With Grant' permission for the user '{1}' on the database object '{2}' of type '{3}' in the database '{4}'. For the permissions ('{0}') the 'With Grant' permission must be revoked, and the revoke must be cascaded, to enforce the desired state. If this desired state should be enforced then set the parameter Force to $true.