
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GetCurrentState = Get the current state of the Always On Availability Group with the cluster group name '{0}'.
    FoundClusterGroup = Found the cluster group '{0}'.
    MissingClusterGroup = Did not find the cluster group '{0}'.
    WaitingClusterGroup = Waiting for the Always On Availability Group with the cluster group name '{0}'. Will make {1} attempts during a total of {2} seconds.
    SleepMessage = Will sleep for another {0} seconds before continuing.
    RetryMessage = Will retry again after {0} seconds.
    FailedMessage = Did not find the cluster group '{0}' within the timeout period.
    TestingConfiguration = Determines the current state of the Always On Availability Group with the cluster group name '{0}'.
    HadrNotEnabled = Hadr is not enabled on the sql server instance '{0}'.
    AGNotFound = Availibility Group '{0}' not found on instance '{1}'. Waiting an other {2} seconds.