
#region AD Functions
Function New-StarWarsADUser{
            Create Active Directory account based on the Star Wars world.
            Use Active Directory module and to create users in your Active Directory.
        .PARAMETER AccountPassword
            Passwords for the accounts.
            Defaulted to 123+aze.
        .PARAMETER UPNSuffix
            UPN suffix for the accounts.
        .PARAMETER MailDomain
            Mail domain for the accounts.
        .PARAMETER Path
            Path of the OU to create the account.
            Defaulted to the default users creation destination.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Output the progress.
            New-StarWarsADUser -Path 'OU=Users,OU=Star Wars,OU=Prod,DC=D2K16,DC=itfordummies,DC=net'
            Create all Star Wars users in the specified OU.

        [String]$AccountPassword = '123+aze',

        [String]$UPNSuffix = (Get-ADDomain | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DNSRoot),

        [String]$MailDomain = '',

        [String]$Path = (Get-ADDomain | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UsersContainer),


    $ApiUrl = ''
    1..$(((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/people).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).count) | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $CurrentUser = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/people/$_).Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property Height,Mass,Hair_Color,Skin_Color,Eye_Color,Birth_Year,Gender,
            @{Label='Name';Expression={$_.Name -replace 'é','é'}},
            @{Label='Homeworld';Expression={(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.homeworld).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            @{Label='Films';Expression={($_.Films | ForEach-Object -Process {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            @{Label='species';Expression={($_.species | ForEach-Object -Process {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            #@{Label='vehicles';Expression={($_.vehicles | % {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            #@{Label='starships';Expression={($_.starships | % {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            @{Label='url';Expression={(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.url).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}}

        $GivenName = ($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[0]
        $SurName = ($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[-1]
        if($GivenName -eq $SurName){
            $SurName = $null
            $FullSamAccountName = $SamAccountName = $GivenName
            $SamAccountName = ("$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[0]).$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[-1])" -replace ' ','')[0..19] -join ''
            $FullSamAccountName = "$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[0]).$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[-1])" -replace ' ',''
        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating $SamAccountName..."
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Description         = "$($CurrentUser.Gender), $($CurrentUser.Height)cm for $($CurrentUser.Mass)kg. $($CurrentUser.'Hair_Color') hair, $($CurrentUser.'Skin_Color') skin, $($CurrentUser.'Eye_Color') eyes. Born in $($CurrentUser.'Birth_Year')."
            Office              = $CurrentUser.Homeworld.Name
            #MemberOf = ($CurrentUser.Films.title -join ','),($CurrentUser.species.Name -join ',') -join ',' #,($CurrentUser.vehicles.Name -join ','),($CurrentUser.starships.Name -join ',')
            #Info = (($CurrentUser.Films.title,$CurrentUser.species.Name) -join ',').TrimEnd(',') #,($CurrentUser.vehicles.Name -join ','),($CurrentUser.starships.Name -join ',')
            Name                = $CurrentUser.Name
            DisplayName         = $CurrentUser.Name
            GivenName           = $GivenName
            Surname             = $SurName
            SamAccountName      = $FullSamAccountName
            EmailAddress        = "$FullSamAccountName@$MailDomain"
            MailNickName        = $FullSamAccountName
            UserPrincipalName   = "$FullSamAccountName@$UPNSuffix"
            Company             = 'Star Wars'
            Department          = $CurrentUser.Homeworld.Name
            Title               = $CurrentUser.species.Name -join ','
        } | New-ADUser -Path $Path -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -String $AccountPassword) -Enable $true -PassThru:$PassThru -OtherAttributes @{info=((($CurrentUser.Films.title -join ','),($CurrentUser.species.Name -join ',')) -join ',').TrimEnd(',')}
        $CurrentUser = $SurName = $GivenName = $SamAccountName = $FullSamAccountName = $null
Function New-StarWarsADGroup{
            Create Active Directory groups based on the Star Wars world.
            Use Active Directory module and to create groups in your Active Directory.
        .PARAMETER Path
            Path of the OU to create the groups.
            Defaulted to the default users creation destination.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Output the progress.
            New-StarWarsADGroup -Path 'OU=Groups,OU=Star Wars,OU=Prod,DC=D2K16,DC=itfordummies,DC=net'
            Create all Star Wars groups in the specified OU.

        [String]$Path = (Get-ADDomain | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UsersContainer),


    $ApiUrl = ''
    1..$(((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/films).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).count) | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $CurrentGroup = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/films/$_).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding $($CurrentGroup.title) to the group list..."
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Name        = $CurrentGroup.title
            Description = "Produced by $($CurrentGroup.producer), diected by $($CurrentGroup.director) released on $($CurrentGroup.release_date)"
            Company     = 'Star Wars'
        } | New-ADGroup -Path $Path -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope DomainLocal -OtherAttributes @{Info = "Star Wars `r`n$($CurrentGroup.opening_crawl -join '')"} -PassThru:$PassThru
        $CurrentGroup = $null
    1..$(((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/species).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).count) | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $CurrentGroup = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/species/$_).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding $($CurrentGroup.Name) to the group list..."
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Name        = $CurrentGroup.Name
            Description = "average_height : $($CurrentGroup.average_height), skin_colors : $($CurrentGroup.skin_colors), hair_colors : $($CurrentGroup.hair_colors), eye_colors : $($CurrentGroup.eye_colors), average_lifespan : $($CurrentGroup.average_lifespan)"
            Company     = 'Star Wars'
        } | New-ADGroup -Path $Path -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope DomainLocal -OtherAttributes @{Info = "Star Wars `r`n$($CurrentGroup.language)"} -PassThru:$PassThru

Function New-StarWarsADSite{
            Create Active Directory sites based on the Star Wars world.
            Use Active Directory module and to create sites in your Active Directory.
            Create all the sites.


    $ApiUrl = ''
    1..$(((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/planets).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).count) | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $CurrentPlanet = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/planets/$_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            $Name = $CurrentPlanet.Name -replace ' ',''
            Write-Verbose -Message "Creating $Name site..."
            New-ADReplicationSite -Name $Name -Description "diameter : $($CurrentPlanet.diameter), climate : $($CurrentPlanet.climate), gravity : $($CurrentPlanet.gravity), terrain : $($CurrentPlanet.terrain), surface_water : $($CurrentPlanet.surface_water), population : $($CurrentPlanet.population), rotation_period : $($CurrentPlanet.rotation_period), orbital_period : $($CurrentPlanet.orbital_period)." -ErrorAction Stop -OtherAttributes @{Location = 'Star Wars'}
            Write-Warning -Message "$Name : $_"
        $CurrentPlanet = $null
Function Add-StarWarsADUserToAdGroup{
            Add the Star Wars users to the groups which they belong to.
            Use the Active Directory module and the info attributes.
            Add the users to the groups.

    $StarWarsUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter {Company -like 'Star Wars'} -Properties info
    ForEach($User in $StarWarsUsers){
        $User.Info -split ',' | ForEach-Object -Process {
            Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -Members $User


#region Cleanup AD
Function Remove-StarWarsADUser{
            Remove Star Wars sites.
            Uses {Company -eq 'Star Wars'} as filter.
            Remove the users.

    Get-ADUser -Filter {Company -eq 'Star Wars'} | Remove-ADUser -Confirm:$false
Function Remove-StarWarsADSite{
            Remove Star Wars sites.
            Uses {Location -eq 'Star Wars'} as filter.
            Remove the sites.

    Get-ADReplicationSite -Filter {Location -like 'Star Wars'} | Remove-ADReplicationSite -Confirm:$false
Function Remove-StarWarsADGroup{
            Remove Star Wars groups
            Uses {Info -like '*Star Wars*'} as filter.
            Remove the groups.

    Get-ADGroup -Filter {info -like '*Star Wars*'} | Remove-ADGroup -Confirm:$false

#region Standard objects
Function Get-StarWarsUser{
            Get user account based on the Star Wars world.
            Get a list of users based on Star Wars world.
        .PARAMETER AccountPassword
            Passwords for the accounts.
            Defaulted to 123+aze.
        .PARAMETER UPNSuffix
            UPN suffix for the accounts.
        .PARAMETER MailDomain
            Mail domain for the accounts.
            Get all Star Wars users and writes the objects on the pipeline.

        [String]$AccountPassword = '123+aze',

        [String]$UPNSuffix = '',

        [String]$MailDomain = ''


    $ApiUrl = ''
    1..$(((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/people).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).count) | ForEach-Object -Process {
        $CurrentUser = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiUrl/people/$_).Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -Property Height,Mass,Hair_Color,Skin_Color,Eye_Color,Birth_Year,Gender,
            @{Label='Name';Expression={$_.Name -replace 'é','é'}},
            @{Label='Homeworld';Expression={(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.homeworld).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            @{Label='Films';Expression={($_.Films | ForEach-Object -Process {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            @{Label='species';Expression={($_.species | ForEach-Object -Process {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            #@{Label='vehicles';Expression={($_.vehicles | % {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            #@{Label='starships';Expression={($_.starships | % {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}},
            @{Label='url';Expression={(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.url).Content | ConvertFrom-Json}}

        $GivenName = ($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[0]
        $SurName = ($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[-1]
        if($GivenName -eq $SurName){
            $SurName = $null
            $FullSamAccountName = $SamAccountName = $GivenName
            $SamAccountName = ("$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[0]).$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[-1])" -replace ' ','')[0..19] -join ''
            $FullSamAccountName = "$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[0]).$(($CurrentUser.Name -split ' ')[-1])" -replace ' ',''
        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating $SamAccountName..."
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Description         = "$($CurrentUser.Gender), $($CurrentUser.Height)cm for $($CurrentUser.Mass)kg. $($CurrentUser.'Hair_Color') hair, $($CurrentUser.'Skin_Color') skin, $($CurrentUser.'Eye_Color') eyes. Born in $($CurrentUser.'Birth_Year')."
            Office              = $CurrentUser.Homeworld.Name
            Name                = $CurrentUser.Name
            DisplayName         = $CurrentUser.Name
            GivenName           = $GivenName
            Surname             = $SurName
            SamAccountName      = $FullSamAccountName
            EmailAddress        = "$FullSamAccountName@$MailDomain"
            MailNickName        = $FullSamAccountName
            UserPrincipalName   = "$FullSamAccountName@$UPNSuffix"
            Company             = 'Star Wars'
            Department          = $CurrentUser.Homeworld.Name
            Title               = $CurrentUser.species.Name -join ','
        $CurrentUser = $SurName = $GivenName = $SamAccountName = $FullSamAccountName = $null

#region Misc
Function Invoke-StarWarsTheme{
            PowerShell will sing the Star Wars theme.
            Use [Console]::Beep to make some sound.
            Start the song.

    #Part 1
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 1200)

    #Part 1
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 1200)


    #Part 1
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 1200)

    #Part 1
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(523, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 600)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(987, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1046, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(880, 1200)

    [Console]::Beep(1174, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1174, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(1567, 1800)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 200)
    [Console]::Beep(783, 1800)

#region Export Module Member
Export-ModuleMember -Function New-StarWarsADUser,New-StarWarsADGroup,Add-StarWarsADUserToAdGroup,New-StarWarsADSite,Invoke-StarWarsTheme,Remove-StarWarsADUser,Remove-StarWarsADSite,Remove-StarWarsADGroup,Get-StarWarsUser