
.VERSION 0.0.1
.GUID e30f0920-5320-452a-995e-3466b4512d1b
.AUTHOR Joshua (Windos) King
.COPYRIGHT (c) 2017 Joshua (Windos) King. All rights reserved.
.TAGS Utility
* Initial Release

#Requires -Module PoshRSJob

Measures runtime over multiple runs of a given scriptblock.
Runs a given scriptblock multiple times, measures runtime and reports back: shortest
runtime, longest runtime, and average runtime.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The code/test cases to be run multiple times and measured.
.PARAMETER Iterations
Total number of test cases to run. Defaults to 100.
Number of concurrent test cases to run. Defaults to 5.
Start-TestCaseMeasurement -ScriptBlock {Write-Host 'How long does it take to write a string?'}
This example measures how long it takes to write a string.
Defaults to 100 iterations, and a throttle of 5.
Start-TestCaseMeasurement -ScriptBlock {Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''} -Iterations 1000 -Throttle 100
This example measures how long it takes to querry an API.
Runs the scriptblock 1000 times and running 100 instances in parallel.


param (
    [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,

    [int] $Iterations = 100,

    [int] $Throttle = 5

$JobBlock = {
    $Measurement = Measure-Command -Expression {$_.Script}
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Iteration = $_.Iteration
        RunTime = $Measurement.TotalMilliseconds

$Result = (1..$Iterations | foreach {[PSCustomObject] @{Iteration = $_; Script = $ScriptBlock}} |
    Start-RSJob -ScriptBlock $JobBlock -Name {$_.Iteration} -Throttle $Throttle |
    Wait-RSJob -ShowProgress | Receive-RSJob).RunTime | Measure -Average -Maximum -Minimum

[PSCustomObject] @{
    Minimum = $Result.Minimum
    Maximum = $Result.Maximum
    Average = $Result.Average