
function Update-SteamServer {
    Update a Steam based game server.

    This cmdlet presents a workflow to keep a steam based game server up to date.
    The server is expecting the game server to be running as a Windows Service.

    Enter the application ID you wish to install..

    .PARAMETER ServiceName
    Specify the Windows Service Name. You can get a list of services with Get-Service.

    .PARAMETER ApplicationPath
    Parameter description

    .PARAMETER RsiServerID
    Enter the Rust Server ID. More information about adding and obtaining an ID:

    .PARAMETER LogLocation
    Specify the location of the log files.

    .PARAMETER DiscordWebhookUri
    Enter a Discord Webhook Uri if you wish to get notifications about the server

    Update-SteamServer -AppID 476400 -ServiceName GB-PG10 -RsiServerID 2743

    Author: Frederik Hjorslev Poulsen


    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'High')]

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( { Get-Service -Name $_ })]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$ApplicationPath = "C:\DedicatedServers\$($ServiceName)",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$LogLocation = "C:\DedicatedServers\Logs\$($ServiceName)\$($ServiceName)_$((Get-Date).ToShortDateString()).log",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {
        # Create a log file with information about the operation.
        Set-LoggingDefaultLevel -Level 'INFO'
        Add-LoggingTarget -Name Console
        Add-LoggingTarget -Name File -Configuration @{ Path = $LogLocation }

    process {
        # Get server status and output it.
        $ServerStatus = Get-SteamServerInfo -ServerID $RsiServerID
        Write-Log -Message $ServerStatus

        # Waiting to server is empty. Checking every 60 seconds.
        while ($ServerStatus.players_cur -ne "0") {
            Write-Log -Message "Awaiting that the server is empty."
            $ServerStatus = Get-SteamServerInfo -ServerID $RsiServerID
            Write-Log -Message $ServerStatus | Select-Object -Property hostname, ip, port, online_state, players_cur, checked
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        # Server is now empty and we stop, update and start the server.
        Write-Log -Message "Stopping $($ServiceName)"
        Stop-Service -Name $ServiceName
        Write-Log -Message "$($ServiceName): $((Get-Service -Name $ServiceName).Status)."

        Write-Log -Message "Updating $($ServiceName)..."
        Update-SteamApp -AppID $AppID -Path $ApplicationPath -Force -Verbose

        Write-Log -Message "Starting $($ServiceName)"
        Start-Service -Name $ServiceName
        Write-Log -Message "$($ServiceName): $((Get-Service -Name $ServiceName).Status)."

        $TimeOutCounter = 0
        do {
            $TimeOutCounter++ # Add +1 for every loop.
            Write-Log -Message 'Waiting for server to come online again.'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
            # Getting new server information.
            $ServerStatus = Get-SteamServerInfo -ServerID $RsiServerID | Select-Object -Property hostname, ip, port, online_state, players_cur, checked
            Write-Log -Message $ServerStatus
            Write-Log -Message "TimeOutCounter: $($TimeOutCounter)/10"
            if ($TimeOutCounter -ge 10) {
        } until ($ServerStatus.online_state -eq '1')

        if ($ServerStatus.online_state -eq '1') {
            Write-Log -Message "$($ServerStatus.hostname) is now ONLINE."
            $ServerState = 'ONLINE'
            $Color = 'Green'
        } else {
            Write-Log -Level ERROR -Message  "Server seems to be OFFLINE after the update..."
            $ServerState = 'OFFLINE'
            $Color = 'Red'
    } # Process

    end {
        if ($null -ne $DiscordWebhookUri) {
            # Send Message to Discord about the update.
            $ServerFact = New-DiscordFact -Name 'Game Server Info' -Value $(Get-SteamServerInfo -ServerID $RsiServerID | Select-Object -Property hostname, ip, port, online_state, players_cur, checked | Out-String)
            $ServerStateFact = New-DiscordFact -Name 'Server State' -Value $(Write-Output -InputObject "Server is $($ServerState)!")
            $LogFact = New-DiscordFact -Name 'Log Location' -Value $LogLocation
            $Section = New-DiscordSection -Title "$($ServiceName) - Update Script Executed" -Facts $ServerStateFact, $ServerFact, $LogFact -Color $Color
            Send-DiscordMessage -WebHookUrl $DiscordWebhookUri -Sections $Section -Verbose
    } # End
} # Cmdlet