
    The resource is used to set the drive letter of an optical disk drive (e.g.
    a CDROM or DVD drive).
    It can be used to set the drive letter of a specific optical disk drive if
    there are multiple in the system by specifying a value greater than 1 for
    the DiskId parameter.
    In a system with a single optical disk drive then the DiskId should
    be set to 1.
    In systems with multiple optical disks, the DiskId should be set to
    the ordinal number of the required optical disk found in the list
    returned when executing the following cmdlet:
    Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_CDROMDrive
    Warning: Adding and removing optical drive devices to a system may cause the
    order the optical drives appear in the system to change. Therefore, the
    drive ordinal number may be affected in these situations.
    It is designed to ignore temporary optical disk drives that are created
    when mounting ISOs on Windows Server 2012+.
    With the Device ID, we look for the length of the string after the final
    backslash (crude, but appears to work so far).
    # DeviceID for a virtual drive in a Hyper-V VM
    # DeviceID for a mounted ISO in a Hyper-V VM
    Key - String
    Specifies the optical disk number for the disk to assign the drive letter to.
.PARAMETER DriveLetter
    Required - String
    Specifies the drive letter to assign to the optical disk. Can be a single letter, optionally followed by a colon. This value is ignored if Ensure is set to Absent.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Determines whether a drive letter should be assigned to the optical disk. Defaults to 'Present'.
This configuration will set the drive letter of the first
optical disk drive in the system to 'Z'.
Configuration OpticalDiskDriveLetter_SetDriveLetter
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter SetFirstOpticalDiskDriveLetterToZ
            DiskId = 1
            DriveLetter = 'Z'
This configuration will remove the drive letter of the first
optical disk drive.
Configuration OpticalDiskDriveLetter_RemoveDriveLetter
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter RemoveFirstOpticalDiskDriveLetter
            DiskId = 1
            DriveLetter = 'X' # This value is ignored
            Ensure = 'Absent'
This configuration will set the drive letter of the first
optical disk drive in the system to 'Y'. It will set the
drive letter of the second optical disk drive to 'Z'. It
will remove the drive letter from the third optical disk
drive in the system.
Configuration OpticalDiskDriveLetter_SetDriveLetterMulti
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter SetFirstOpticalDiskDriveLetterToY
            DiskId = 1
            DriveLetter = 'Y'
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter SetSecondOpticalDiskDriveLetterToZ
            DiskId = 2
            DriveLetter = 'Z'
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter RemoveThirdOpticalDiskDriveLetter
            DiskId = 3
            DriveLetter = 'A'
            Ensure = 'Absent'