
    The resource is used to set the drive letter of an optical disk drive (e.g.
    a CDROM or DVD drive).
    It can be used to set the drive letter of a specific optical disk drive if
    there are multiple in the system by specifying a value greater than 1 for
    the DiskId parameter.
    In a system with a single optical disk drive then the DiskId should
    be set to 1.
    In systems with multiple optical disks, the DiskId should be set to
    the ordinal number of the required optical disk found in the list
    returned when executing the following cmdlet:
    Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_CDROMDrive
    > Warning: Adding and removing optical drive devices to a system may cause the
    > order the optical drives appear in the system to change. Therefore, the
    > drive ordinal number may be affected in these situations.
    If the DiskId that is specified is greater than the number of manageable
    optical disk drives in the system, then the resource will write a warning to
    the log and will not attempt to set the drive letter. This will also occur
    if there are no manageable optical disk drives in the system.
    If the DriveLetter that should be assigned to the optical disk drive is
    already assigned to another device, then the resource will throw an exception.
    ## Detection of Manageable Optical Disk Drives
    This resource is intended to manage permanent optical disk drives that are
    either physically present in the system or are presented to the system by
    hypervisors or other virtualization platforms. It is not intended to be used
    to manage temporary optical disk drives that are created when mounting ISOs
    on Windows Server 2012 and newer. Mounted ISO drives should be managed by the
    DSC_MountImage resource.
    To detect whether a drive is a mounted ISO the following logic is used.
    For a CIM instance of a cimv2:Win32_CDROMDrive class representing an
    optical disk drive:
    1. Get the drive letter assigned to the drive in the cimv2:Win32_CDROMDrive.
       If the drive letter is set, query the volume information using the
       `cimv2:Win32_Volume CIM class for the device using drive letter and get
       the device path.
    1. If the drive letter is not set, then just create the device path from the
       drive property.
    1. Look up the disk image using the device path using the Get-DiskImage cmdlet.
    1. If no error occurs then the device is a mounted ISO and should not be
       used with this resource. If a "The specified disk is not a virtual
       disk." error occurs then it is not an ISO and can be managed by this
    ### Old Detection Method
    > Note: This method is no longer used because it is unreliable, but is documented
    > here for reference.
    In older versions (prior to v6.0.0) of the resource, the DSC_OpticalDiskDriveLetter
    resource used the DeviceID and the Caption of the CIM Instance representing
    the drive. This was not a 100% reliable method, and in recent versions of Windows
    Server, it was found that the DeviceID and Caption of the CIM Instance
    representing the drive were not unique enough to determine if the drive was a
    mounted ISO or not.
    The following is a table of sample captions and device IDs for some common
    optical drive configurations. The items in bold are the strings used to
    determine if the drive is a mounted ISO.
    | Type | Caption | DeviceID | Manage using |
    | ---- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |
    | Mounted ISO in Windows Server 2019 | Microsoft Virtual DVD-ROM | SCSI\CDROM&VENMSFT&PRODVIRTUALDVD-ROM\2&1F4ADFFE&0&000004 | DSCMountImage* |
    | Physical device | MATSHITA BD-MLT UJ260AF | SCSI\CDROM&VENMATSHITA&PRODBD-MLTUJ260AF\4&23A5A6AC&0&000200 | DSCOpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    | Hyper-V Gen1 (BIOS/IDE) VM - Windows Server 2019 | Msft Virtual CD/ROM ATA Device | IDE\CDROMMSFTVIRTUALCD/ROM_1.0_\5&CFB56DE&0&1.0.0 | DSC_OpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    | Hyper-V Gen2 (UEFI/SCSI) VM - Windows Server 2019 | Microsoft Virtual DVD-ROM | SCSI\CDROM&VENMSFT&PRODVIRTUALDVD-ROM\000001 | DSCOpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    | Hyper-V Gen1 (BIOS/IDE) VM - Windows Server 2022 | Msft Virtual CD/ROM ATA Device | IDE\CDROMMSFTVIRTUALCD/ROM_1.0_\5&CFB56DE&0&1.0.0 | DSC_OpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    | Hyper-V Gen2 (UEFI/SCSI) VM - Windows Server 2022 | Microsoft Virtual DVD-ROM | ... | DSC_OpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    | Azure Gen1 (BIOS/IDE) VM ? Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition | Msft Virtual CD/ROM ATA Device | IDE\CDROMMSFTVIRTUALCD/ROM_1.0_\5&CFB56DE&0&1.0.0 | DSC_OpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    | Azure Gen2 (UEFI/SCSI) VM ? Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition | Microsoft Virtual DVD-ROM | SCSI\CDROM&VENMSFT&PRODVIRTUALDVD-ROM\5&394B69D0&0&000002 | DSCpticalDiskDriveLetter |
    \* Don't manage with this resource, use DSC_MountImage instead.
    This is not a complete list, as some other virtual devices from other vendors
    might not be available for testing.
    Key - String
    Specifies the optical disk number for the disk to assign the drive letter to.
.PARAMETER DriveLetter
    Required - String
    Specifies the drive letter to assign to the optical disk. Can be a single letter, optionally followed by a colon. This value is ignored if Ensure is set to Absent.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Determines whether a drive letter should be assigned to the optical disk. Defaults to 'Present'.
This configuration will set the drive letter of the first
optical disk drive in the system to 'Z'.
Configuration OpticalDiskDriveLetter_SetDriveLetter
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter SetFirstOpticalDiskDriveLetterToZ
            DiskId = 1
            DriveLetter = 'Z'
This configuration will remove the drive letter of the first
optical disk drive.
Configuration OpticalDiskDriveLetter_RemoveDriveLetter
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter RemoveFirstOpticalDiskDriveLetter
            DiskId = 1
            DriveLetter = 'X' # This value is ignored
            Ensure = 'Absent'
This configuration will set the drive letter of the first
optical disk drive in the system to 'Y'. It will set the
drive letter of the second optical disk drive to 'Z'. It
will remove the drive letter from the third optical disk
drive in the system.
Configuration OpticalDiskDriveLetter_SetDriveLetterMulti
    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName StorageDsc
    Node localhost
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter SetFirstOpticalDiskDriveLetterToY
            DiskId = 1
            DriveLetter = 'Y'
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter SetSecondOpticalDiskDriveLetterToZ
            DiskId = 2
            DriveLetter = 'Z'
        OpticalDiskDriveLetter RemoveThirdOpticalDiskDriveLetter
            DiskId = 3
            DriveLetter = 'A'
            Ensure = 'Absent'