
        Common tests for all resource modules in the DSC Resource Kit.

# Suppressing this because we need to generate a mocked credentials that will be passed along to the examples that are needed in the tests.
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "")]

Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'
$errorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$testHelperModulePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'TestHelper.psm1'
Import-Module -Name $testHelperModulePath

$moduleRootFilePath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent

    This is a workaround to be able to run these common test on DscResource.Tests
    module, for testing itself.

if (Test-IsRepositoryDscResourceTests)
    $moduleRootFilePath = $PSScriptRoot

        Because the repository name of 'DscResource.Tests' has punctuation in
        the name, AppVeyor replaces that with a dash when it creates the folder
        structure, so the folder name becomes 'dscresource-tests'.
        This sets the module name to the correct name.
        If the name can be detected in a better way, for DscResource.Tests
        and all other modules, then this could be removed.

    $moduleName = 'DscResource.Tests'
    $moduleName = (Get-Item -Path $moduleRootFilePath).Name

$dscResourcesFolderFilePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath -ChildPath 'DscResources'

# Identify the repository root path of the resource module
$repoRootPath = $moduleRootFilePath
$repoRootPathFound = $false
while (-not $repoRootPathFound `
    -and -not ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty((Split-Path -Path $repoRootPath -Parent))))
    if (Get-ChildItem -Path $repoRootPath -Filter '.git' -Directory -Force)
        $repoRootPathFound = $true
        $repoRootPath = Split-Path -Path $repoRootPath -Parent
if (-not $repoRootPathFound)
    Write-Warning -Message ('The root folder of the DSC Resource repository could ' + `
        'not be located. This may prevent some markdown files from being checked for ' + `
        'errors. Please ensure this repository has been cloned using Git.')
    $repoRootPath = $moduleRootFilePath

$testOptInFilePath = Join-Path -Path $repoRootPath -ChildPath '.MetaTestOptIn.json'
# .MetaTestOptIn.json should be in the following format
# [
# "Common Tests - Validate Module Files",
# "Common Tests - Validate Markdown Files",
# "Common Tests - Validate Example Files",
# "Common Tests - Validate Script Files"
# ]

$optIns = @()
if (Test-Path $testOptInFilePath)
    $optIns = Get-Content -LiteralPath $testOptInFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json

Describe 'Common Tests - File Formatting' {
    $textFiles = Get-TextFilesList $moduleRootFilePath

    It "Should not contain any files with Unicode file encoding" {
        $containsUnicodeFile = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            if (Test-FileInUnicode $textFile)
                if ($textFile.Extension -ieq '.mof')
                    Write-Warning -Message "File $($textFile.FullName) should be converted to ASCII. Use fixer function 'Get-UnicodeFilesList `$pwd | ConvertTo-ASCII'."
                    Write-Warning -Message "File $($textFile.FullName) should be converted to UTF-8. Use fixer function 'Get-UnicodeFilesList `$pwd | ConvertTo-UTF8'."

                $containsUnicodeFile = $true

        $containsUnicodeFile | Should Be $false

    It 'Should not contain any files with tab characters' {
        $containsFileWithTab = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            $fileName = $textFile.FullName
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $fileName -Raw

            $tabCharacterMatches = $fileContent | Select-String "`t"

            if ($null -ne $tabCharacterMatches)
                Write-Warning -Message "Found tab character(s) in $fileName."
                $containsFileWithTab = $true

        $containsFileWithTab | Should Be $false

    It 'Should not contain empty files' {
        $containsEmptyFile = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $textFile.FullName -Raw

            if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent))
                Write-Warning -Message "File $($textFile.FullName) is empty. Please remove this file."
                $containsEmptyFile = $true

        $containsEmptyFile | Should Be $false

    It 'Should not contain files without a newline at the end' {
        $containsFileWithoutNewLine = $false

        foreach ($textFile in $textFiles)
            $fileContent = Get-Content -Path $textFile.FullName -Raw

            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($fileContent) -and $fileContent[-1] -ne "`n")
                if (-not $containsFileWithoutNewLine)
                    Write-Warning -Message 'Each file must end with a new line.'

                Write-Warning -Message "$($textFile.FullName) does not end with a new line. Use fixer function 'Add-NewLine'"

                $containsFileWithoutNewLine = $true

        $containsFileWithoutNewLine | Should Be $false

    Context 'When repository contains markdown files' {
        $markdownFileExtensions = @('.md')

        $markdownFiles = $textFiles |
                            Where-Object { $markdownFileExtensions -contains $_.Extension }

        foreach ($markdownFile in $markdownFiles)
            $filePathOutputName = Get-RelativePathFromModuleRoot `
                                    -FilePath $markdownFile.FullName `
                                    -ModuleRootFilePath $moduleRootFilePath

            It ('Markdown file ''{0}'' should not have Byte Order Mark (BOM)' -f $filePathOutputName) {
                $markdownFileHasBom = Test-FileHasByteOrderMark -FilePath $markdownFile.FullName

                if ($markdownFileHasBom) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$filePathOutputName contain Byte Order Mark (BOM). Use fixer function 'ConvertTo-ASCII'."

                $markdownFileHasBom | Should Be $false

Describe 'Common Tests - Validate Script Files' -Tag 'Script' {
    $optIn = Get-PesterDescribeOptInStatus -OptIns $optIns

    $scriptFilesFilterScript = {
        '.ps1' -eq $_.Extension

    $scriptFiles = Get-TextFilesList -Root $moduleRootFilePath | Where-Object -FilterScript $scriptFilesFilterScript

    foreach ($scriptFile in $scriptFiles)
        $filePathOutputName = Get-RelativePathFromModuleRoot `
                                -FilePath $scriptFile.FullName `
                                -ModuleRootFilePath $moduleRootFilePath

        Context $filePathOutputName {
            It ('Script file ''{0}'' should not have Byte Order Mark (BOM)' -f $filePathOutputName) -Skip:(!$optIn) {
                $scriptFileHasBom = Test-FileHasByteOrderMark -FilePath $scriptFile.FullName

                if ($scriptFileHasBom) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$filePathOutputName contain Byte Order Mark (BOM). Use fixer function 'ConvertTo-ASCII'."

                $scriptFileHasBom | Should Be $false

Describe 'Common Tests - .psm1 File Parsing' {
    $psm1Files = Get-Psm1FileList -FilePath $moduleRootFilePath

    foreach ($psm1File in $psm1Files)
        $filePathOutputName = Get-RelativePathFromModuleRoot `
                                -FilePath $psm1File.FullName `
                                -ModuleRootFilePath $moduleRootFilePath

        Context $filePathOutputName {
            It ('Module file ''{0}'' should not contain parse errors' -f $filePathOutputName) {
                $containsParseErrors = $false

                $parseErrors = Get-FileParseErrors -FilePath $psm1File.FullName

                if ($null -ne $parseErrors)
                    Write-Warning -Message "There are parse errors in $($psm1File.FullName):"
                    Write-Warning -Message ($parseErrors | Format-List | Out-String)

                    $containsParseErrors = $true

                $containsParseErrors | Should Be $false

Describe 'Common Tests - Validate Module Files' -Tag 'Module' {
    $optIn = Get-PesterDescribeOptInStatus -OptIns $optIns

    $moduleFiles = Get-Psm1FileList -FilePath $moduleRootFilePath

    foreach ($moduleFile in $moduleFiles)
        $filePathOutputName = Get-RelativePathFromModuleRoot `
                                -FilePath $moduleFile.FullName `
                                -ModuleRootFilePath $moduleRootFilePath

        Context $filePathOutputName {
            It ('Module file ''{0}'' should not have Byte Order Mark (BOM)' -f $filePathOutputName) -Skip:(!$optIn) {
                $moduleFileHasBom = Test-FileHasByteOrderMark -FilePath $moduleFile.FullName

                if ($moduleFileHasBom) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "$filePathOutputName contain Byte Order Mark (BOM). Use fixer function 'ConvertTo-ASCII'."

                $moduleFileHasBom | Should Be $false

Describe 'Common Tests - Module Manifest' {
    $containsClassResource = Test-ModuleContainsClassResource -ModulePath $moduleRootFilePath

    if ($containsClassResource)
        $minimumPSVersion = [Version]'5.0'
        $minimumPSVersion = [Version]'4.0'

    $moduleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath -ChildPath "$moduleName.psd1"

        ErrorAction specified as SilentelyContinue because this call will throw an error
        on machines with an older PS version than the manifest requires. WMF 5.1 machines
        are not yet available on AppVeyor, so modules that require 5.1 (PSDscResources)
        would always crash this test.

    $moduleManifestProperties = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $moduleManifestPath -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

    It "Should contain a PowerShellVersion property of at least $minimumPSVersion based on resource types" {
        $moduleManifestProperties.PowerShellVersion -ge $minimumPSVersion | Should Be $true

    if ($containsClassResource)
        $classResourcesInModule = Get-ClassResourceNameFromFile -FilePath $moduleRootFilePath

        Context 'Requirements for manifest of module with class-based resources' {
            foreach ($classResourceInModule in $classResourcesInModule)
                It "Should explicitly export $classResourceInModule in DscResourcesToExport" {
                    $moduleManifestProperties.ExportedDscResources -contains $classResourceInModule | Should Be $true

                It "Should include class module $classResourceInModule.psm1 in NestedModules" {
                    $moduleManifestProperties.NestedModules.Name -contains $classResourceInModule | Should Be $true

Describe 'Common Tests - Script Resource Schema Validation' {

    $scriptResourceNames = Get-ModuleScriptResourceNames -ModulePath $moduleRootFilePath
    foreach ($scriptResourceName in $scriptResourceNames)
        Context $scriptResourceName {
            $scriptResourcePath = Join-Path -Path $dscResourcesFolderFilePath -ChildPath $scriptResourceName

            It 'Should pass Test-xDscResource' {
                Test-xDscResource -Name $scriptResourcePath | Should Be $true

            It 'Should pass Test-xDscSchema' {
                $mofSchemaFilePath = Join-Path -Path $scriptResourcePath -ChildPath "$scriptResourceName.schema.mof"
                Test-xDscSchema -Path $mofSchemaFilePath | Should Be $true

    PSSA = PS Script Analyzer
    Only the first and last tests here will pass/fail correctly at the moment. The other 3 tests
    will currently always pass, but print warnings based on the problems they find.
    These automatic passes are here to give contributors time to fix the PSSA
    problems before we turn on these tests. These 'automatic passes' should be removed
    along with the first test (which is replaced by the following 3) around Jan-Feb
    Issue #161 has been raised to adddress this:

Describe 'Common Tests - PS Script Analyzer on Resource Files' {

    # PSScriptAnalyzer requires PowerShell 5.0 or higher
    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5)

        $requiredPssaRuleNames = @(

        $flaggedPssaRuleNames = @(

        $ignorePssaRuleNames = @(

        $dscResourcesPsm1Files = Get-Psm1FileList -FilePath $dscResourcesFolderFilePath

        foreach ($dscResourcesPsm1File in $dscResourcesPsm1Files)
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                Path                = $dscResourcesPsm1File.FullName
                ErrorAction         = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Recurse             = $true

            Context $dscResourcesPsm1File.Name {
                It 'Should pass all error-level PS Script Analyzer rules' {
                    $errorPssaRulesOutput = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters -Severity 'Error'

                    if ($null -ne $errorPssaRulesOutput)
                        Write-Warning -Message 'Error-level PSSA rule(s) did not pass.'
                        Write-Warning -Message 'The following PSScriptAnalyzer errors need to be fixed:'

                        foreach ($errorPssaRuleOutput in $errorPssaRulesOutput)
                            Write-Warning -Message "$($errorPssaRuleOutput.ScriptName) (Line $($errorPssaRuleOutput.Line)): $($errorPssaRuleOutput.Message)"

                        Write-Warning -Message  'For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to'

                    $errorPssaRulesOutput | Should Be $null

                It 'Should pass all required PS Script Analyzer rules' {
                    $requiredPssaRulesOutput = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters -IncludeRule $requiredPssaRuleNames

                    if ($null -ne $requiredPssaRulesOutput)
                        Write-Warning -Message 'Required PSSA rule(s) did not pass.'
                        Write-Warning -Message 'The following PSScriptAnalyzer errors need to be fixed:'

                        foreach ($requiredPssaRuleOutput in $requiredPssaRulesOutput)
                            Write-Warning -Message "$($requiredPssaRuleOutput.ScriptName) (Line $($requiredPssaRuleOutput.Line)): $($requiredPssaRuleOutput.Message)"

                        Write-Warning -Message  'For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to'

                        Automatically passing this test since it may break several resource modules at the moment.
                        Automatic pass to be removed Jan-Feb 2017.
                        Issue #161 has been raised to adddress this:

                    $requiredPssaRulesOutput = $null
                    $requiredPssaRulesOutput | Should Be $null

                It 'Should pass all flagged PS Script Analyzer rules' {
                    $flaggedPssaRulesOutput = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters -IncludeRule $flaggedPssaRuleNames

                    if ($null -ne $flaggedPssaRulesOutput)
                        Write-Warning -Message 'Flagged PSSA rule(s) did not pass.'
                        Write-Warning -Message 'The following PSScriptAnalyzer errors need to be fixed or approved to be suppressed:'

                        foreach ($flaggedPssaRuleOutput in $flaggedPssaRulesOutput)
                            Write-Warning -Message "$($flaggedPssaRuleOutput.ScriptName) (Line $($flaggedPssaRuleOutput.Line)): $($flaggedPssaRuleOutput.Message)"

                        Write-Warning -Message  'For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to'

                        Automatically passing this test since it may break several resource modules at the moment.
                        Automatic pass to be removed Jan-Feb 2017.
                        Issue #161 has been raised to adddress this:

                    $flaggedPssaRulesOutput = $null
                    $flaggedPssaRulesOutput | Should Be $null

                It 'Should pass any recently-added, error-level PS Script Analyzer rules' {
                    $knownPssaRuleNames = $requiredPssaRuleNames + $flaggedPssaRuleNames + $ignorePssaRuleNames

                    $newErrorPssaRulesOutput = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters -ExcludeRule $knownPssaRuleNames -Severity 'Error'

                    if ($null -ne $newErrorPssaRulesOutput)
                        Write-Warning -Message 'Recently-added, error-level PSSA rule(s) did not pass.'
                        Write-Warning -Message 'The following PSScriptAnalyzer errors need to be fixed or approved to be suppressed:'

                        foreach ($newErrorPssaRuleOutput in $newErrorPssaRulesOutput)
                            Write-Warning -Message "$($newErrorPssaRuleOutput.ScriptName) (Line $($newErrorPssaRuleOutput.Line)): $($newErrorPssaRuleOutput.Message)"

                        Write-Warning -Message  'For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to'

                        Automatically passing this test since it may break several resource modules at the moment.
                        Automatic pass to be removed Jan-Feb 2017.
                        Issue #161 has been raised to adddress this:

                    $newErrorPssaRulesOutput = $null
                    $newErrorPssaRulesOutput | Should Be $null

                It 'Should not suppress any required PS Script Analyzer rules' {
                    $requiredRuleIsSuppressed = $false

                    $suppressedRuleNames = Get-SuppressedPSSARuleNameList -FilePath $dscResourcesPsm1File.FullName

                    foreach ($suppressedRuleName in $suppressedRuleNames)
                        $suppressedRuleNameNoQuotes = $suppressedRuleName.Replace("'", '')

                        if ($requiredPssaRuleNames -icontains $suppressedRuleNameNoQuotes)
                            Write-Warning -Message "The file $($dscResourcesPsm1File.Name) contains a suppression of the required PS Script Analyser rule $suppressedRuleNameNoQuotes. Please remove the rule suppression."
                            $requiredRuleIsSuppressed = $true

                    $requiredRuleIsSuppressed | Should Be $false

                It 'Should pass all custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rules' {
                    $customDscResourceAnalyzerRulesPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'DscResource.AnalyzerRules'
                    $customPssaRulesOutput = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters `
                        -CustomRulePath $customDscResourceAnalyzerRulesPath `
                        -Severity 'Warning'

                    if ($null -ne $customPssaRulesOutput)
                        Write-Warning -Message 'Custom DSC Resource Kit PSSA rule(s) did not pass.'
                        Write-Warning -Message 'The following PSScriptAnalyzer errors need to be fixed:'

                        foreach ($customPssaRuleOutput in $customPssaRulesOutput)
                            Write-Warning -Message "$($customPssaRuleOutput.ScriptName) (Line $($customPssaRuleOutput.Line)): $($customPssaRuleOutput.Message)"

                        Write-Warning -Message  'For instructions on how to run PSScriptAnalyzer on your own machine, please go to'

                        Automatically passing this test since it may break several resource modules at the moment.
                        Automatic pass to be removed Jan-Feb 2017.
                        Issue #161 has been raised to adddress this:

                    $customPssaRulesOutput = $null
                    $customPssaRulesOutput | Should Be $null
        Write-Warning -Message 'PS Script Analyzer could not run on this machine. Please run tests on a machine with WMF 5.0+.'

Describe 'Common Tests - Validate Example Files' -Tag 'Examples' {
    $optIn = Get-PesterDescribeOptInStatus -OptIns $optIns

    $examplesPath = Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath -ChildPath 'Examples'
    if (Test-Path -Path $examplesPath)
            For Appveyor builds copy the module to the system modules directory so it falls in to a PSModulePath folder and is
            picked up correctly.
            For a user to run the test, they need to make sure that the module exists in one of the paths in env:PSModulePath, i.e.
            No copying is done when a user runs the test, because that could potentially be destructive.

        if ($env:APPVEYOR -eq $true)
            $psHomePSModulePathItem = Get-PSHomePSModulePathItem
            $powershellModulePath = Join-Path -Path $psHomePSModulePathItem -ChildPath $moduleName

            Write-Verbose -Message ('Copying module from ''{0}'' to ''{1}''' -f $moduleRootFilePath, $powershellModulePath) -Verbose

            # Creates the destination module folder.
            New-Item -Path $powershellModulePath -ItemType Directory -Force

            # Copies all module files into the destination module folder.
            Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath -ChildPath '*') `
                      -Destination $powershellModulePath `
                      -Exclude @('node_modules','.*') `
                      -Recurse `

        $exampleFile = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath -ChildPath 'Examples') -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse
        foreach ($exampleToValidate in $exampleFile)
            $exampleDescriptiveName = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $exampleToValidate.Directory -Leaf) -ChildPath (Split-Path $exampleToValidate -Leaf)

            Context -Name $exampleDescriptiveName {
                It "Should compile MOFs for example correctly" -Skip:(!$optIn) {
                        $mockPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString '&iPm%M5q3K$Hhq=wcEK' -AsPlainText -Force
                        $mockCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList @('username', $mockPassword)
                        $mockConfigurationData = @{
                            AllNodes = @(
                                    NodeName = 'localhost'
                                    PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true

                            # Get the list of additional modules required by the example
                            $requiredModules = Get-ResourceModulesInConfiguration -ConfigurationPath $exampleToValidate.FullName |
                                Where-Object -Property Name -ne $moduleName

                            if ($requiredModules)
                                Install-DependentModule -Module $requiredModules

                            . $exampleToValidate.FullName

                            $exampleCommand = Get-Command -Name Example -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                            if ($exampleCommand)
                                    $params = @{}

                                    # Each credential parameter in the Example function is assigned the mocked credential. 'PsDscRunAsCredential' is not assigned because that broke the example.
                                    $credentialParameterToMockCredentialFor = $exampleCommand.Parameters.Keys | Where-Object {
                                        $_ -like '*Account' `
                                        -or ($_ -like '*Credential' -and $_ -ne 'PsDscRunAsCredential') `
                                        -or $_ -like '*Passphrase'

                                    foreach ($currentParameter in $credentialParameterToMockCredentialFor)
                                        $params.Add($currentParameter, $mockCredential)

                                        If there is a $ConfigurationData variable that was dot-sources.
                                        Then use that as the configuration data instead of the mocked confgiuration data.

                                    if (Get-Item -Path variable:ConfigurationData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                                        $mockConfigurationData = $ConfigurationData

                                    Example @params -ConfigurationData $mockConfigurationData -OutputPath 'TestDrive:\' -ErrorAction Continue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
                                throw "The example '$exampleDescriptiveName' does not contain a function 'Example'."
                            # Remove the function we dot-sourced so next example file doesn't use the previous Example-function.
                            Remove-Item -Path function:Example -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                            # Remove the variable $ConfigurationData if it existed in the file we dot-sourced so next example file doesn't use the previous examples configuration.
                            Remove-Item -Path variable:ConfigurationData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    } | Should Not Throw

        if ($env:APPVEYOR -eq $true)
            Remove-item -Path $powershellModulePath -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false

            # Restore the load of the module to ensure future tests have access to it
            Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $moduleRootFilePath `
                                           -ChildPath "$moduleName.psd1") `

Describe 'Common Tests - Validate Markdown Files' -Tag 'Markdown' {
    $optIn = Get-PesterDescribeOptInStatus -OptIns $optIns

    if (Get-Command -Name 'npm' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        $npmParametersForStartProcess = @{
            FilePath = 'npm'
            ArgumentList = ''
            WorkingDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
            Wait = $true
            WindowStyle = 'Hidden'

        Context 'When installing markdown validation dependencies' {
            It 'Should not throw an error when installing package Gulp in global scope' {
                        gulp; gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.
                        gulp must be installed globally to be able to be called through Start-Process

                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'install -g gulp'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when installing package Gulp in local scope' {
                    # gulp must also be installed locally to be able to be referenced in the javascript file.
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'install gulp'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when installing package through2' {
                    # Used in gulpfile.js; A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit sub classing noise
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'install through2'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when installing package markdownlint' {
                    # Used in gulpfile.js; A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'install markdownlint'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when installing package gulp-concat as a dev-dependency' {
                    # gulp-concat is installed as devDependencies. Used in gulpfile.js; Concatenates files
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'install gulp-concat -D'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

        if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $repoRootPath -ChildPath '.markdownlint.json'))
            Write-Verbose -Message ('Using markdownlint settings file from repository folder ''{0}''.' -f $repoRootPath) -Verbose
            $markdownlintSettingsFilePath = Join-Path -Path $repoRootPath -ChildPath '.markdownlint.json'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Using markdownlint settings file from DscResource.Test repository.' -Verbose
            $markdownlintSettingsFilePath = $null

        It "Should not have errors in any markdown files" {

            $mdErrors = 0

                $gulpArgumentList = @(

                if ($markdownlintSettingsFilePath)
                    $gulpArgumentList += @(

                Start-Process -FilePath "gulp" -ArgumentList $gulpArgumentList `
                    -Wait -WorkingDirectory $PSScriptRoot -PassThru -NoNewWindow
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
                $mdIssuesPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "markdownissues.txt"

                if ((Test-Path -Path $mdIssuesPath) -eq $true)
                    Get-Content -Path $mdIssuesPath | ForEach-Object -Process {
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) -eq $false)
                            Write-Warning -Message $_
                            $mdErrors ++
                Remove-Item -Path $mdIssuesPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            catch [System.Exception]
                Write-Warning -Message ("Unable to run gulp to test markdown files. Please " + `
                                        "be sure that you have installed nodejs and have " + `
                                        "run 'npm install -g gulp' in order to have this " + `
                                        "text execute.")

            if ($optIn)
                $mdErrors | Should Be 0

            We're uninstalling the dependencies, in reverse order, so that the
            node_modules folder do not linger on a users computer if run locally.
            Also, this fixes so that when there is a apostrophe in the path for
            $PSScriptRoot, the node_modules folder is correctly removed.

        Context 'When uninstalling markdown validation dependencies' {
            It 'Should not throw an error when uninstalling package gulp-concat as a dev-dependency' {
                    # gulp-concat is installed as devDependencies. Used in gulpfile.js; Concatenates files
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'uninstall gulp-concat -D'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when uninstalling package markdownlint' {
                    # Used in gulpfile.js; A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'uninstall markdownlint'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when uninstalling package through2' {
                    # Used in gulpfile.js; A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit sub classing noise
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'uninstall through2'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when uninstalling package Gulp in local scope' {
                    # gulp must also be installed locally to be able to be referenced in the javascript file.
                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'uninstall gulp'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when uninstalling package Gulp in global scope' {
                        gulp; gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.
                        gulp must be installed globally to be able to be called through Start-Process

                    $npmParametersForStartProcess['ArgumentList'] = 'uninstall -g gulp'
                    Start-Process @npmParametersForStartProcess
                } | Should Not Throw

            It 'Should not throw an error when removing the node_modules folder' {
                    # Remove folder node_modules that npm created.
                    $npmNodeModulesPath = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'node_modules')
                    if( Test-Path -Path $npmNodeModulesPath)
                        Remove-Item -Path $npmNodeModulesPath -Recurse -Force
                } | Should Not Throw
        Write-Warning -Message ("Unable to run gulp to test markdown files. Please " + `
                                "be sure that you have installed nodejs and npm in order " + `
                                "to have this text execute.")