
$script:ProjectRoot = (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).Parent.Parent.FullName
$script:ModuleName = (Get-Item -Path $PSCommandPath).BaseName -replace '\.Tests'
$script:ModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $script:ProjectRoot -ChildPath $script:ModuleName

Describe "$($script:ModuleName) Unit Tests" {
    BeforeAll {
        Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:ProjectRoot -ChildPath 'TestHelper.psm1') -Force

        $modulePath = Join-Path -Path $script:ModuleRootPath -ChildPath "$($script:ModuleName).psm1"
        Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable localizedData -BaseDirectory $script:ModuleRootPath -FileName "$($script:ModuleName).psd1"

    Describe 'Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute' {
        Context 'When ParameterAttribute is missing' {
            It 'Should write the correct record, when ParameterAttribute is missing' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing

            It 'Should not write a record, when ParameterAttribute is present' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

        Context 'When ParameterAttribute is not declared first' {
            It 'Should write the correct record, when ParameterAttribute is not declared first' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [ValidateSet("one", "two")]

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeWrongPlace

            It 'Should not write a record, when ParameterAttribute is declared first' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [ValidateSet("one", "two")]

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

        Context 'When ParameterAttribute is in lower-case' {
            It 'Should write the correct record, when ParameterAttribute is written in lower case' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeLowerCase

            It 'Should not write a record, when ParameterAttribute is written correctly' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

        Context 'When a param block contains more than one parameter' {
            It 'Should write the correct records, when ParameterAttribute is missing from two parameters' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 2
                $record[0].Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing
                $record[1].Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing

            It 'Should write the correct records, when ParameterAttribute is missing and in lower-case' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 2
                $record[0].Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing
                $record[1].Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeLowerCase

            It 'Should write the correct record, when ParameterAttribute is missing from a second parameter' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing

        Context 'When Parameter is part of a method in a class' {
            It 'Should not return any records' {
                $definition = '
                class Resource
                    [void] Get_TargetResource($ParameterName1,$ParameterName2)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                $record | Should Be $null

        Context 'When Parameter is part of a script block that is part of a property in a class' {
            it 'Should return records for the Parameter in the script block' {
                $definition = '
                class Resource
                    [void] Get_TargetResource($ParameterName1,$ParameterName2)
                    [Func[Int,Int]] $MakeInt = {
                            [int] $Input
                        $Input * 2

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterAttributeMissing

    Describe 'Measure-ParameterBlockMandatoryNamedArgument' {
        Context 'When Mandatory named argument is incorrectly formatted' {
            It 'Should write the correct record, when Mandatory is included and set to $false' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockNonMandatoryParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

            It 'Should write the correct record, when Mandatory is lower-case' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(mandatory = $true)]

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

            It 'Should write the correct record, when Mandatory does not include an explicit argument' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

            It 'Should write the correct record, when Mandatory is incorrectly written and other parameters are used' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "SetName")]

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockNonMandatoryParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

            It 'Should not write a record, when Mandatory is correctly written' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should not write a record, when Mandatory is not present and other parameters are' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(HelpMessage = "HelpMessage")]

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should not write a record, when Mandatory is correctly written and other parameters are listed' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "SetName")]

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should not write a record, when Mandatory is correctly written and not placed first' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "SetName", Mandatory = $true)]

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

            It 'Should not write a record, when Mandatory is correctly written and other attributes are listed' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                            [ValidateSet("one", "two")]

                Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath | Should BeNullOrEmpty

            Context 'When Mandatory Attribute NamedParameter is in a class' {
                It 'Should not return any records' {
                    $definition = '
                    class Resource
                        [string] $DscKeyString
                        [int] $DscNum
                        [Resource] Get()
                            return $this
                        [void] Set()
                        [bool] Test()
                            return $true

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                    $record | Should Be $null

            Context 'When Mandatory Attribute NamedParameter is in script block in a property in a class' {
                It 'Should return records for NameParameter in the ScriptBlock only' {
                    $definition = '
                    class Resource
                        [string] $DscKeyString
                        [int] $DscNum
                        [Resource] Get()
                            return $this
                        [void] Set()
                        [bool] Test()
                            return $true
                        [Func[Int,Int]] $MakeInt = {
                                [int] $Input
                            $Input * 2

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

        Context 'When a param block contains more than one parameter' {
            It 'Should write the correct records, when Mandatory is incorrect set on two parameters' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 2
                $record[0].Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat
                $record[1].Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockNonMandatoryParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

            It 'Should write the correct records, when ParameterAttribute is missing and in lower-case' {
                $definition = '
                    function Get-TargetResource
                        Param (
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                            [Parameter(mandatory = $false)]

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $definition -CustomRulePath $modulePath
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should Be 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ParameterBlockNonMandatoryParameterMandatoryAttributeWrongFormat

    Describe 'Measure-FunctionBlockBraces' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When a functions opening brace is on the same line as the function keyword' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something {
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                        return $true

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When two functions has opening brace is on the same line as the function keyword' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something {
                    function Get-SomethingElse {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 2
                $record[0].Message | Should Be $localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
                $record[1].Message | Should Be $localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When function opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                    { [CmdletBinding()]
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                        return $true

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When function opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                        return $true

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.FunctionOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When function follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                        return $true

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-IfStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When if-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        if ($true) {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When two if-statements has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        if ($true) {
                        if ($true) {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 2
                $record[0].Message | Should Be $localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine
                $record[1].Message | Should Be $localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When if-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        if ($true)
                        { return $true

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When if-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        if ($true)
                            return $true

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.IfStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When if-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        if ($true)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

        # Regression test for issue reported in review comment for PR #180.
        Context 'When if-statement is using braces in the evaluation expression' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        if (Get-Command | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq ''Get-Help'' } )

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-ForEachStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When foreach-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $myArray = @()
                        foreach ($stringText in $myArray) {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ForEachStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When foreach-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $myArray = @()
                        foreach ($stringText in $myArray)
                        { $stringText

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ForEachStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When foreach-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $myArray = @()
                        foreach ($stringText in $myArray)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ForEachStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When foreach-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $myArray = @()
                        foreach ($stringText in $myArray)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-DoUntilStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When DoUntil-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 0
                        do {
                        } until ($i -eq 2)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.DoUntilStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When DoUntil-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 0
                        { $i++
                        } until ($i -eq 2)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.DoUntilStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When DoUntil-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 0
                        } until ($i -eq 2)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.DoUntilStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When DoUntil-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 0
                        } until ($i -eq 2)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-DoWhileStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When DoWhile-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        do {
                        } while ($i -gt 0)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.DoWhileStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When DoWhile-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        { $i--
                        } while ($i -gt 0)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.DoWhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When DoWhile-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        } while ($i -gt 0)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.DoWhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When DoWhile-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        } while ($i -gt 0)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-WhileStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When While-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        while ($i -gt 0) {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.WhileStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When While-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        while ($i -gt 0)
                        { $i--

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.WhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When While-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        while ($i -gt 0)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.WhileStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When While-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $i = 10
                        while ($i -gt 0)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-SwitchStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When Switch-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $value = 1
                        switch ($value) {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        # Regression test.
        Context 'When Switch-statement has an opening brace on the same line, and also has a clause with an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write only one error record, and the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $value = 1
                        switch ($value) {
                            1 { ''one'' }

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When Switch-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $value = 1
                        switch ($value)
                        { 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When Switch-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $value = 1
                        switch ($value)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.SwitchStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When Switch-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        $value = 1
                        switch ($value)

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-TryStatement' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When Try-statement has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        try {
                            $value = 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.TryStatementOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When Try-statement opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                        { $value = 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.TryStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When Try-statement opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            $value = 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.TryStatementOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When Try-statement follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            $value = 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-CatchClause' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'When Catch-clause has an opening brace on the same line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            $value = 1
                        catch {

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.CatchClauseOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

        Context 'When Catch-clause opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            $value = 1
                        { throw

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.CatchClauseOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

        Context 'When Catch-clause opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
            It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            $value = 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.CatchClauseOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine

        Context 'When Catch-clause follows style guideline' {
            It 'Should not write an error record' {
                $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    function Get-Something
                            $value = 1

                $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                $record | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Describe 'Measure-TypeDefinition' {
        BeforeEach {
            $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters = @{
                CustomRulePath = $modulePath

        Context 'Enum' {
            Context 'When Enum has an opening brace on the same line' {
                It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                    $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    enum Test {

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.EnumOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

            Context 'When Enum Opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
                It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                    $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    enum Test
                    { Good

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.EnumOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

            Context 'When Enum opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
                It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                    $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    enum Test

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.EnumOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine
        Context 'Class' {
            Context 'When Class has an opening brace on the same line' {
                It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                    $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    class Test {
                        [int] $Good
                        [Void] Bad()

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ClassOpeningBraceNotOnSameLine

            Context 'When Class Opening brace is not followed by a new line' {
                It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                    $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    class Test
                    { [int] $Good
                        [Void] Bad()

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ClassOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByNewLine

            Context 'When Class opening brace is followed by more than one new line' {
                It 'Should write the correct error record' {
                    $invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters['ScriptDefinition'] = '
                    class Test
                        [int] $Good
                        [Void] Bad()

                    $record = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @invokeScriptAnalyzerParameters
                    ($record | Measure-Object).Count | Should BeExactly 1
                    $record.Message | Should Be $localizedData.ClassOpeningBraceShouldBeFollowedByOnlyOneNewLine