
#.ExternalHelp StreamXRef-help.xml
function Find-TwitchXRef {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [ValidateRange(1, 100)]
        [int]$Count = 20,

        [int]$Offset = 0,



    DynamicParam {
        $mandAttr = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new()
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($script:TwitchData.ApiKey)) {
            $mandAttr.Mandatory = $true
        else {
            $mandAttr.Mandatory = $false
        $vnnoeAttr = [System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute]::new()
        $attributeCollection = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]]::new()

        $dynParam1 = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new("ApiKey", [string], $attributeCollection)

        $paramDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
        $paramDictionary.Add("ApiKey", $dynParam1)
        return $paramDictionary

    Begin {
        $API = ""
        $NewDataAdded = $false

        $VideoPattern = "(?:twitch\.tv/|^)v(?:ideos?)?/"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ApiKey")) {
            $ClientID = $PSBoundParameters.ApiKey

            if ($script:TwitchData.ApiKey -ine $PSBoundParameters.ApiKey) {
                $NewDataAdded = $true

            $script:TwitchData.ApiKey = $PSBoundParameters.ApiKey
        else {
            $ClientID = $script:TwitchData.ApiKey

        $v5Headers = @{
            "Client-ID" = $ClientID
            "Accept"    = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"

        # Temporary list for suppressing additional API calls when the username isn't found while processing a list/array of inputs
        $NotFoundList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()

    Process {
        <# This trap is used for making only "404 Not Found" errors a non-terminating error
            because, for some reason, Twitch also uses that with some (but not all...) API
            endpoints to indicate that no results were found. #>

        trap [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException] {
            # API Responded with error status
            if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 404) {
                # Not found
                if ($ExplicitNull) {
                    return $null
                else {
            else {
                # Other error status codes

        $RestArgs = @{
            Method      = "Get"
            Headers     = $v5Headers
            ErrorAction = "Stop"

        # Initial basic sorting
        $SourceIsVideo = $Source -imatch $VideoPattern ? $true : $false
        $XRefIsVideo = $XRef -imatch $VideoPattern ? $true : $false

        #region Source Lookup ##########################

        if ($SourceIsVideo) {
            # Video URL provided

            # Get offset from URL parameters or return if no match
            if ($Source -inotmatch "[?&]t=((?<Hours>\d+)h)?((?<Minutes>\d+)m)?((?<Seconds>\d+)s)?") {
                Write-Error "(Video) URL missing timestamp parameter." -ErrorId MissingTimestamp -Category InvalidArgument -CategoryTargetName Source -TargetObject $Source
                if ($ExplicitNull) {
                    return $null
                else {

            $OffsetArgs = @{ }
            $OffsetArgs["Hours"] = $Matches.ContainsKey("Hours") ? $Matches.Hours : 0
            $OffsetArgs["Minutes"] = $Matches.ContainsKey("Minutes") ? $Matches.Minutes : 0
            $OffsetArgs["Seconds"] = $Matches.ContainsKey("Seconds") ? $Matches.Seconds : 0

            $TimeOffset = New-TimeSpan @OffsetArgs

            # Twitch backend currently uses a signed 32-bit integer for Video IDs
            [Int32]$VideoID = $Source | Get-LastUrlSegment

            $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/videos/$VideoID"
        else {
            # Clip provided

            # Strip potential URL formatting
            $Slug = $Source | Get-LastUrlSegment

            if (-not $Force -and $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache.ContainsKey($Slug)) {
                # Found cached values to use

                if (-not $XRefIsVideo -and $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug].Mapping.ContainsKey($XRef)) {
                    # Quick return path using cached data
                    return $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug].Mapping[$XRef]
                else {
                    $TimeOffset = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug].Offset
                    $VideoID = $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug].VideoID
                    # Set REST arguments
                    $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/videos/$VideoID"
            else {
                # New uncached source ---- needs additional API call

                # Get information about clip
                $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/clips/$Slug"
                $ClipResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @RestArgs

                try {
                    # Verify that the source video was not removed
                    if ($null -eq $ClipResponse.vod) {
                        Write-Error "(Clip) Source video unavailable or deleted." -ErrorId VideoNotFound -Category ObjectNotFound -CategoryTargetName Source -TargetObject $Source -ErrorAction Stop

                    # Get offset from API response
                    $TimeOffset = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $ClipResponse.vod.offset

                    # Get Video ID from API response
                    [int]$VideoID = $

                    # Add username to cache
                    if (-not $script:TwitchData.UserInfoCache.ContainsKey($ {
                        $script:TwitchData.UserInfoCache[$] = $

                    # Ensure timestamp was converted correctly
                    $ClipResponse.created_at = $ClipResponse.created_at | ConvertTo-UtcDateTime

                    # Add data to clip cache
                    $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug] = [StreamXRef.ClipObject]@{
                        Offset  = $ClipResponse.vod.offset
                        VideoID = $VideoID
                        Created = $ClipResponse.created_at

                    # Add mapping for originating video to clip entry
                    $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug].Mapping[$] = $ClipResponse.vod.url

                    $NewDataAdded = $true

                    # Quick return path for when XRef is original broadcaster
                    if ($XRef -ieq $ {
                        return $ClipResponse.vod.url
                catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException] {
                    # Write-Error forwarding and skip to next object in pipeline (if any)
                    if ($ExplicitNull) {
                        return $null
                    else {
                catch {

                # Set REST arguments
                $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/videos/$VideoID"

        # Get absolute timestamp of event
        # Check cache to see if this video is already known
        if (-not $Force -and $script:TwitchData.VideoInfoCache.ContainsKey($VideoID)) {
            # Use start time from cache
            $EventTimestamp = $script:TwitchData.VideoInfoCache[$VideoID] + $TimeOffset
        else {
            # Get information about main video
            $VodResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @RestArgs

            try {
                # Check for incorrect video type
                if ($VodResponse.broadcast_type -ine "archive") {
                    # Set error message based on Source type
                    $ErrSrc = $SourceIsVideo ? "(Video) Source" : "(Clip) Referenced"

                    # Use "ErrorAction Stop" with specific catch block for forwarding
                    Write-Error "$ErrSrc video is not an archived broadcast." -ErrorId InvalidVideoType -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorAction Stop

                # Ensure timestamp was converted correctly
                $VodResponse.recorded_at = $VodResponse.recorded_at | ConvertTo-UtcDateTime

                # Use start time from API response
                [datetime]$EventTimestamp = $VodResponse.recorded_at + $TimeOffset

                # Add data to Vod cache
                $script:TwitchData.VideoInfoCache[$VideoID] = $VodResponse.recorded_at
                $NewDataAdded = $true
            catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException] {
                # Write-Error forwarding and skip to next object in pipeline (if any)
                if ($ExplicitNull) {
                    return $null
                else {
            catch {

        #endregion Source Lookup =======================

        #region XRef Lookup ############################

        if ($XRefIsVideo) {
            # Using VOD link

            # 32-bit integer to match Twitch backend
            [Int32]$XRefID = $XRef | Get-LastUrlSegment
            $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/videos/$XRefID"

            $Multi = $false
        else {
            # Using username/channel

            # Strip potential URL formatting
            $XRef = $XRef | Get-LastUrlSegment

            # Check if repeated search using a name that wasn't found during this instance
            if ($NotFoundList -icontains $XRef) {
                Write-Error "(XRef Username) `"$XRef`" not found." -ErrorId UserNotFound -Category ObjectNotFound -CategoryTargetName XRef -TargetObject $XRef
                if ($ExplicitNull) {
                    return $null
                else {

            # Get cached user ID number if available or call API if not
            if (-not $Force -and $script:TwitchData.UserInfoCache.ContainsKey($XRef)) {
                $UserIdNum = $script:TwitchData.UserInfoCache[$XRef]
            else {
                # Get ID number for username using API
                $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/users"
                $RestArgs["Body"] = @{
                    "login" = $XRef

                $UserLookup = Invoke-RestMethod @RestArgs

                try {
                    # Unlike other API requests, this doesn't return a 404 error if not found
                    if ($UserLookup._total -eq 0) {
                        Write-Error "(XRef Username) `"$XRef`" not found." -ErrorId UserNotFound -Category ObjectNotFound -CategoryTargetName XRef -TargetObject $XRef -ErrorAction Stop

                    [int]$UserIdNum = $UserLookup.users[0]._id

                    # Save ID number in user cache
                    $script:TwitchData.UserInfoCache[$XRef] = $UserIdNum
                    $NewDataAdded = $true
                catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException] {
                    # Write-Error forwarding and skip to next object in pipeline (if any)
                    if ($ExplicitNull) {
                        return $null
                    else {
                catch {

            # Set args using ID number
            $RestArgs["Uri"] = "$API/channels/$UserIdNum/videos"
            $RestArgs["Body"] = @{
                "broadcast_type" = "archive"
                "sort"           = "time"
                "limit"          = $Count
                "offset"         = $Offset

            $Multi = $true

        $XRefResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @RestArgs

        try {
            # Check for incorrect video type if XRef is a video URL ($Multi will be $false)
            if (-not $Multi -and $XRefResponse.broadcast_type -ine "archive") {
                Write-Error "(XRef Video) Video is not an archived broadcast." -ErrorId InvalidVideoType -Category InvalidOperation -CategoryTargetName XRef -TargetObject $XRef -ErrorAction Stop

            $XRefSet = $Multi ? $XRefResponse.videos : $XRefResponse

            if ($XRefSet -is [array]) {
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $XRefSet.length; $i++) {
                    $XRefSet[$i].recorded_at = $XRefSet[$i].recorded_at | ConvertTo-UtcDateTime
            else {
                $XRefSet.recorded_at = $XRefSet.recorded_at | ConvertTo-UtcDateTime
        catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException] {
            # Write-Error forwarding and skip to next object in pipeline (if any)
            if ($ExplicitNull) {
                return $null
            else {
        catch {

        #endregion XRef Lookup =========================

        # Look for first video that starts before the timestamp

        try {
            $VideoToCompare = $null
            $VideoToCompare = $XRefSet | Where-Object { $_.recorded_at -lt $EventTimestamp } | Select-Object -First 1

            if ($null -eq $VideoToCompare) {
                Write-Error "Event occurs before search range." -ErrorId EventNotInRange -Category ObjectNotFound -CategoryTargetName EventTimestamp -TargetObject $Source -ErrorAction Stop
            elseif ($EventTimestamp -gt $VideoToCompare.recorded_at.AddSeconds($VideoToCompare.length)) {
                # Event timestamp is after the end of stream
                Write-Error "Event not found during stream." -ErrorId EventNotFound -Category ObjectNotFound -CategoryTargetName EventTimestamp -TargetObject $Source -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
                $NewOffset = $EventTimestamp - $VideoToCompare.recorded_at
                $NewUrl = "$($VideoToCompare.url)?t=$($NewOffset.Hours)h$($NewOffset.Minutes)m$($NewOffset.Seconds)s"

                if (-not $SourceIsVideo -and -not $XRefIsVideo) {
                    try {
                        # Add to clip result mapping
                        $script:TwitchData.ClipInfoCache[$Slug].Mapping[$XRef] = $NewUrl
                        $NewDataAdded = $true
                    catch {
                        Write-Verbose "Unable to add result to clip mapping"

                return $NewUrl
        catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException] {
            # Write-Error forwarding and skip to next object in pipeline (if any)
            if ($ExplicitNull) {
                return $null
            else {
        catch {

    End {
        if ((Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier XRefNewDataAdded -Force -ErrorAction Ignore) -and $NewDataAdded) {
            [void] (New-Event -SourceIdentifier XRefNewDataAdded -Sender "Find-TwitchXRef")