
function Start-StretchReminder {
        Starts the StretchReminder module
        The Start-StretchReminder function starts the timer that sleeps for x minutes (interval) and then displays a notification with a countdown in y seconds (duration).
    .PARAMETER Interval
        The interval between each notification.
    .PARAMETER Duration
        The duration of the countdown on the notification.
        PS C:\> Start-StretchReminder -Interval 15 -Duration 15
        Starts the StretchReminder module with a 15 minutes interval and 15 seconds countdown.

    param (
        $Interval = 15,

        $Duration = 15

    begin {
        $uniqueId = New-Guid
        Write-Verbose "UniqueId: $($uniqueId)"

    process {
        while ($true) {
            Write-Verbose "Sleeping for $($Interval * 60) seconds"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds ($Interval * 60)

            if ($script:hasBurntToast) {
                $DataBinding = @{
                    'ProgressBarValue'        = 0
                    'ProgressBarValueDisplay' = '0 seconds'
                $ProgressBarSplat = @{
                    Status       = 'Stretch aaand stretch..'
                    Value        = 'ProgressBarValue'
                    ValueDisplay = 'ProgressBarValueDisplay'
                $Progress = New-BTProgressBar @ProgressBarSplat
                $ToastSplat = @{
                    Text             = 'TIME TO STRETCH!', 'Remove your hands from the keyboard and stretch your arms and neck!'
                    UniqueIdentifier = $uniqueId
                    ProgressBar      = $Progress
                    DataBinding      = $DataBinding
                    HeroImage        = Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'stretch.gif'
                Write-Verbose 'Showing notification'
                New-BurntToastNotification @ToastSplat
                Start-StretchReminderCountdown -DataBinding $DataBinding -UniqueId $uniqueId -Duration $Duration
            } else {
                #TODO: Find a solution for systems that does not have BurntToast installed. Maybe PoshNotify?

