
function Install-EventSubscription
        Installs a powershell task that triggers off a windows eventlog event.
        Installs a powershell task that triggers off a windows eventlog event.
        The code is deployed to the target machine and will run locally on that machine when triggered.
        The scriptblock or scriptfile receives one input object:
        The eventlog event object as returned by Get-WinEvent.
        If the scriptblock/-file does not have a parameter block yet, one will be created with the paraneter "$EventObject", which can be used in the code.
        This command does not implement dependency handling:
        Required modules must be installed separately on the target computer(s) if any are needed.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionName
        Name of the subscription.
        Value is arbitrary, but must be unique and legal as a filename.
        This will be the name of the task, so no duplicates possible.
        Will overwrite an existing task of that name.
    .PARAMETER ScriptPath
        Path to the scriptfile to execute.
        Will be copied to the machine.
    .PARAMETER ScriptCode
        A scriptblock to execute.
        Will be written as file on the target system.
    .PARAMETER LogName
        The name of the log to monitor for events.
    .PARAMETER Source
        The name of the source off which to trigger tasks.
        The ID of the event that will trigger the task.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionXML
        Rather than offering LogName, Source and EventID, you can offer a filter XML instead.
        This allows more granular filtering.
        To generate filter XML, the easiest way to set things up is to use the eventviewer MMC console:
        - Use the UI wizard to create a filter
        - When done, switch to the XML tab in the filter UI: That's the XML needed for this parameter.
    .PARAMETER Description
        Description to include in the scheduled task.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        The name of the computers to install the task on.
        Defaults to localhost.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use when connecting to the target system.
        NOT the account under which the event will trigger.
    .PARAMETER Elevated
        Whether the task should trigger with elevation.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        The user account under which the event should trigger.
        NOT the account used to create the scheduled task.
        Defaults to: SYSTEM
        Only specify a password if the account is a regular user account requiring one.
        Builtin accounts or gMSA do not require a password.
    .PARAMETER Executable
        Which executable should be used to execute the task.
        Defaults to powershell.exe
        Use "pwsh.exe" if you want the task to execute under PowerShell core (requires PowerShell Core to be installed on the target computer).
    .PARAMETER Author
        The Author listed in the Task Scheduler MMC console.
        Defaults to the current user.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions.
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts.
        PS C:\> Install-EventSubscription -SubscriptionName 'Account Lockout' -ScriptPath '.\lockout.ps1' -LogName 'Security' -Source 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' -EventID 4740
        Registers the script lockout.ps1 to be executed every time an account gets locked out.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'dataPath')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataPath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'xmlPath')]
        [PsfValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ }, ErrorMessage = 'Path does not exist: {0}')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataCode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'xmlCode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataPath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataCode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataPath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataCode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataPath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'dataCode')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'xmlPath')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'xmlCode')]
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        $Executable = 'powershell.exe',
        $Author = $env:USERNAME,
        #region Resolve Task XML
        $registrationXML = @'
 -f $Author, $Description
        $filterXML = @"
    <Query Id="0" Path="$LogName">
        <Select Path="$LogName">*[System[Provider[@Name='$Source'] and EventID=$EventID]]</Select>

        if ($SubscriptionXML) { $filterXML = $SubscriptionXML }
        $subscriptionText = ($filterXML -split "`n" -replace '>', '&gt;' -replace '<', '&lt;' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }) -join ""
        $triggerXML = @'
        <Value name="Channel">Event/System/Channel</Value>
        <Value name="EventRecordID">Event/System/EventRecordID</Value>
 -f $subscriptionText
        $settingsXML = @'

        $actionXML = @'
  <Actions Context="Author">
      <Arguments>-NoProfile -File "þfilepathþ" -Channel "$(Channel)" -EventRecordID "$(EventRecordID)" -Subscription {1}</Arguments>
 -f $Executable, $SubscriptionName
        $runLevel = 'LeastPrivilege'
        if ($Elevated) { $runLevel = 'HighestAvailable' }
        $userText = ' <UserId>S-1-5-18</UserId>'
        if ($Identity -and $Identity.UserName -ne 'SYSTEM')
            if ($Identity.UserName -as [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) { $userSID = $Identity.UserName -as [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier] }
            else { $userSID = ([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$Identity.UserName).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) }
            $userText = " <UserId>$($userSID)</UserId>"
        if ($Identity)
            if ($Identity.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
                $userText += @'

        $principalXML = @'
    <Principal id="Author">
 -f $userText, $runLevel
        $taskXml = @'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
 -f $registrationXML, $triggerXML, $principalXML, $settingsXML, $actionXML
        #endregion Resolve Task XML
        #region Resolve ScriptCode to $newScriptText
        if ($ScriptCode) { $scriptText = $ScriptCode.ToString() }
        else { $scriptText = Get-Content -Path $ScriptPath -Raw }
        $errors = $null
        $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($scriptText, [ref]$null, [ref]$errors)
        if ($errors)
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Install-EventSubscription.SyntaxError' -EnableException $EnableException
        if (-not $ast.ParamBlock)
            $offset = 0
            if ($ast.EndBlock) { $offset = $ast.EndBlock.Extent.StartOffset }
            if ($ast.ProcessBlock) { $offset = $ast.ProcessBlock.Extent.StartOffset }
            if ($ast.BeginBlock) { $offset = $ast.BeginBlock.Extent.StartOffset }
            $newScriptText = ""
            if ($offset) { $newScriptText = $scriptText.SubString(0, $offset) }
            $newScriptText += @'
param (

            $newScriptText += $scriptText.SubString($offset)
        elseif (-not $ast.ParamBlock.Attributes.TypeName.FullName -eq 'CmdletBinding')
            $offset = $ast.ParamBlock.Extent.StartOffset
            $newScriptText = ""
            if ($offset) { $newScriptText = $scriptText.SubString(0, $offset) }
            $newScriptText += @'

            $newScriptText += $scriptText.SubString($offset)
        else { $newScriptText = $scriptText }
        #endregion Resolve ScriptCode to $newScriptText
        $subscriberCode = Get-Content -Path "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\scripts\Subscriber_EventLauncher.ps1" -Raw
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        Invoke-PSFCommand -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential -ArgumentList $taskXml, $newScriptText, $subscriberCode, $SubscriptionName, $Identity -ScriptBlock {
            param (
            #region Set up scriptfiles
            $encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($true)
            $rootPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\EventSubscriptions"
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $rootPath)) { $null = New-Item -Path $rootPath -ItemType Directory -Force }
            $subscriberPath = "$rootPath\Subscriber_EventLauncher.ps1"
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($subscriberPath, $SubscriberCode, $encoding)
            $scriptFolder = "$rootPath\subscriptions"
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $scriptFolder)) { $null = New-Item -Path $scriptFolder -ItemType Directory -Force }
            $scriptFilePath = "$scriptFolder\$SubscriptionName.ps1"
            [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($scriptFilePath, $NewScriptText, $encoding)
            #endregion Set up scriptfiles
            #region Set up task
            $parameters = @{
                Force    = $true
                Xml         = $TaskXml -replace 'þfilepathþ', $subscriberPath
                TaskPath = '\PowerShell_EventSubscriptions\'
                TaskName = $SubscriptionName
            if ($Identity.UserName) { $parameters['User'] = $Identity.UserName }
            if ($Identity -and $Identity.GetNetworkCredential().Password) { $parameters['Password'] = $Identity.GetNetworkCredential().Password }
            $null = Register-ScheduledTask @parameters
            #endregion Set up task